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My very first warrior or the 13th Legion


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Hi guys, Just wanted to share to pics of my finished Ultramarine Space Marine. This is the very first miniature I have ever painted and any comments, suggestions and overall kind words would be greatly appreciated. Thanks




and of course, the back. The backpack and Bolter I left separate from the model and painted it today. Already I felt more confident and I think that the edge highlights came out much better

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Your right. i highlighted the metal parts, but I left the base of the gun black. Duh :0

I'll probably get some sand this weekend to finish up the base and put this one aside for now. 


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Thanks. Yup, that was my very first one. I'm getting into tabletop gaming a little late in life which maybe gives me the patience to take my time with each step. I've been researching by reading and watching almost anything I can get my hands on for like a month.


After washing, I went back and cleaned up and started making highlights. If I can get the edge highlights on the Marine to look like the ones on the Bolter, I'm home free :)

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Quick question for the experienced painters. Do you keep painting whole squads or do you alternate? I want to try painting an Emperor's Children scheme on a CSM and then paint my Ultramarines. I thought that way it might be better to spice things up rather than just painting blue, over and over again

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To be honest it's whatever keeps you interested.


I'd say if your looking to paint efficiently, ie. you've got a deadline (needing the squad for a tournament or something) then paint by squad in stages. Work your way through them, paint all your blue bits, then all your metal bits etc.


If your just painting because you want to, then paint whatever you want, whenever you want.


Because I don't usually game, I tend to flit between projects. But theirs no better feeling than seeing a fully completed squad after all your work.

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Oh yeah, looking damn good for your first marine.


As Firepower said, get that fella based. It may not seem like much but it makes a world of difference to the mini and ties a whole squad together nicely.


Got any ideas on what type of theme you'll be going for on the base?

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I suppose you're right. I'm mighty proud of my first, little marine. Would be great feeling to have a whole squad.

Thanks for the advice. When I start my tactical squad i'll do just that. Go through and base all of them, them wash etc. etc. 

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For the base, I was thinking of getting some sand and painting it a beige or a light brown color and then washing with Army Painter Soft Tone to give it some definition. Maybe then I'll add 2 spots of grass and do the rim with GW's Steel Legion Drab...

What do you think?

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It's definitely one to be proud of mate. Really good work for your first ever marine.


Just noticed, drill out your bolter barrel. A 1mm drill through the hole in the side and then drill through the centre, makes it look miles better.


Sounds good for the base. Not too much work, but not too simple either.


I've always went the extra mile with my bases (and always regretted it at some point or another lol)


Definitely looks like your on the right track though. I look forward to seeing more of your work

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For the base, I was thinking of getting some sand and painting it a beige or a light brown color and then washing with Army Painter Soft Tone to give it some definition. Maybe then I'll add 2 spots of grass and do the rim with GW's Steel Legion Drab...

What do you think?

Here's a dead simple basing scheme that works nicely....


wash with Agrax Earthshade (or Army Painter Strong Tone)

Drybrush with Tyrant Skull

add Army Painter Winter Tufts to taste

that's what I did with these guys


Very nice miniature by the way, you certainly wouldn't know it was your first go if you hadn't told us thumbsup.gif

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@Mahoo, thanks for the kind words, dude. I'm gonna try and finish the base up over the weekend (once get some sand).

@ facmanpob, nice idea. Does washing the sand keep it place though?. I've read that you should either paint it or glue it before you prime to keep little bits from falling / rubbing off? I really took my time with the little guy and I'm glad you like it thanks.gif

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I always leave it 24 hours for the PVA glue to go off, then so long as I'm careful with the wash its fine. I always leave the base til last and haven't had a problem with the glue failing.....I water down the wash 1:1 with water, so just touching the brush to the base has the paint flooding off it onto the sand. I then leave it another few hours to completely dry before drybrushing. smile.png
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Quick question for the experienced painters. Do you keep painting whole squads or do you alternate? I want to try painting an Emperor's Children scheme on a CSM and then paint my Ultramarines. I thought that way it might be better to spice things up rather than just painting blue, over and over again

I can say I usually have a side proyect like fantasy or thanks to the new rulebook an allied detachment. I especially like the allied detachments.

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Quick question for the experienced painters. Do you keep painting whole squads or do you alternate? I want to try painting an Emperor's Children scheme on a CSM and then paint my Ultramarines. I thought that way it might be better to spice things up rather than just painting blue, over and over again


Well, for a long time I would break up the monotony of squad painting by pausing to paint a special character of the same army.  But eventually I burned out almost entirely on painting Black Templars.  I've had the same five half completed Templars sitting on my desk for maybe a year at this point.


I killed time by playing around with other colors on other models.  I tried to master purple(s), which didn't end particularly well.  I tried Necrons, and didn't manage to complete a single squad.  They actually became my test models for toying with different colors instead.  Then I went back to Tau, and managed to get half a squad and 1 Pathfinder painted before I got bored with them.


Really, it comes down to feeling passionate.  The passion got sucked out of me on Templars because the painting became monotonous, and then 6th Edition killed my freshly completed 2k point army (the first I ever managed to build and paint after over 10 years of piddling about in the hobby).  I didn't feel passionate about 'Crons.  I rather like Tau, but I find the models tedious.


And so I made a DIY that I really like, and came back with that.  Add in an ETL event and a brand new foray into airbrushing, and you've got a happy, industrious painter :)


You may find passion in playing around with new colors, in which case you'll probably jump about between armies a lot.  You may find yourself passionately attached to a single Chapter and paint scheme.  Or you may find another delight entirely.  


But passion can ultimately be worn down, and when that happens it's a lot better to go do something else for a while and amuse yourself some other way than to barrel on through.  Doing the former can help you eventually come back refreshed and ready for more.  If you do the latter, you may find yourself hating what you once loved.


Hope that little rant/history lesson helps :teehee:

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That does help. I hnow what you mean by "barreling" through and that never worked for me either. I need to find something else, then come back.


Luckily I don't have that problem with Warhammer as that was my first miniature. I really enjoyed painting and it was a good way for me calm down and relax after a hard week.


I picked up a small box of Chaos Marines and I want to try a simple Emperor's children color scheme and then get back to my squad of Ultramarines.

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About once a year I have a "meh" moment, where the concept of painting fills me with despair. This will last anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months, and often involves either a stupendously good computer game or box set of DVDs distracting me (or going on a 2 week holiday and losing the momentum). Earlier this year it was World of Tanks that distracted me, and I didn't pick up a paintbrush for over a month. Then the ETL II came along and all of a sudden I was motivated to finish all my terminators. I'm fortunate in that as a Dark Angels successor chapter, I sort of have 3 armies in 1 (Deathwing, Ravenwing and Greenwing) and while they have similar paint schemes, they are different enough that I can move from one to the other to get a change.

As far as squad painting versus individual painting goes, I find that 5 miniatures is the most I can reasonably cope with. I'm not the fastest painter, and don't have an airbrush, so construction line painting gets very tedious for me with more than 5 models on the conveyor belt. The downside to that is that I painted the first 5 tactical marines from Dark Vengeance 6 months ago, and the other 5 are still on the paint table....(my excuse is that its not like I don't already have enough tactical marines painted!)

By far the most important thing for me though, is maintaining the momentum. Once I get a good streak going of sitting down and doing something most nights...even if its just drilling some bolters or applying a basecoat or two....then I find it much much easier to sit down and get stuff done. I even enjoy it smile.png

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Started working on my second Ultramarine (this one will see table time - the very first one is going on a special stand and on the shelf). I think it's getting better. I'm trying to remember the fundamentals and all of the advice everyone gave me. Keeping the paint thin, working in layers, taking my time. I think the current WIP is pretty good...


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Since the second one will face of against an endless sea of heretics, I wanted him to be a bit more battle ready. I'm not a fan of decals - never was. Even as a kid doing plastic airplane models, it was the decals that I dreaded the most. Now, I know that there are dozens of chemicals and solutions available now to make the process "easier", but I'm still not convinced.


When I start working on my full tactical squad, i'm gonna order form GW the Ultramarine shoulder pads so I can just paint the damn thing white and be done with it. But, I'm still using the small snap-fit 3 marine set, I decided to try some free-hand:



Thanks to Garfy from Tale of Painters for an excellent tutorial :) 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm a big promoter of freehand for simple things like squad insignia and chapter symbols, I think it adds that little bit more character to each model. 


That, and like you I detest decals and often find it quicker to paint the symbol on than to fight with the decal for hours!

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