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IG dune buggy

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Ramshackle does a lot of vehicles. Antenocitis has a patrolcar. Secret Weapon Minis do a wheeled chimera sized kit. Puppetswar does some more orky vehicles, they might work for some regiments though. Blightwheel do have a vehicle too, it's about the price of a chimera though.

I'm pretty sure there are some other companies as well that do 28mm buggies or cars.


It might be worth looking into toys as well, Robogear toys were pretty popular with Ork-converters for some time, they also had a buggy called Hunter, not sure about the sizes though. Then there was also a Halo buggy replica that I actually saw on the B&C as Landspeeder counts as. Should be this one if I'm not mistaken.


Depending on what you are going for and what you want to do with them some of these might be more suited for your purposes than others.


Last but not least of course military scale models. 28mm would translate to about 1/60, but due to heroic scale and the small size of 40k vehicles you might get away with different scales (not really sure about that one).

Problem with those is that the grade of detail is finer then on most GW models, so they might look out of scale either way. On the upside you might get lucky and find some for cheap in a bargain bin at your local scale model train shop or something like that.


It might also be useful to look through Inq28 or Necromunda blogs and forums to see what they came up with for their vehicles, I can only make an educated guess about appropiate scales as I haven't had to look for alternative/civilian vehicles yet.


Hope that helps a bit anyway.





Just rembered this article. Pictures pretty much speak for themselves, but this is the interesting part (translated):



1:43 is mathematically too big, but fitting rather well with 30-32mm Heroic Scale as the Infinity, Hasslefree, Reaper and Mantic miniatures show.


There's an old metal cadian in there too btw.


Food for thought. I'm thinking about some ideas for terrain right now.

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