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Nurgle GD Slave?


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I wanted to get peoples thoughts and opinions on running an "enslaved" Fateweaver in my army. My plan was to convert this model here;


Its Galrauch the Chaos Dragon just in case the link doesn't work yes.gif

I wanted to paint him in nurgle colors and green stuff a noose around one of the heads and use jewelry chains to bind the other head and arms. And model nurglings holding the chains and dancing around the base mocking him. I wanted to try and convey the whole Tzeentch-Nurgle hatred thing. Plus I really love the look of the model and managed to get a good deal off of ebay for an old metal one. But obviously it would run as my "counts as" Fateweaver. Would this cause problems for you to play against? Can a daemon be captured and over powered fluffwise? Thanks for the input guys/gals...

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I like the idea. Technically I personally wouldn´t have a problem with you playing it. But I´m not positive about size issues. Are they both about the same size. If not I would personally say, that there may be some people who will refuse to play it. (Yes, probably not alot, but there´s always one guy who has to complain). 


My say: Go for it. It is an awesome idea and rule of the cool wins on the table ;). As to if it would be possible to capture a daemon like fateweaver, I would highly doubt it. But it´s a game. All your choice ;). I would most certainly enjoy playing someone who puts that kind of effort into his army!

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Since Chaos is a mutable and fluid thing, I wouldn't have anything against it. Maybe during one of the waxing  phases of Nurgle's power, it started to dominate some of Tzeentch's domain and managed to snag a Lord of Change, and began to convert it to become one of it's own?

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Very cool!! Thanks for the feed back guys, the model is in transit and I'm excited about starting this project. I'll post some pics once the conversion starts to take form. I was thinking of using jewelry chains to bind him, do you guys know if they sell stuff like that at Hobby Lobby?
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They might, but generic hobby stores tend to jack the price up on stuff like that. An alternative could be Wal-Mart, I've picked up a few lengths of chain from their hobby section which work pretty well at 28mm, and they have a pretty diverse selection to get different looks to the chain.

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Not to mention that as the master of all things sneaky, Tzeentch could easily allow one of his GDs to be captured as part of some deeper plot...

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