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Magnetic flyer bases

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OK, so I despise Landspeeder bases. I've got one to make for my ETL vow, and I would really like to get a magnetic base. I've found these at Back 2 Base-ix http://www.back2base-ix.com/index.php?_a=viewCat&catId=54

They're awfully pricey, and I'm not sure which size would be best for a Speeder. I've seen the Magz method here, but I really dislike the look of them and I don't want to take a screw to my models


So simply put, what is the easiest, cheapest, and most effective way to make a magnetic flying base? I've seen some people simply cut the end off of the standard flying base and glue a magnet to it, but that seems like something that would snap off real easily. I've found guides scattered around the net, but almost invariably they're old enough that all the picture links are broken tongue.png

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My immediate thoughts: put a magnet in the model, drill out the end of the flying base pillar and glue a steel nail into it so that the hail's head sits on top of the pillar. If you saw off the nail to maybe 3–5 mm long first, you won't have to drill as far into the pillar.


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