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How to deal with the new Eldar?

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I will be facing the new eldar with my Iron Warriors this coming Wednesday (1 week today) and was wondering if anyone had any tips for me when building a list and playing against them? The game is 1500 and I have a rather strong feeling he will be using at least one unit of fire dragons and dark reapers, but I cannot be sure. I have a wide range of models available to me (but only one heldrake until I go to forge world to pick up a helblade I will be using as one :) ) - this being said he knows that I have a heldrake so will be taking some form of AA. 

Thanks for the advice in advance guys :) 


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Noise Marines are always a good choice to take if you have them denies all those cover saves and has Str8 Ap3 weapons. If no noise marines then lots of autocannons.

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So, the game ended up being a doubles game (chaos + BA vs DE + eldar) 
Blood angel player did very little except crack open a few AV10 tanks and get in the way and hold some units up 
Blast masters rock, got rid of a weapon platform, 3 bike things (that then ran off the board) and 4 guardians and a venom.
The blast masters + jump pack lord with brand (soul blaze rocks) and heldrak seriously stomped the eldar into the ground - turn 2 they had nearly nothing left and half the DE where walking :) Not scared of eldar at all now, ignore cover = win :P  

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This is correct on many levels :P In the game today, the eldar player got a little upset and started saying that chaos are cheaty, this even made our store manager laugh. Basically he ended up revising his "all chaos is cheaty" to "heldrakes, noise marines and death guard are cheaty" and then also tried to add the lord with jump pack and brand to that :P

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The only thing we had trouble with was when we where hit with assault from the DE, that was only 2 units of blood brides and a unit of incubi with an arcon in - just had to many things to shoot down/LOS stopped us from being able to take them but by the time they got there the game was already won

Also, heldrake = win VS war walkers smile.png soul blaze just racked up the kills on everything!!

Would also like to add that we played the weird rules for planets in the back of the book and had permanent night fight that didnt go in our favour as DE ignore it and the eldar had a DE IC in them to make them ignore it as well in the units that needed it

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It sounds like the Craftworld Eldar were on foot.  Was that the case?  Did the opponent use any of the new units?


I wouldn't call Chaos cheaty, it's just that our best units happen to have strengths (ignore cover, AP3) that work perfectly to nullify what some armies rely on for survival.

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You should fear the Eldar... or the general I guess. A good Eldar list with a good player will be a pain for most armies (depending on what both sides have taken). That being said... people do get carried away. The key to winning against any Eldar army is to take away the initiative. Bring them down to your level and then beat them with experience.


As for Chaos being cheaty... sounds like a case of bad loser... The Heldrake is a little nasty :P My Eldar were once called cheesy for having 3+ saves (striking scorpions)... and this from a guy who was playing Space Marines at the time... Yup... bad loser.

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The helldrake is cheaty, let's not kid ourselves. tongue.png

As for the rest... eldar player needs to take some time to get used to their new book, try out a few different builds and options, and see what they can get to work for them.

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The things that are really scary with Eldars.


-Warwalkers with double laser scatter or whatever, with 26 reroll to hit shots for 3 Walkers, its insane..., specially when the guy plays 2x 3 Warwalkers.

-That darn Wraithknight...a model with base S10 ,T8 and W6, shouldn't exist in 40k, for Apoc its good, but for regular 40k?, nope shouldn't be allowed...

-Waveserpents...yes, you read it right, specially if the guy use their shield at each turn for the extra D6+1 S7 shots, that can be rerolled if he uses the Scatterlaser first..., wich is bollocks to me..., the thing is discharging his Shield, its not like it is aiming and thus should be affected by twinlinked or what not...

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I don't think scatter lasers twin-link other scatter lasers. I think all scatter lasers shoot first, and then the scatter lasers twin-link any weapons that fire afterwards. I could be wrong. Wraithknight isn't that great... Yeah it is scary... but the only thing that really makes this scary compared to Wraithlords is that it is fast. Instant death weapons still kill it dead... not that Chaos the best equipment to take a WK out.


Slayer... I would consider myself lucky if the Eldar player used his shield every turn. The protection it provides is far better than the attack it gives (which isn't bad). There are three situations where an Eldar player should use his shield as a weapon. 1) He has already battered your forces and taken away the main threats to his vehicles. In this case, you are already losing. 2) The Eldar player is trying to 'Alpha-strike you'; it may not be on turn one, but he plans to hit you so hard that turn that you won't be able to hurt his serpents in his next turn. 3) If the odd Waveserpent is position in such a way that it is safe from return fire.


Okay, I admit their are some other situations where you might use it. Has your serpent deployed the unit it was carrying? Do you want to try and distract some firepower away from your Fireprism? Put your field down and hope the other player takes the bait.


D6+1 S7 shots (even Twin-linked) isn't that great when you consider the AP...  The fact that it ignores cover can help is nice in some situations... but most people have armor on anyway. The best use of the shield wave is to annoy DE players XD Just watch their raiders disappear.


If you are playing Eldar players who use their shields in the first turn... Great... They are giving you a chance to do some serious damage to their transports early on. That can win you the game.Eldar win and lose battles by playing their game, while not allowing you to play yours.

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Str7 with no Ap might not be great, but its sometimes enough to open your Rhinos and blow your AV12 Walkers.


Lucky me, he missed an awefull lot of his shots, even when they where twinlinked, and its first WS was deployed in a manner that i could charge it with the Maulerfiend, but it was a lucky charge roll, as i needed a 10" and got a 12" assault range, but thats the only mistake he did.

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