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My homebrew Chapter


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First of all fellow brothers, if I am in the wrong part sorry for the wrong posting area.


I have been creating a homebrew chapter for a couple of your some what came up with a colour skeme. But what I am really here for is to make the idea true, in the sence of fluff and entering the 40k universe.


I got the idea from reading galaxy in flames and flight of flight of the eisenstein. Loved the idea of some traitor marines loyal to the Emperor survive and create a full on space marine chapter. Read so much lore it is not funny.


So to cut to the chase I will give a little of the back ground I have come up with and if people could jump in say yes or no or go about it this way. I would appreciated.


P.s I dont have pages or book mark quotes word for word some of lore I got from books.


The main character and future Chapter Master of the ( name I have given so far) Eternal Angels. Anubis Sargent in service of  Ullis Temeter - Captain, 4th Company. Survived Isstvan 3 with 4 other marines 3 from Death Guards, 1 from World Eaters and 1 from Sons of Horus.


 In the two books it does not state anything about how Death Guards fight back. In Galaxy of Flames, Garviel states to Torgaddon and Saul. That the death guard in the trenches they have had no contact with them but they just got pounded on by artillery and by titans. In Flight of Eisenstein Ullis Temeter died sealing the door so that the vires bomb did not kill his brothers, that's it.


So I came up with the fluff so far. When the Death Guards reamerged and realized the betrayel. They fortified there location in the trenches and bunkers. Anubis set up with his squad fending off for days with other fellow death guards intill. They broke into the traitor death guards broke in through some catacombs. The only way to stop this was pushing the traitors back into the catacombs and seal the way behind them.


In Galaxy in Flames, only thing world eaters loyalist charged at traitor marines but it was only ones underservice of Captain Ehrlen but does not state how many partisupated in that clash.


They continued in the endless catacombs missing much of the slaughter of the loyalist death guards. meeting small resistance but losing members. Only members left was Anubis, Taratus and Martus a techmarine. As they adanced they found a world eater apothecary fending of attacks from other world eaters and attending to his fallen or injured brothers. After some time the injured died.


As the months when bye the found a small fortified locate to hold up till. which ended up housing a damaged cargo hanger with a very damaged ship big enough to fit five marines. As Martus worked on repairing the ship.


By this time the 3 months passed and the marines tired to the surface, the loyal list destroyed, and traitors left. But in legion of one  Plague Zombies are now on the planet. As they set forth to find brothers. They found only one loyal sons of horus aka luna wolves. (have not figured how he survived).


They managed to fix the ship and get of planet, do to the ship not having warp drive. They drft through space. And put them selfs in stasis sleep. (which I read in battle of the abyss and some where else where a dark angel drifted through space with no memory for 10,000 years if I remember correctly)


Finally I will end it here to get opinions. Sorry once again for it being long hope you like it and give me opinions or change.









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The key problem with something like this is that the Imperium has become a deeply suspicious, prejudiced place. On finding supposedly loyal Marines from a Traitor Legion, the most likely response would be to quietly and quickly get rid of them. The best case scenario is that they'd be offered the opportunity to die somewhere useful, perhaps some kind of suicide mission or perhaps to join the Deathwatch as a Blackshield (which I think is what is hinted at for Garro and his brethren, although I haven't read the book?). I can't see them being trusted enough to be given a whole Chapter to take use.


Hope this is of some help!

Well I was thinking that, and having problems there. The inquisition does what every it can to stop all threats to Imperium.  Outcast dead book  loyal marine from traitor legions killed off . Garro case he and other brothers helped formed the Grey Knights. There was one book, cant remember I think Iron with in, The Emperor, told an Iron warrior loyalist to come to terra nd help build the palace.


My breff thought to some how show loyalist and serve. as time when on, they where founded my imperal guards, and reconising all there marking calling the Inquisition. Which apon evaluating them as they are in stasis. Wakes them up and as they tried to prove there loyalty they are sent on a quest to destroy a heretic uprising if they prove they complete the mission with no support other then the inquestitor. They will be taken back to terra or some where to be evaulated on what to do. The inquestitor and a planetary governar after being saved by Anubis some how, they petition. To the high lords of terra to create a chapter.


so thats my other thought on how they survive and prove there loyaty


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