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My Nurgle WIP thread

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I wanted a place here on B&C to voice my rants and to share my projects. I took some photos earlier of the Forgefiend I am currently working on. He's made of a Fantasy Giant at his core, but I have added some goodies and some GS to robo-nurgle him up. Sadly my camera battery went tits up before I could load the photos onto my laptop... So for now, only a teaser. Tomorrow, photos.


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Alright, I finally found all the chords and junk needed to start posting pictures...


So as I said in my opening post, I am converting a fantasy giant into what I am envisioning as an eldritch fprgefiend. So grotesque that the majority of the beast is fleshed out.. Here's a couple of shots of the torso:





And this is the head, but to be honest I am not as happy with it as I thought I would be when planning the model out. Any suggestions??




More real soon!

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Maybe add some kind of censer or something at the end of the "trunk" so it looks like he is breathing something in? Or maybe try to make the end into like a lamprey mouth so it looks like a weapon.

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I am going to 'boil' up his head so it looks seamless with the proboscis. I thought maybe either a horn or the organic looking exhaust tube like Typhus has atop his TDA.

I may scrap the entire head, and try something a little for metal and less organic looking,


I have the ectoplasma arms from the forgefiend kit along with the screaming exhaust pipes to mount on it's back. And I'm still figuring out what I want to do with its legs.


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