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Fear the enemy that has a newed codex?


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The point Im trying to make/discuss with this post is how much of your list/time goes into worrying about what your opponent might field?


For sure, making an educated guess is always a good idea and if you know that in a weeks time you are going to be playing a specific army then yes you should tailor your list but are you guilty of playing too defensively and picking units that only counter another enemy unit rather than picking a list that takes the fight to the enemy and puts them on the back foot?


This thought has come about as I look at finalising a 1500 point all comers lists for my first venture into 6th edition and a conversation with a gw staff member. During this conversation everything he recommended was pretty much a counter to any specific enemy unit which would have left me with none of my own units to dictate the course of the battle. I  have always believed that it is important to put pressure on the enemy and mess his plans up. For example...that DC squad that you just drop pod assaulted in causes him a round of shooting that could have been spent shooting on his terms rather than yours.  The same for plasma/melta armed sternguard or a DC/Furioso dread.You get the point.


As a final thought I just last week brought the Eldar codex just to see what they would be able to mash my army up with. In my head after a while of reading I had created a 1500 Eldar army that looked like it would smash me up good time and started to think "there is no way I can beat them".


However it then occurred to me I was building in my head a perfect counter list...was I really producing a list that would be typical of an Eldar player making up an all comers list. Cue a bit of research. A quick trip over the a couple of other well known forums and a look at some of the 1500 pt Eldar lists confirmed my thoughts and installed me with confidence. Their lists werent half has bad  (for me)as the ones I had come up with. Sure some of them I fancied taking on more than others but non of them left me thinking I couldnt give them a good fight.


Whats the point of this stating the seemingly obvious waffle again? Well the point is things arent always as bad in terms of the forces you might face as you might first imagine when a new codex comes out.

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You can edit the original post's title to fix that.


Always build your armies to take all comers. Anyone can make a list that will smash a particular other list, but that's not the way the game works, unless you and a friend pre-agree to take tailored lists.


Maybe the staffer was just telling you that you need units you don't already have to sell you stuff?

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I found the same experience when I ventured into a store to restart things. Wanted to just get a battle force but somehow ended up with the jp chappy and a captain....that's what I get for not doing any research into changes in the game/dex since I last played 8-9 years ago. In retrospect I'd never have purchased the cappy and probably would've gone for a chaplain without a jp or Lemartes....well, live and you learn. While staffers are usually very knowledgable, can't always expect them to know the meta for every army available. Make your all comers list and rely on your wits and luck when you run into those opponents where the odds are against you.
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I've given up tailoring lists or changing my list based on what my opponent may take. This edition and the updated codexes have too many options to plan my army in a defensive manner. I just take what I enjoy playing or think might work based on my playing style.


Most of my opponents also have large armies so it more difficult to know what they are likely to play (unless they just finished a new model or unit). In short, sixth edition and codexes for this edition have made the games I play become much more rock-papers-scissors than past editions with their min/max army builds.

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I will build a list to fight a specific enemy when I play friends. We consider the days leading up to the game the recon phase.


We talk about what we will bring or not bring. Sometimes we play the covert game and try and throw the other off. Makes for fun games and lots of trash talking.


None of us are WAAC players and we play for fun so it works.

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I dont get to play very often, but when I do I usually just follow Morticon, knife and fork CAG and admateus's battle lists and comments. Between the four of them pretty much everythign is covered. I dont worry about defeating perfect lists and i win more than I lose, but I try to run a fast mech list with jumpers and then either tacs or DC/Sternguard in pods.


*just realised the trope i accidently referenced and thought it was too funny to change.

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This edition brings a whole new level of competitiveness. With each new codex bringing new challenges in the form of overpowered or under costed units, we are severely left in the dust. However not all is lost. We will have our day to level out alongside the rest. What I do notice is that there doesn't appear to be a way to make an ultimate list like in the previous editions. The codex creep is done. Now it is truly a strategy game. My group and I are highly competitive and the strategy that seems to work is; pick your primary threat objectives so that they are not fully destroyed but highly wounded so that they cannot be a threat to your scoring units. This happens by taking well thought out all rounder units with 30% heavy hitters. Then just out maneuver your friends ;). Lots of drinking helps as well...
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I play with a group of 7-8 close mates, we are always setting up little 1 off games with one another, and trying to work out what each other is taking and countering it is half the fun!


We all know what is in each others model collection, but working out each others favorite units and what they might use is half the fun. Buying a new model or unit is always a big secret until you unleash it on your unsuspecting foe! Some times youve even got to be carefull what you let your wife know incase word gets back about the awsome new model you've spent far to long getting ready! Or sometimes you can give your better half false information knowing full well that she will accidentally tell your mate what you are taking! Only for him to rock up with the perfect counter for something you dont have!


One of our group in particular puts more effort into trying to counter our lists than he does into coming up with his own ideas. It's made him really easy to trick!


Our group is quite competative and the weeks in lead up to a planned game can be as fun as the game itself as we try to work out what new projects the others have been working on and what we are likely to face. I have been on the serving end and receiving end of some really well though out and devious plans! 6th edition with its allies have made it even more fun and devious as the combos you make with allies are almost limitless!


Our current rule is you must nominate your main army, but allies and everything else are fair game no need to tell your opponent what you are taking!


That said we rarely have the need to play randoms at a flgs, and I can see our way of play would not be appropriate in that environment! But our group is big enough that we can always find a game if we want. Obviously this doesn't work at a tournament as tailoring your army for 1 list is a quick way to get your but kicked by every other list! Tailoring for the meta however does work, and is fair game at a tournament!

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