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Best chapter in CC


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Short question. Using the rules, forget the fluff, which book allows to make the best chapter focused in close combat?


I am planning my next project and would like to play a pure assault army, so don't know which list could be better: space wolves, blood angels or khorne marines + khorne deamons.


Hope you can help me.



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Hey, I don't know much about BA or other codexes, but I would have thought any codex would allow you to field a mostly cc orientated army, within the limitations of the force organization chart. I suppose the BA can field a completely jump pack army (sanguiniary guard or something?) so maybe that would be "best".

I collect world eaters, and based on the chaos codex you can field pretty cc. orientated army, for examples:

  1. tac squads (which you need at least 2 of) can carry cc. weapons as well as bolters + bolt pistols. They also don't have to carry heavy weaps, which allows you to field two special weapons (e.g. 2 × meltaguns) which is good for giving them armour-killing abilities.
  2. squads of chosen can carry pretty much as many cc. weapons as you can throw at them and cost less than khorne bezerkers and get 2 attacks each. And you could, in theory, run three of them as long as you don't want termies or dreads.
  3. khorne bezerkers are pretty mental. Annnd, if you run a chaos lord (or Khârn!) then you can take them as troops - win!!
  4. even havoc squads don't need to carry heavy weapons - you can have a champion with cc. stuff and four guys with flamers or meltaguns.
  5. terminators are pretty hardy and can be given lightning claws (no thunder hammers though ermm.gif )
  6. assault squads - you can take 3 in the standard organisation and these are pretty good at cc. I'm planning to run one squad as cc. and one smaller squad with meltaguns to worry tanks.

So, like I said, I think the standard chaos codex is pretty nifty for close combat based army, so there's my two cents.

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While these aren't exactly competitive they're certainly fluffy and fun choices. You can also take Maulerfiends for heavy support as well as Defilers. Maulerfiends are incredibly quick and will make short work of any vehicles. They can also be equipped with lasher tendrils, which will reduce the attacks of anyone they're in melee with. Defilers are pretty expensive and a little harder to dedicate a role to, but they can run up the board alongside the rest of your units, possibly soaking fire but they die pretty quickly. They're no slouches in CC though and they also carry battlecannons.

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For what it's worth, Blood Angels codex can take Drop Pods, and have Better Landraiders (as dedicated transports even) and take assault squads with Jump packs as troops, and are loyalists so get All the Toys and good rules and no "ACCEPT ANY CHALLEGE, NO MATTER THE ODDS!!!!!!!!!!!!shift1111" that chaos just HAS to have (Thanks Phil), and can have Real Khorne Beserkers/Chosen (Death Company) with embedded power weapons.


It's also a Ward book, so it's effective and can be played dirty.


I suppose what I'm saying is that Codex Blood Angels gives you better tools than Codex Chaos Space Marines does.


You can still do it with Chaos Space Marines, but you have to work harder, and won't have FNP natively unless you take Mark of Slaanesh and the Icon of Excess which is VERY useful against Vanilla Marines (hitting before them) but the magic flag guy drops the happy stick or he get's Precision Shotted and no more FNP.

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