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Puppets War Barbarian Armors?


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Has there been any discussion of the Puppets War barbiarian armors (linky)? Or their related heads or shoulder pads or whatever? Here's a pic of some example assembled dudes:




I know I'm not the only one who's a bit less than thrilled with how the GW chaos marines have held up over the years. I prefer the look of the DV chosen to these models, but there isn't a multipart kit in that style, and doesn't seem to be one coming soon, and converting any significant amount of infantry from the six in the starter box, plus the one aspiring champ and maybe the raptors, is a chore, and doesn't give you much to work with.


The puppets war models seem like they might be a workable compromise, though they are admittedly a fair chunk pricier than the regular GW haos marines, one you account for shoulder pads, heads, weapon options, and bases. On the up side, they come pre-slotted for magnets, and the same site sells magnets ro fit at a fair price.


A look at their facebook page shows they're working on other new products as well, including some chaos looking claw arms (link) and some neat looking jump packs (link again), both of which seem like they would be intended to be compatible with the above armor sets via magnets.



So... has anybody seen these before? Picked any up? Seen any reviews? The designs look pretty good, but I've heard some complaints about the casting quality (yet more link), and the prices aren't exactly cheap....

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I've used their bionics set (Link) before and that was pretty good quality. Though it had a lot of flash and was a bit warped. But nothing that couldn't be corrected with some hot water. So if that's any indication, the quality of the Barbarian Armors should be pretty good as well.

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I can vouch for the shoulderpads and weapons, they're nice quality just require some trimming. Easily fit with GW minis, but I'm not sure about the full models as I haven't gotten any yet. Also very interested in these as they look pretty nice I think.

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