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2000pt Nurgle list, cc needed


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As the title says I have a 2000pt list I need some reviews of, here it is.



Chaos lord on bike with MON, burning brand, power fist, sigil of corruption, and blight grenades 160pts


Sorceror on bike with MON, sigil of corruption, blight grenades 150pts



3 squads of 7 Plague marines with 2 plasmaguns, power axe, rhino with combi plasma, and dirge caster 258pts each


1 squad of 7 Plague marines with 2 plasmaguns, powerfist, rhino with combi plasma, and dirge caster 273pts


Fast Attack

2 Heldrakes with baleflamers 340pts

10 bikers with MON, 2 meltaguns, 10 X vets of the long war 300pts


Total comes out to 1997. I will catch alot of flak over having 2 drakes in my list with my local gaming group, but o'well. I'm getting tired of having my but handed to me by Tau and Wolves.

Any comments are welcomed, tear the list apart if need be. Thanks in advance.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good looking list. What kind of armies are you usually up against? Is it just Tau and Space Puppies?


If I were to make one suggestion, it might be to drop the Sorcerer on the bike and use the points to give The Lord a Black Mace. I more often than not run a Biker Lord with the Burning Brand and the Blackmace and its yet to let me down. *touch wood*

Any remaining points could go towards running some Chaos Spawn alongside The Lord to give him the extra saves. Your opponents have then got some tough choices about where their priorities lie, the 10 man bike squad, the Heldrakes or The Lord with Spawn Bodyguards. Meanwhile you let you Rhinos do their thing and get those objectives.


Of course if you have a specific role in mind for the Sorcerer then it makes my suggestion redundant, but that's my 50 cents.

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... What Bukimimaru said.

If you don't like the Black Mace, consider dropping the Power Fist for a Lightning Claw, or something that strikes at initiative, and find 5 points for Melta Bombs. I'd feel that in most challenges striking at initiative is more important than high strength, and if you did need high strength, you'd have Melta Bombs.

Other than that, I really like it. Best of luck for your games.

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