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I'm getting back into the game after a LONG hiatus. I'm really not kidding, the last time I played an organized game of 40k, was Rogue Trader. From my perspective, the figures have gotten more and more interesting, as has the game. In all honesty, the possibility of allies is what really pulled me back to what has always been an interest. So, I'm painting some Marines (none of the GW favorites, though) to hopefully join in some small points games before Apocalypse really gets into the swing and then I want to add some IG or other Imperium based troops as allies.



I have two Tactical squads and Rhinos, a scout squad, an assault squad, a Razorback for my command squad and Captain (non-terminator), a chaplain (w/ jump pack) and a Librarian (non terminator). As soon as I get that stuff painted, I plan to get a Predator (or two), some terminators and maybe an Aegis wall. I'm also eyeing some aerial support for my Marines, as that stuff looks really nice and shouldn't completely break the bank.



While I understand that, at the points levels I'll be playing I'll only be able to take 2 of the HQ choices, I have a few questions. I'm unclear on reserves, so would another tac squad in a Drop Pod be a good addition to an "any opponent" sort of army? Also, do the marines have any good artillery or is it all direct fire? I don't really have a points base to shoot for at the moment. I thought it would be better to get a half company, or so, and have more points than I need, then tailor my response force to what I want to bring rather than have only a small points and take everything I have.


Looking forward to getting back into painting and converting miniatures again.

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Welcome back to the hobby! To answer your question about the artillery, the only thing that can indirectly fire is the Whirlwind. Everything else is direct fire only. What points levels are you looking at playing?

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Ultimately, I'd like to have a decent force that could play anything from 500 (or so) up to 2000+, but my current goal is to have around 1200 - 1850 in usable points. So, not including the "overlap" in HQ, since I can only use a max of two of the three options I currently own at that points range.

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