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How would you paint oil spilling to ground?

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Hello, dear fellows. I'm trying to make a base decorated with a lot of broken vehicle/mech equipments (broken tracks, engine, Dreadnought arm/leg, etc) and I would like to paint some kind of "oil/fuel" spilling from those parts (as severed arm on the ground would spill blood) to demonstrate death/wound of the machines. Problem is that I really do not know how to actually make effect like it (with what combination of paints). Can someone help me?

I'd imagine a combination of washes, glazes and gloss. Surprisingly I've never seen anything like this before. A quick google search didn't turn anything up (other than oil spilled onto grass.... So black grass lol)


I hope someone manages to help out here. Sounds like it could look pretty sick if done right

Paint a black spot on the base, make sure it dries completely then put a thick gloss coat on top. from the center out use washes in this order making a central dot surrounded by rings starting with purple then blue and last green kinda blending the colors where they meet. It will just look black when viewed from a normal distance, but if you were to pick up the model it would have a nice oil slick look to it as the light shined through the gloss finish. (do all of these washes while the gloss coat is still wet)

I'd say Skawolf has covered the painting side of it.

Modelling-wise you could use a hot glue gun to very carefullu do a trickle (or stream) of glue coming from whatever is leaking it (a pipe, barrel, punctured tank, etc) and paint it once it's dried.


If you want something finer, I saw the following done for a spray of blood:

Get a short length of hair. Either cut some to length or use an eyelash or eyebrow hair. Holding it carefully hanging downward, apply some superglue along the length of the hair. The glue, as a liquid, will naturally form beads. As it's being held with thei hair pointing downward the beads should dry looking like a stream of blood/oil/depending on how you paint it.


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