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The lure of the Blood God......


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I have been looking for a close assault army for the longest time to complete my tactical triumvirate of armies and though I've tried to remain a staunch Imperial player, I just can't find what I'm looking for among the Imperial codices. I've always (secretly) loved the World Eaters; their simple brutality that contrasts so well with their martial excellence. Not for them the simple hacking with blunt cleavers that epitomises the Orkoid method of war, World Eaters are consummate warriors who ply their trade in the simplest fashion. 


The problem I have is this:

1) I HATE the Khorne Berzerker models with a passion.

2) I haven't been able to come up with a World Eater list that doesn't consist of just Khârn and as many Berzerkers as possible, and while this appeals to the purist in me, I'm only too aware that down that path lies my doom.


What would you filthy traitors suggest? Lacking in the likes of Cult Terminators, how would I go about collecting not a Khornate army, but a World Eaters army? As with all my army lists, the aim is 2000 points.   

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There's plenty of stuff you can do to make a World Eaters army. If ADB's work with Khorne's chosen has proven anything, it's that not all World Eaters need to be crazed berzerkers. Why not use Khorne-marked CSM for your World Eaters? Give 'em Close Combat Weapons and they'll be tasty at range with bolters and special weapons, as well as enough cc power to hold their own when the enemy finally grows a pair and engages in close assault.


Havocs with Autocannons (also known as Khorne's Teeth) are also a pretty good choice. nice and cheap with plenty of light-vehicle punching power. And of course, Maulerfiends can be beautifully Khornate. In fact, it probably wouldn't be too difficult to convert the Chaos star on top of their hulls into a World Eaters logo.


That's all I have to offer right now. Good luck!



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Could always grab the forge world stuff and use them as counts as? (your wallet won't like you for it but you'll be able to run them as 30 & 40k)


Although I've only just started gaming (hence my lack of knowledge in what works in games and what doesn't), you could always run standard marines but with close combat weapons? Fluffy and versatile (take that second part with a pinch of salt lol)


If your going 'Eaters rather than just Khorne you've got free reign over what you take rather than just marines with axes. A really punchy HQ backed up with some fire support (preds, dreds, vindicators etc)

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Hate Zerkers models?, no problem use a mix of Possesed, Raptors and CSM kits, they work Wonders.


Possesed Torsos's, Shoulders pad+ Raptors legs and CCW, with CSM back packs and Heads.


Now if you don't want to fill Khârn(wich is a shame) you can always Go with a Khornelord with Axe of Blind Fury, sigil of corruption, Gift of mutation and if you play bikes on a bikes or Jugger.


Personnaly i play

-Khârn+8Zerkers in a LR,

-Juggerlord with Axe, sigil and Gift of mutation.

-8 Zerkers in a Rhino,

-10 CSM of Khorne, CCW and 2 Meltas, in Rhino.

-1 Heldrake.

-5 Bikes with 2 meltas.

-1 Maulerfiend



And i'm pretty happy with this list.

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You could use a bunch of maulerfiends, MoK CSM with meltas inside rhinos and your choice of a lord with AoBF on a bike or jugger. If you use a jugger, you'd want spawn as his escort. If you go with a bike you'd want bikers as an escort. Jugger makes him slightly stronger but he becomes somewhat hamstrung in combat as spawn have no champions to take challenges, whereas bikers have a champion to take the challenge while the lord slaughters the squad. As far as anti-air goes from here it gets a bit trickier. You could use your other two FA slots for helldrakes, take one hades and one bale, or even just do both hades if you're having AA problems.


Anyway this is just an example list you could use, you can certainly tweak it, remove things or come up with something entirely different.

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