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And the Supplement for CSM is....


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So uhh... hell yes?  Lord of Tzeentch on disk with 3++ and this thing... I call him Uncle Bad Touch.


PS - This is from the iTunes page, I didn't do anything bad, haha.

Great catch !

Fun fact : the Hand of the Night was recovered by a Night Lords warband before ending up in Abaddon's claws. Take that, Kol, you fluff bunny !

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From my reading, Abby gave Mort the hand, not the fortress. The fortress is likely the one Abby shoved the Heart of Chaos into, creating for all intents and purposes a physical body in real space for the full splendor of the chaos god Slaanesh. Assuming any of that old EoT fluff survives.


Anyway, I love the fluff for the Oath-Broken. Perhaps I'll have cause to pick up some 3rd party bionics conversion bits at some point.


The hand fluff is great, too, but I doubt I'd ever use the item itself. Just seems a bit pricey for what it does. I could be proven wrong, though.

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In the old, pre-6th Eye of Terror fluff, Abby sent his chosen to the center of the Eye of Terror, to retrieve the 'Heart of Chaos', the point from which the Eye of terror, Slaanesh's birth cry, first broke into the material world. They returned successful. When Abaddon launched his Black Crusade, he did so with the two Blackstone Fortresses that he had won in the Gothic war. One of them was possessed by greateer warp entity, as a lesser entity might provide the possessing spirit within a defiler or heldrake. But what dread entity could claim an entire Blackstone Fortress as it's physical body - an incredibly massive star-crossing battle station with power to flense a planed or slay even one of the star vampires? Eldrad discovered the truth when he sent his mind into the fortress in an attempt to banish the spirit within as his soul was consumed by the Eldar's Dark Prince.


I don't recall if the connection between the Chosens' quest to retrieve the Heart and Slaanesh's subsequent physical incarnation in the Blackstone Fortress was ever made overt, but to me the connection always seemed to be pretty clear.

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There's almost always chronalogical issues with 40k fluff, that's when you have to remember it's a game and just ignore it. That's what I choose anyway.


That hand might be useful if you're tailoring a list, IE if you're going against a circus, nids or alot of the newer MC models. Just give it to a MoS lord on a bike and go hunting.

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So we have an uber power fist that hits on Initiative, for 50 that might be an overkill weapon but imagine that on a Terminator or Biker Lord, oh the sadistic side in me just screamed of joy. That means an instant kill for 2/3 of things out there and most probably a wound guaranteed on everything that remains. 50 points is steep but you wound and penetrate vehicles on 2+...a brutal thing. A perfect substitute for one of the most favorite Lord setups out there, Chainfist/Lightning Claw...with way way better stats and killing potential, simply because it is in theory a chainsfist that hits on Initiative step.


As for the Oath-Broken I love the concept and this provides me a legit background for those few CSM models that I traded which are quite bad assembled or have missing parts. A raid in my bitz box and I have a veritable Oath-Broken squad I think. Good for a cannon fodder unit of cheap CSM with no upgrades. Now I only have to find a way to make an Aspiring Champion with a power whip for the squad. 


As for the whole Blackstone, Mortarion, Hand of Darkness thing, you do not secure an allegiance of a traitor legion or even a single glace from a daemon primarch without some hefty tribute. On the other hand the DG seem to be the most cooperative traitor legion out there and Abe is wise to secure their support. I guess the BL has whole armories of such nice daemonic, wicked, insanely powerful and maddening trinkets. I get the feeling that the BL not only made its home from the Eye but had it mastered to some degree in an insane way but still viable enough to give them the edge. 

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It's basically Drach'nyen v2.0 (or, if you will, Drach'nyen Reborn from 2nd/3rd).. 


Do you think the Oath-broken will have some kind of rules to them? But yes, I will _definitely_ build a squad of those!

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That's actually running close to the very overstating I was talking about - overstating the influence of forums and tournament gamers' opinion. I'm the first person to say we're the loudest and proudest subfaction; I even said it above in the initial post. But in the past, you have statements like The Jeske saying how no one plays Chaos, and a few anecdotal tales of some people seeing fewer Chaos armies... but it's irrelevant in the bigger picture. Everything that numerous insiders across several companies and stockists have said to me directly counter that "tournament/forums matter" presumption. No Chaos sales suffered at all, on the front lines. No matter how much a few dozen people on B&C hated the last codex (just using B&C as an example, not implying that was the limit of the codex's criticism) - partly because their voices aren't as loud as they believed, and partly because most players don't analyse the game to the same degree we all do.


We're a fraction of an already small percentage. We see our voices written out in text a lot, and we surround ourselves with those who agree or disagree with us - but either way, they're as loud as we are. It's easy to fall into the assumption that, therefore, we matter disproportionately


And we don't. It's not an insult to say it, but it is what it is. People think authors, companies, musicians, etc. ignore forums because they're technologically stunted or can't take criticism. They ignore forums because forums are an infinitesimal representation of any fanbase (and a skewed hardcore representation, rather than an average fan), no matter how loud they claim to be, or how bonded as a community. 


While I agree that the number of 'vocal' players on forums is really small (I mean, even here it is what, not even a hundred names you see making posts?), there is no real correlation between being a tournament player and being vocal. I think the vocal minority seems to represent a fairly even cross-section of the hobby.

I mean, you have people ranging from the Jeske who can represent the hardcore tournament mentality, to people like you (though you might not make a perfect fit into 'the vocal minority') who seem be mainly driven by a love the background, and all sorts in between. I for example have attended one tournament in my life, during 3ed. Only two of those I play with regularly have attended tournaments in recent years. Some just like to drink beer and play games with their friends, and they still have the same models as they bought in 3ed, some like me are mainly into sculpting/converting and painting, so I produce new stuff. A few care a lot about the rules, a few don't care much.


But everyone cares about rules being bad. No one enjoys the fact that the local Nid player just don't want to use his Nids anymore, because the only thing you can use without getting steamrolled is TMCs with biomancy. I have yet to hear someone who thinks the new CSM codex is a good book, with the internal balance being all over the place, from broken Heldrakes to stupidly overcosted Chosen.


Non-tournament players complain about that too, and in my experience, the vocal minority reflects the bigger group of casual players fairly accurately (though the vocal minority are a bit more passionate of course, otherwise they would not be the vocal minority).


Other than that, new pieces of wargear will be awesome, especially if they don't require a specific mark to take.

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I think they would not go overboard with the Marks for the Black Legion, there has to be something spared for the cult legions. I think that if they pimp our terminators, make the chosen a reasonable unit and give us some more AP 2, AP 3 weapons we are looking at a strong antimarine army.


I wonder what will they do, if they will do something, with the Possessed...even a stock Deep Strike would be an awesome addition. 

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 No Chaos sales suffered at

all, on the front lines. No matter how much a few dozen people on

B&C hated the last codex (just using B&C as an example, not

implying that was the limit of the codex's criticism) - partly because

their voices aren't as loud as they believed, and partly because most

players don't analyse the game to the same degree we all do.

By all fronts you must be talking about world wide sales or US/UK sales . Central europe or south europe looks different , because the game is played in a different way then in UK or US . For me , just like for tenebris, there is no tournament meta , because there is little difference between "normal" and tournament armies . People don't buy stuff which is worse or which is bad , because the cost of the game is too high to end up with money stuck for 5+years in something which may not be fun [aka loses all the time] . That doesn't mean that there are no chaos players . There are of course and all of them play more or less the same lord+oblits+helldrakes+pms lists and that effective or not it does shape how many people play those lists . Why? Well it is simple if 4 guys start to play they don't want to play 4 almost identical lists . To make another example GK were popular not because draigo wing was the list to rule them all . But because 4 new players could start it and each one would have a totaly different army . It could fit their plays styles , even the money they could spend and every one of those builds worked well . Chaos even with the new addon codex still struggles to produce something different enough for more players to pick it up . What it does on the other hand is give a lot of new type fluff for chaos [not just BL] players which is always a gain for some  people .






On the other hand, it is an answer for those dastardly forced challenges

for the HQs that can't use a Force sword. And better yet, I don't see

anything that says one-time use only.

It turns all your A in to 1. In melee against a meq HQs you will be hiting on +4[50% chance to miss almost no chance to ger re-rolls to hit] wound on +2 and then they save on 3+ due to SS . for 50pts it is a trinket worth it only , if you tailor against a specific model. Or if depending how this is going to interect with a DP smash attack , it maybe worth on a DP .

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Don't forget about Hatred & VoTLW for re-rolls. Someone did some maths on dakka



Hmm, A MoS lord with it would hit before all the Tyranid's MC's except for the Hive Tyrant/swarmlord, they'd be swinging together at I5.

With CSM/CD he'd be swinging after everything except GUO, Fateweaver.

Striking before Dreadknights, Riptides, Wraithlords, C'tan Shards.

Striking WraithKnights at the same time

Striking after Avatar.

Did I miss any? There's also alotta expensive HQ's that don't have access to Eternal Warrior. Would be lucky if that Chaos Lord gained EW from a gift roll beforehand though. http://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/a/baf5f2e54c6b17d5c5d39aecadfa1272.gif

He'd also autoglance AV10 (S8 + 2D6) and could do well against vehicles.


36% to kill a dreadknight, VotLW helps a bit

36% to kill a wraithknight with shield

36% to kill most daemons, unless they are WS 6(5 with AoBF)

27% to kill a daemon with WS6

55% to kill a wraithknight without a shield, most nid MC's fit this category

It wont kill the swarmlord even without EW. going to be striking last anyway and only 20% chance to do one wound.


Not the [iWIN] button, but hey, new chaos artifacts non-aligned with specific powers is cool to me :)

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