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And the Supplement for CSM is....


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Unexpectidly the Supp give more in the Allies viewpoint, that in itself...


Even in a World Eaters type list, main force Khârn+ Zerkers has usual, and has Allies a Deamon prince with the EW+ AW item...


Now in an Apoc game, having all your DPrinces with EW will greatly Help...


or For the WE list i could go the other way around, Khorne Lord and 5-8 Chosen of Khorne with meltas..., and Khârn or Jugger Lord + CSM squad with 2 meltas and CCW...


Gotta really think about this one.

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Well, there is one thing that has piqued my interest in the new supplement. The first buyable psychic power in 6th edition...


And what a cataclysmic power it seems to be! 18" range nova power! :D

Incorrect. The first buyable psychic power was on the Iyanden supplement.


Edit: Disregard, I mistook the supplements or codices as buyable. And for all the gloom and doomers, I am actually excited about the supplement. I have more models than I can standardly use in a normal game due to double force org restrictions or hatred (allies chart). I will leave any sorrow of my purchase till after I begin to lose with my night lords by using the supplement for more flavor.


Edit 2: Looking between the codex and the supplement, yes chosen are 20 points more (vs marines (though this is like using the rules for Crimson Fists and using stern guard as scoring (not troops))). The spine shiver blade is cheaper than the murder sword and you do not have to wade through an entire army to use its benefit one time. From the codex, the dimensional key was a waste of points (takes too long to activate). The scrolls only use was no use due to randomization you have a one in 6 chance to get the prescience or something else you wanted. So that makes the axe, brand, and mace the only valid artifacts in the codex (which you all already know from reading your comments (I do love your vitriol)).

The crucible of lies could be min-maxed onto a HQ of nurgle to reroll invuls of 1. The memory is a great idea due to the fact that if you stack that on a sorceror level 3, with familiar, you can make a better Ahriman than Ahriman for less. The skull would be great for a khorne lord instead of hoping to roll those same on the chart. Those are the only points valid upgrades from the supplement that most of you we're already spending the same points on. Yes, forced leadership 9/10 is so horrible, I don't know if I can live with it (yes, sarcasm). Hatred space marines is useless, oh wait, more than 50% of the players in the world are space marines. I'll take that gamble. Yes, I'll admit buying abandon for a upgrade to terminators is a point sink (apoc). The eye would be useful on a possible iron warriors leader, yet again, in apoc. The hand is situational.

In summation, you are all used to min-maxing, look at the situation and then deem whether or not those upgrades create a better synergy for your army.

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Very no.  the obligatory vets upgrade already wasn't worth it for terminators, abby's upgrade just makes the even less efficient.  Something to be restricted to APO games, or pure fluff lists.  In general, you'd be better off taking regular terminators with neither upgrade from the parent book via allies.

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Unless you really want your termis to hit on 3s vs marines (where they will already be getting re-rolls to hit from VotLW, so almost there already) it isn't worth it in combat. For shooting, at the point where it gets you another terminators worth of hits,  you could instead buy another actual terminator:
6 plasmacide Abby VotLW termis: 10 hits , 277 pts


7 plasmacide VotLW termis: 9.3 hits , 280 pts

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I've gotta say, while I was initially disappointed, the prospect of having 4 fast attack or heavy slots is really thrilling me.  Couple that with a bad ass nova power that will be sure to annoy some people and I think it will be an interesting book to add a few new options to a CSM army.

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Just got to look at the supplement.  And I have a couple of questions about a artifact. The Last Memory of Yuranthos, the psyker artifact, gives you a psychic power called Sunburst. It's similar to the Pyromancy power of the same name.  Now, Sorcerers and Daemon Princes can roll powers on the Pyromancy.  Can you have two powers named Sunburst? The wording is the psyker knows the Sunburst power in addition to other powers he knows. Would a Daemon Prince, with both Sunbursts, be able to cast both? 

Now this one is a stretch. Wording on the artifact also says the psyker can expend 1-3 warp charges on Sunburst.  Would the Pyromancy Sunburst be able to use 2 warp charges, increasing the deadliness. Then using the artifact's Sunburst for another 2 warp charges. Essentially doing some sort of super nova?

Just thinking of a suicidal Daemon Prince jumping in the middle of a bunch of Tau or Eldar, then unleashing hell.


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Not gonna lie, I really like the skull of Kur'ngath. Hilarious fluff and despite the steep price, it offers eternal warrior.


-Terminator Armour

-Sigil of Corruption

-Skull of Kur'ngath

-Mark of Tzeentch


Yes please.

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Now this one is a stretch. Wording on the artifact also says the psyker can expend 1-3 warp charges on Sunburst. Would the Pyromancy Sunburst be able to use 2 warp charges, increasing the deadliness. Then using the artifact's Sunburst for another 2 warp charges. Essentially doing some sort of super nova?

I know it's named the same (sort of) and does act VERY similar to each other... but no where does the Pyromancy version say you can add distance with warp charges. Since they are subtlety different I would say you could actually have the both of them, and since they are considered shooting attacks that your demon prince could shoot both since it's a monstrous creature. So a 3 warp charge sunburst from Last Memory, a 1 warp charge sunburst from Pyromancy and then assaulting to clean up... sound like a party, where do I sign up? sweat.gif

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seems legit, their different powers....can you cast 2 novas a turn?

edit: no dice, you cant cast more than one nova, unless your a DP or Ahriman

Well, the question was in reference to a "suicidal Demon Prince", just a little further up on this page. I also specifically mentioned using a demon prince as well. whistlingW.gif

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I agree with the idea of up to 4 heavy support. Load down auto cannons or sky fire missiles, would be painful in any meta. The game has shifted to being able to fire the most shots per turn will most likely win. Night Lords don't win in fair fights. Paraphrased from ADB's Night Lords Trilogy.
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How do warp charges work with reserves?


You could always add some Obliterators to the deep striking Sorcerer. They have heavy flamers, right?


The stretch part on memories was coming from the artifact. The power isn't 1-3 Warp Charges, but I believe the artifact is what is allowing the additional warp charges. It states "When manifesting Sunburst.." Since they both are called Sunburst, would they both benefit from the artifact and additional warp charges. Sorry if I didn't word it like that before.


Cheesy and beardy. I'll just stick to the one being 3, the other being 1. 4D6 shots into multiple units still isn't bad.

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I don't know, making the best use of a TDA nova would involve deep striking awfully close to enemy units and risking mishap, and the soonest

 you'd be in position would be turn two, anyway.  Maybe better on a bike or disk with some bikes or spawn?

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I don't think is that risky. You're just DSing a lone termie -that is, a lone 40mm base IIRC- and by turn 2-3 the opposite forces would not be as packed as in turn one. You could safely place the termie between 6 or 7" of the enemy units and then run the 18" blast. An allied biker sorc with the dimensional key can also makes things easy, add in a Comms Relay for reserve tweaking and you can made it nice.

As a side note, suicide-bombers on't care about risks nuke.gif

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