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And the Supplement for CSM is....


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I already have an axe lord on bike half converted.  How I'm stuck wondering if I should keep him as an ally choice, or convert him to something else.  Hand lord, maybe?  Nova sorcerer?  Not sure.

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The most notable Thrice-Cursed warband seems to be the Sons of the Eye. Their warlord considered Abaddon a usurper and after breaking with Abaddon he had his warriors cut a mark across their legion icons to symbolize Horus's blindness that led to his Legion's downfall. Later he was slain by Abaddon and his warriors absorbed into the Black Legion, so he's out, but there are two other thrice-cursed warbands mentioned on the page. First is the Wolves of Horus who attempted to return to the practices of the Luna Wolves, so if you want to make a Chaos Marine army based on the pre-Sons of Horus scheme, there you go; and last is the True Sons, who still worship Horus as a god, and who erect massive effigies of him on worlds they conquer, and then symbolically burn them, presumably to mourn his death and desecration.


From what I can tell, the three described aren't meant to be an exhaustive list, either, so if you want a warband that holds to the Sons of Horus legacy, there's certainly cannon support for that now.


For that paragraph alone, the Supplement is worth it...White Coloured Chaos space marines with the wolf mark on their shoulder...


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The most notable Thrice-Cursed warband seems to be the Sons of the Eye. Their warlord considered Abaddon a usurper and after breaking with Abaddon he had his warriors cut a mark across their legion icons to symbolize Horus's blindness that led to his Legion's downfall. Later he was slain by Abaddon and his warriors absorbed into the Black Legion, so he's out, but there are two other thrice-cursed warbands mentioned on the page. First is the Wolves of Horus who attempted to return to the practices of the Luna Wolves, so if you want to make a Chaos Marine army based on the pre-Sons of Horus scheme, there you go; and last is the True Sons, who still worship Horus as a god, and who erect massive effigies of him on worlds they conquer, and then symbolically burn them, presumably to mourn his death and desecration.


From what I can tell, the three described aren't meant to be an exhaustive list, either, so if you want a warband that holds to the Sons of Horus legacy, there's certainly cannon support for that now.


For that paragraph alone, the Supplement is worth it...White Coloured Chaos space marines with the wolf mark on their shoulder...


For half the cost you can get a piece of ADB literature. That paragraph is worth it?

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I don't consider the book worth it for any given paragraph, but overall? I don't regret the cover price for the ebook version, and will quite likely pick up the hardcover as well when and if it ever sees print. As for the comparison to a BL novel - I can't buy ADB's Abaddon book at any price. It's not available until next year. And when it does come out, I'll buy that, too.


I've heard from at least one person who claims buy every codex, but feels that the supplements in general, and this supplement in particular, are horribly overpriced and anyone who buys one is a brainwashed fan boy. Sure, I spend $50 on a supplement about my personal army that I actually own and play and have followed for years and I'm a brainwashed fanboy, but they spend several hundred dollars on books for armies they neither own nor even have any intention of owning in the future, and they're the righteously indignant frugal ones.

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The most notable Thrice-Cursed warband seems to be the Sons of the Eye. Their warlord considered Abaddon a usurper and after breaking with Abaddon he had his warriors cut a mark across their legion icons to symbolize Horus's blindness that led to his Legion's downfall. Later he was slain by Abaddon and his warriors absorbed into the Black Legion, so he's out, but there are two other thrice-cursed warbands mentioned on the page. First is the Wolves of Horus who attempted to return to the practices of the Luna Wolves, so if you want to make a Chaos Marine army based on the pre-Sons of Horus scheme, there you go; and last is the True Sons, who still worship Horus as a god, and who erect massive effigies of him on worlds they conquer, and then symbolically burn them, presumably to mourn his death and desecration.


From what I can tell, the three described aren't meant to be an exhaustive list, either, so if you want a warband that holds to the Sons of Horus legacy, there's certainly cannon support for that now.


For that paragraph alone, the Supplement is worth it...White Coloured Chaos space marines with the wolf mark on their shoulder...


For half the cost you can get a piece of ADB literature. That paragraph is worth it?

You cannot compare a BL book with an army supplement.

I am sure that even a single sentence of ADB's pieces would almost certainly give birth to dozens of characterful/thematic ideas, but a paragraph in an Army supplement is the actual realisation/formalisation of the given idea. 


This realisation/formalisation of Luna Wolves actually still existing in the Galaxy is worth it...  

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@ Mal


I won't buy every codex/rule book, the hardbound books are expensive enough for me to hold off purchasing them all together to get more models/bits for my army.  I have only bought the BRB, CSM, & Demon codices.  I don't include supplements with this because they are not required for play at all, I don't own Apoc, or the FW Apoc either.


It comes down to books or models for me, I'll get the books I need to  play but that's about it.

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Then you can skip this one, as you do not need it to play.  CSM and even Black Legion armies can be run from the main CSM book easily enough, and fluff can be picked up from Lexicanum and the Black Library.


If, however, you are a big fan of the Black Legion in particular, specifically Abaddon himself, then I think the book's worth the asking price.  It's got some nice art, a lot of fluff about how Abaddon founded and shaped the legion, and info about what Abby was doing behind the scenes during each of the Black Crusades.  The scenarios seem nice, the Cityfight and Planetfall rules seem decent enough if your group uses those supplements (though Apocalypse formations might have been preferable), and the army rules, while minimal and hardly overwhelming, are at least somewhat interesting.


My primary complaints are the lack of any homing beacon or other deep strike mitigation outside of a single Cityfight strategem, which makes the Black Legion's more expensive terminators even less appealing for fluffy deep strike assault than regular book chaos terminators, and the lack of info & coverage on Black Legion personalities apart from Abaddon.  This book is all Abaddon all the time, other characters are mentioned, but not covered in any meaningful way.  You don't get anything about their histories or perspectives.  I would have much rather seen the non-Abby special characters restricted to the main book (yeah, they work with Abby sometimes, but that's what ally rules are for), with a set of new characters introduced in their place, such as the Chosen, or Doombreed, or whatever.


So it's not a slam dunk, imo.  But if you're a long time Black Legion player looking for some extra fluff and a few rules cookies to help set your chosen subfaction apart, then yeah, I think its worth the asking price.

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Well I did get the supplement, mainly as a reference source for my own limited knowledge of the Black Legion.  I had decided to reform my warband from Word Bearers to Black Legion awhile ago, so the news of the supplement was exciting.   As my warband grows I'll look for more BL literature as my army gets closer to completion.  The other reason I was excited for the supplement was my paint scheme is Justarian based, that is just too bad ass for me to not paint my Black Legion like that.




I still enjoy the supplement despite it's perceived shortcomings rules wise.

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I already have an axe lord on bike half converted.  How I'm stuck wondering if I should keep him as an ally choice, or convert him to something else.  Hand lord, maybe?  Nova sorcerer?  Not sure.


Maybe it can be done with some allies. In my case, the Red Hand Brotherhood: Those fellow Night Lords who have earn the 'right' to wear red gauntlets. A death sentence. To say the super-nova TDA sorc, some termies, one unit of chosen, one of bikers... :)


Maybe you can add a warband allied detachment who works for the Black Legion and keep your AoBF bike lord.

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Can you not put the Super-Nova on a Prince? If you can that would be just evil, essentially a super version of Telepathy Primaris power. You could fly right into the middle of the enemy and cast, the effect on a Firewarrior battle line would be wonderful to witness

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You can, but it's slightly riskier, given the prince's lower leadership.  Not a serious threat, with the spell familiar, but still, that's a lot of points to go up in smoke if you flub that roll.  I'd rather go with TDA, bike, or disk, myself.  But I'm not sure yet.

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minionboy, on 29 Aug 2013 - 16:21, said:

So I've put together some thoughts on how to use the extra FOC slots that the black legion book provides. Honestly, having extra HQ/FA/Heay slots is immensely convenient... http://www.thediceabide.com/2013/08/black-legion-using-those-new-allied-foc-slots/

Very excellent link!
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Ah yeah, I see the list now. Will have to see how it all rolls out. There is a big tournament locally here every Feb, I look forward to bringing Black Legion against all the SM lists that will be out there. :D

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I'm pretty on the fence as to what black legion allied units to take for my word bearers... would it even be fluffy? And aside from optimum build lists, would it be worthwhile?
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You would do it for the extra fast and heavy slot, avoiding units that didn't want the upgrage. For Word Bearers, though, I'd stick to daemons, on principle. Same with the cult legions. And I'd rather have guard allies for Alpha Legion or Iron Warriors.
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Just thinking about ally lists. How would a 4 Nurgle Spawn packs and 4 Maulerfiend list be? Lords would be attacked to the Spawns. Then Cultists and Plague Marines for troops. Either that, or 2 Daemon Weapon Princes with the 4 Spawns and 4 Maulerfiends. I just think a fast, overwhelming assault force would be cool to see in action.
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