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And the Supplement for CSM is....


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The point is that I have this strange feeling, almost tangible, about delusion. I hope, I really really do hope that the BL book will renew our spirit and provide us with a spark of hope, but again I have this feeling as I had before the event of our new codex, a feeling of high expetation but of grim realization. 

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I'm not sure we could cope with a decent codex/supplement, for so long the red headed step child of 40k, rather than the great enemy.

Heh, yeah.

We would sit in our darkened lairs, rocking gently, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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Well, at least the other 'great enemy' isn't faring all too well at the moment either.. what little consolation this might offer.. I guess 'crons and blues are just the 'better' enemies.. you know, you can at times ally with them, being all cuddly, and if they don't do what you tell them to, you just whack 'em like bad puppies.. or something like it..


also, I like redheads. And Chaos. Whatever that means.

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Know than if the supplement for the Black Legion is good than it is the proof that the codex is badly written, if the supplement is bad than CSM will have their lifespan shortened...


Do we really want to be an army that is good as long as its last supplement is any good? Unfortunately our current status is in a bit of a predicament...

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One should not hold high hopes for this book fixing chaos. It's not coming with new models, so we're not getting the chosen or new CSMs we want on the model front, and it's not going to bring us new transport options or drop pods - which we would want added to the primary book anyway, not restricted to some supplement. Black Legion, like Iyanden, are already arguably well covered by the main book, so most likely the Black Legion supplement, like the Iyanden one, will add little in the way of significant new rules or options. Notably, there is nothing other than a handful of special characters that would be appropriate to remove from the book when Black Legion are using it, so there's not any space to open up to add options anyway, unlike in the Farsight book.


If you play Black Legion, or are excited about Black Legion fluff, then be excited for this supplement. However, if you're not a black legion player, then lower your expectations now, because the chances of this book being CSM++ are sitting pretty at approximately zero from where I'm looking.

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Well, at least the other 'great enemy' isn't faring all too well at the moment either.. what little consolation this might offer.. I guess 'crons and blues are just the 'better' enemies.. you know, you can at times ally with them, being all cuddly, and if they don't do what you tell them to, you just whack 'em like bad puppies.. or something like it..


also, I like redheads. And Chaos. Whatever that means.

That's true, actually. I don't think that loyalists, except Grey Knights, doing much better than CSM. But at least they have a variety, each codex provides more cool stuff than CSM.

But I'm sure that will change with new vanilla SM codex, if half of the rumors are true it's going to be very good.

I still have some faith in GW though, and hope for something good from BL supplement.

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..something strange just dawned on me.. for lots and lots of years, people were debating (read: complaining ^^) over GW's various.. 'special' policies regarding lots of stuff. However, until now, I never thought they disregarded Chaos as an army or treated them badly, maybe a few missing models aside. If anything, quite the opposite. I mean, 2nd was insane, 3rd was nice (if _slightly_ overpowered at release), 3.5 was 'boss' in every which way you look at it.. (yet also the most unique and fluffy and ..yeah, I love it. A lot), then came one very, very bad codex.. and here we are, in 2013, with yet another bad (and this time also very weak) codex, and I'm not sure I'm able to debate the notion of the 'red-haired stepchild' anymore.


I guess what really broke the camel's back was adding the insult that the future C:SM appears to be, to the injury sustained by our own release..

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What really broke the back was prior to kellys release the new book was described as the refining of the gavdex, completely ignoring 4 years of complaints from csm players who want legions and options, not one/two builds and a retarded rule ported straight from woc in fantasy (where it was also considered retarded when kelly put it in the book)


Still, think positive, we can probably ally csm with black legion.... Four heldrakes/12 obliterators anyone? ;)

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Despite all the bitter ranting I did the last days (and not only on the internets ^^), I am actually still trying to figure out stuff.. right now, I'm waiting feverishly for the final rules for our Relic Predators, as I think those might be fun, and if the Storm Eagle is anything good (and not grossly overpriced), I might be tempted to buy one or two of those.. like the armies of old - infiltrate a handful of guys in midfield, well hidden, and starting by turn 2, drop stuff on their heads.

If it weren't a super heavy flyer and would require the actual use of jump troops (raptors or warp talons here.. *aehem*), I think the Thunderhawk's bombing drop-run is as cool as it gets..


4 Drakes sounds extremely stupid though, just stupid enough to actually go for it. If only we could influence reserves.. 3+ arriving in one term would freeze the blood of any opponent, Interceptor or not.. and yes, it's really stupid. But then again, I really, really, really wanna kill those Tau ^^


..or I'll just field three to four sorcerers, all telepathy and hope for at least 2-3 dominates.. gosh, I had so much fun with those..

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*laughs* still pricey and at some point opponents would've picked up on it, but both Hallucination and Puppet Master have brought me so much joy.. (and actually won games)


..traitor-hallucinating a 600pt-DA-Deathstar incl. Azrael with them standing 3" away from their own table edge? priceless. Almost as fun was hijacking a Tyranid player's Zoanthropes and blasting their own entrenched (and scoring) troops from the objective.. xD

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4 Drakes sounds extremely stupid though, just stupid enough to actually go for it. If only we could influence reserves.. 3+ arriving in one term would freeze the blood of any opponent, Interceptor or not.. and yes, it's really stupid. But then again, I really, really, really wanna kill those Tau ^^


..or I'll just field three to four sorcerers, all telepathy and hope for at least 2-3 dominates.. gosh, I had so much fun with those..

Aegis with comms relay, helps almost guarantee all 4 come in when you want, and also keeps your three ten man cultist units off the table.......


Yeah, last night fateweaver puppet mastered my opponents riptides three times before he figured out he needed to keep them away from fatey..... Its glorious blasting tau stuff with their own op stuff.

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Aegis with comms relay, helps almost guarantee all 4 come in when you want, and also keeps your three ten man cultist units off the table.......


Yeah, last night fateweaver puppet mastered my opponents riptides three times before he figured out he needed to keep them away from fatey..... Its glorious blasting tau stuff with their own op stuff.

Comm relay.. totally forgot about that one (again) - good one, thanks!


And yes.. most satisfying part in 6th ed games vs. tau.. "Soooo.. *rollsdice' ..please hand me over that pie plate there, yes? Aaawww.. all gone? Poor things.." - and 'fatey' is a pretty mean choice for doing stuff like that, with him being FMC and all ^^


next time with my CSM: Sorc-on-a-bike™. "Where you need to be, immediately" *jingle*

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^lol, no problems, not like I have been sitting trying to work out if you can do it at 1850! ;)


(btw, you can, and its filth, 4 drakes, 8 nurgle oblits, 2 level 3 sorcerers in termie armour, plus cultists and aegis with comms.... You won't make any friends, but you would totally wipe out any army not in termie armour..)

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I hate to be positive amongst the sense of dread, but bear with me!


There is one unique situation about the Black Legion supplement and it will be quite revealing to me about 1) how GW understand their own product and system on the tabletop, and 2) how GW wish to conduct their rulesets in the future. What I mean by that is are they going to simply get 'fluffier'? Or will they have -extended- purpose that results in powerful changes on the tabletop?


The reason I say this is simple: this is the first Supplement that is made as a long term reaction to a product that's already been in our hands for quite a while. (the other supplements have rolled out with the codexes they represent).


I see this as unique, and a good reflection of how well GW really follows this stuff. Their reaction will tell us a lot.  Will the changes be superficial? IE: New Rule: Abaddon with his hair down: Abe is in a relaxed state, taking his top knot off. This allows your army to take Rhino's with free dozer blades, as Abaddon will not want to mess his hair en route to his next battle.


Or will the changes reflect that they've viewed this codex from the top down and wish to make some meaningful (but not wholesale) change to the way it -can- work. BTW I don't think this means we need any new models (but they are always welcomed!) or wholesale rule changes to the codex.

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That's very nasty. Almost WAAC-ish (well, forget the 'almost part :lol:) but suddenly will be the one no-brainer mono-list everybody will send to a tournament. Kinda.

I kinda figure there's not going to be a miracle and generic csm become worth taking over cultists, and you'd probably run bl primary, as they will likely have a better warlord table and some interesting snaccys... Worst part is, without the levels and gear on both sorcerers comes in at bang on 1628 (uk tournie scene is starting to move from 1850 to 1650) so you could probably squeeze in some hideous weapon there..... Stupid thing is, heldrakes would be easy to paint bl too, couple of coats black spray, touch up the bits you missed, gold trim, bang, done.....

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I'm trying not to pre-plan or pre-judge.  I mean, what if the BL supplement doesn't allow cultists at all?  I mean, sure, in the past the Black Legion has been known to use such fodder regiments to waste the enemy's ammunition reserves, but given how diverse the legion is on the whole, I could easily imagine the sublist focusing instead on just the core of old horus heresy vets rather than the bulk of Black Legion warbands in ally their myriad forms.  Especially if they wanted to add something notable rules-wise, and were looking for something they could get away with dropping to open the design space.


Heck, they could require everything to take vets, make chosen troops regardless of HQ, and drop both CSMs and cultists.



No, I don't think any of the above will actually happen.  I'm just saying it could happen.  Black Legion fluff and forces have been super nebulous and varied - deliberately so since as the poster boys GW wants everything to work with them - but if they really are trying to give them a more coherent theme, it's not entirely unthinkable that it might come with some new restrictions, especially since BL players who fall outside of those structures would still be free to use the main book.


Anyway, I think it's still at least a week and a half too early to start getting invested in particular build concepts.

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I'm so bored thanks to my post surgery state (wisdom tooth should be renamed "kick-in-the-balls tooth"). So I sail the seven seas of the Internet.

AD-B posted this on Heresy-Online a long time ago, I thought it would be cool to share it in that perticular thread.



"My Legion bears no number – it was not founded by the Emperor and it never fought at his side. We were born in the centuries after those days of defeat. Numbers were only bestowed upon the Legions of the Great Crusade. We are the Legion of the Long War."

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