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A "special" fleet based chapter

Sanguis militis

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Hello mates,


Recently I've been toying around with writing fluff for fun for a new chapter that will use the grey knights codex since I just started collecting my new army for the tabletop. I'm not too keen on bein like everyone and calling my chapter grey knights. I was the same way for the past couple years while playing blood angels.. Painting instead Angels encarmine.


Anyway, I'm looking to get some ideas to help me write fluff or a chapter that works for and with the inquisition.. Ordos malleus and Xenos, also with close ties to the deathwatch. That fluff will cover justifying the use of te codex which is important since I have about 45 power armored grey knights and 10 paladins so far.


The bit that I'm stuck on is how I can tie this is with battle fleet gothic since I have a small space marine force and a medium sized imperial fleet. I would like the chapters flagship/fortress monastery to be my emperor class battleship with fluff specifically stating reasons why this is the only chapter to possess a fleet nearly the size on an imperial battlegroup, and also a way to justify having a "chapter" of space marines at almost legion strength. I'm thinking, or would like rather, to be nearly 20k strong of space marines with close to a million inquisitorial troops. I'm hopin one day once I have around 3k points of grey knights space marine models to pick as choose from, that ill e able to collect imperial guard to use as an allied force. They will represent not the inquisitors themselves but the inquisitions army in this battle fleet serving with the space marines.


So far my fluff consists of a large crusade into the vast unknown beyond the halo stars to pursue chaos forces looking to recover archeotech of which knowledge has long, long been lost to the greater imperium and most of abandons forces alike save for a large thousand sons war host. Maybe the two fleets/armies are racing to a system on the very edge of the galaxy. The fleets ships are using an experimental warp drive system which either doesn't need the astronomican or is able to greatly extend its reach allowing them to travel much further than any other ship has ever been able to travel while the chaos sorcers are able to travel the same distance using a secret daemonic spell. Possibly each drawing power from the emperor and tzeentch respectively? This fluff is being thought up and written for me and one of my best friends who is playing chaos marines and a chaos fleet in battle fleet gothic and we play with each (no homo) more than we play with anyone else, and he's the only one ive ever played gothic with. One of the other ideas we had was maybe I'm using the secret II legion while he is using the traitor XI both having been scrubbed clean from all records in the imperium with only the emperor, malcador, and present day imperium and high lords. I know it's a stretch but if the emperor hid these two legions from the start even from the other primarchs then we can even make our own primarchs and it would explain the legion sized number of marines each of our "chapters", and I use the word loosely, as well as why each have such massive fleets and auxiliary armies. We just can't agree in what happened between these two primarchs/legions to cause one to turn traitor and embrace tzeentch while te other remained loyal. Did they catch wind of the horus heresy and without Horus even knowing up the two of them, the XI decided to use it as an opportunity to further their own agenda? I'd like to hear some other ideas on every aspect if the fluff.. For the loyalist legion mostly since its the one I am using.

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20,000 Space Marines from the same Chapter is too far beyond reasonable. I mean, the whole Badab War kicked off because the Astral Claws were (IIRC) 3,000+ marines. It's a cool idea, perhaps set you're army at the close of the Heresy, a super strength Grand company refuses to be divided and chooses to head into no man's land with their crusade fleets in tow. Also, no problem with 1,000,000 Imperial Army.




Well if you want to do some sort of alternate universe thing where only your rules apply, sure go ahead. Your models and your gaming you can do with as you want.


But the things you are asking (lost legions, legion sized forces under the direct control of the Inquisition in complete defiance of the traditional separation of powers, a super powerful battle fleet) cannot be reconciled with the shared universe we try to create here on the Liber.

You know, you could just turn it into a crusade of many Chapters and regiments. Your Chapter, one of twenty, doing a major Inquisitorial action. All Chapters involved have close Inquisitional ties, like the Red Hunters, and many Inquisitors of powerful military ties have their extensive Inquisitorial retinues and commandeered Guard regiments accompanying them. And like any such Crusade would have a strong Navy supporting it. All you have to do is take what you got, break it up into some more palatable pieces and give unique identities to them.
I like the idea of an inquisitorial crusade a lot, with multiple chapters of space marines who all have close ties to the inquisition. The ideas I was throwing around in the opening post were just some (far fetched ya, ill admit) ideas. I hadn't even thought making my force one compromised of multiple forces coming together as a crusade but I think this is what I'll roll with for now.
  • 4 weeks later...

If you want to be a hardcore loyalist to the fluff but not keen on splitting that 20k number up, I say go for pre-heresy era task force that was sent to some very distant place and only just returned (ie not officially recongised and thus not forced to split up), or you can deploy the finger and pull some time warp timeslowing shenanigans that is being investigated by the inquisition (the million inquisitional handlers) when some threat pops up and they decide to Black Templar it. If you're not keen on that, you can always make the entire thing an Inquisitorial force; either deathwatch-esque marines borrowed from other chapters and unified in single plate or just gene-project enhanced stormtroopers in power armour (my pick). 

but i dont think the pre HH theme would suit as their background says that the SONS OF TITAN {my choice for chapter name} were in place on their moon as horus laid seige to earth only to emerge later at the time of the second founding, my thoughts would be a force of crusading grey knights company strength whom as the laid seige to demons picked up allied forces whom wished to continue the fight an ultramarine squad here half a blood raven company there a battleship, a whirlwind, rhino... you get my drift like the old crusade armies knights from diffrent countries sworn to the same cause.



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