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Death Company Death Bus of Doom

Hadron Ka'sel

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Ok, so i apologise for the random thread name.

The long and short of it is this, after having a look through some of their F.A.Q's and Errata on Forgeworld i came upon the rules for the Spartan Assaul tank.  

Now i had heard of it previously, but i will be honest i never paid it a huge amount of attention.

Now that i have however i am slightly in awe of this Tank/Bus hybrid, especially as it can also be used by Blood Angels.


So first question is, has anyone used this in any games and if so how does it perform?


Was this in conjunction with DC at all?


And am i the only one that gets a tiny bit over excited by the idea of a tank raming the enemy line and then disgourging 25, frothing at the mouth, completly psychotic and delusional Marines?


Have i missed something in regards to its rules that mean it isnt as good a prospect as it seems?

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The only concern is if people are iffy facing Forgeworld stuff.


Just looked up the Legion Spartan Assault Tank. For 45 points more than a Land Raider Phobos you get five Hit Points, Extra Armour, Quad-lascannon sponsons and the aforementioned increased transport capacity. It's also a Heavy Support choice and comes with a decent set of upgrades. I that probably differs a bit from the Imperial Armour version, but the thought does make you drool a little, huh?


Personally, if I were to get one I'd field it full in Apocalypse.

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