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can i get a quick price check?

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So, yesterday I played a noise marine army with my DA, and something seemed fishy to me...


in a thousand point list, it looked like he had a bit to much for so little. Now, the guy I played has a reputation to never write his lists down, and I think I heard talk that he adds extra points. I may also be a bit butt hurt about it, but can you guys check the points on some things?



Four our 1,000pt game, he brought:


HQ: Chaos lord (terminator armor, MoS, dual lightning claws, and a gift?)


x10 noise marines with a blast master and champion w/ power sword


x10 noise marines with a blast master and champion w/ power sword


Havoc squad with 4 missile launchers




x2 oblitherators w/ MoN

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If you ever need to check army costs (or just to build your own list) you might find Battlescribe useful.



I came up with 1037 points, allowing 35 points for an Artefact on the lord and NOT taking flakk missiles. If he had a power weapon in place of an artefact he would be at 1017 points.


With only 1 Blast Master per squad, I would guess he may have had either 9 NM in each and an Artefact on the lord or one at 9 and one at 10 with a power weapon on the lord. Either of these would put him at 1000 points.


[Edit #2]

I misread. Gift, not Artefact. Gift of mutation is cheaper. And there is no reason to have another power weapon besides the claws.

Yeah ... 1002 points total. What a cheater ! :)

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Just did a quick check on armybuilder, and if what you've got here is correct...


He played with 1014 points. Not too much over, but still, one should write lists so everyone knows who is running what.

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HQ: Chaos lord (terminator armor, MoS, dual lightning claws, and a gift?)

(152 points)


x10 noise marines with a blast master and champion w/ power sword

(225 points)


x10 noise marines with a blast master and champion w/ power sword

(225 points)


Havoc squad with 4 missile launchers

(135 points)



(125 points)


x2 oblitherators w/ MoN

(152 points)


.... I'm coming up with 1002.

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Yea, I actually came up with under that when I grabbed a book and wrote everything down unsure.png Guess I reallly am butthurt about this. Oh well! sorry about that one guys, guess I better cool off about this.

Can we shut this thread down before more trash talking happens?

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