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Succumbed to the temptation

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Hi there,


Just picked up a pre-painted army on ebay: predominantly red (was a C:BA), infantry only.

Interested in trying to create a reasonably early (so still loyalist looking = loyalist backpacks, few spikes) post-Heresy warband.

Want to go Slaanesh (son already has a pure Khorne and an allied Nurgle army).


From an army composition POV, I very much like the recent thread on making Noise Marines Scream!

Especially the Daemonette CC element.

Colour-wise, WordBearers would be easy, and they like to use Daemons.

However, they seem to frown on worshipping a single god.


Any ideas for a red-coloured, mono-Slaanesh "chapter"?


Dragon Warriors

Company of Misery


Apostles of MinthRas

Beasts of Annihilation

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Flawless Host is another.

The good point to using word Bearers is that with daemons, you can never predict what's going to pop out of the warp. You can buy different groups of daemons and paint them in various hues of pink. For slaneesh wants all the power that khorne, nurgle, and tzeentch have. That's the great part of excess: greed.

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True Followers of Slaanesh are

Emperor's Children - Black with Pink


Other followers more undivided but a followers of Slaanesh are

Violators - The less of the girlie looking paint schemes if you don't want to go that route. Blue with Silver.


The Flawless Host - Pink with purple


Angels of Ecstasy - Pink with Black


But you can always make you own just use color schemes of Purple, Pink and Black with a little bit of Silver and Gold on weapons and trim.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There's at least one splinter group of Word Bearers, The Sanctified, that worship Khorne exclusively. It's not inconceivable that there could be other splinter groups devoted to the other powers. For Slaanesh, I've often thought either their standard scheme with random white plates or red plates with white trim would be a good look.


Emperor's Children, once upon a time, were a riot of random bright colors and patterns. They were retconned to black and pink when GW decided Black Legion should be the poster boys for Chaos like the Ultramarines are for the loyalists, then decided the studio army's Black Legion noise marines should be Emperor's Children noise marines instead.


According to old, old, incredibly old-school fluff (Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness, 1988), Slaaneshi cultists wear pastel or electric shades of any color, and white is common as well. Go nuts.

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Thanks guys!

Leaning towards Company of Misery at the moment, painting black over the existing red seems like the easiest choice.

I appreciate the fluff suggestions - and will probably throw in some neon/fluoro/electric/pastel to distinguish between squads.


Cheers, Paul.

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