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Iron Warriors and Daemons


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I am just getting back into 40k and I am currently building my army. I want to go with the IW or a warband of the IW but my regular gaming buddy is building a GK army so I thought I would throw in some daemons for fun. But what do you think about daemons allying with IW.

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I don't see a problem with it whatsoever. Daemons are just another tool to be used like anything else. Have a sorcerer option maybe to represent him summoning the daemons. Remeber the Iron Warriors use Daemon engines all the time, artillery pieces with a daemon trapped within it, maulerfiends, forgefiends etc. In Black Sun White Sky Honsou directs the Heart of Blood(?) against his enemies with no second thoughts at all.


Go for it!

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I say go for it as well.

On novels side, there also the short story Endeavour of Will from the Architect of Fate novel.  The Iron Warriors use Daemons while battle the Imperial Fist




Once I can work out a army list, I will also be adding a Daemon force with the idea to be a stand alone army or to add to my own Iron Warriors army.



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