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Pesky wolves


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B&C I need your help


I play my brother on a regular basis and lose on a regular basis. He plays wolves with IG allies an I am having trouble beating his list.

He plays full mech with:


rune priest

2 X grey hunters double plasma in rhino

1 X grey hunters double melta in rhino

2 X long fangs 3 missles 2 las




full on veterans in chimeras 5 with 3X plasma 2X melta.

1 x vendetta


list size is 1850.


having problems beating it, he puts out a lot of shooting each turn and even when I pop things the stuff that gets out has lethal shooting.


I have tried pod lists with fragisos and DC, full AV 13 wall and troops to the max. Problem I have is I can pop the armour but what falls out can still shoot me to bits.


How would you all deal with this?

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Have you tried using a comms relay? Then you could deep strike a fragioso and something to kill the tank. I think you may just have to go shooty. Predators, whirlwinds, Baals, etc. Also Attack Bikes with a Priest on bike would be solid.


Pesky Wolf: Don't be a douche.

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Is this what it has come to? your never going to beat me!

I believe this post should have had maniacal laughter at the end.... just saying. biggrin.png

Have you tried sternguard? 4x combi melta plus melta and 5 with just their bolters. Drop in, combat squad up. melta guys pop transports while bolter guys use vengeance rounds and clean house. You also might want to try jump pack honour guard with plasma guns. These are good anti-power armor options. I can never stress enough how aawesome stern guard are. They are the true utility knife of marine codecs.

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I advise 2 Baals to deal with the Longfangs. Just drown them in bullets and take them out, one unit at a time. It's very important to get rid of those in 1 turn, so I'd use a Fragioso in a pod for a first turn kill(and First Blood), then use the Baals to take out the other squad.

A Stormraven should be a given, also it's very useful to counter the Vendetta, which doesn't negate the 'melter' special rule. So, for the first 2 turns, you should take out his long-ranged shooting and the flyer. Then, it is your taks to repel the attacks of the grey hunters and the veterans.

The latter are an easy kill for a Baal once the Chimera is taken out(for which I suggest the Stormraven once it's finished with the Vendetta).
Luckily for you, your opponent doesn't use any assault units such as Thunderwolves, so you could use a sizeable unit of Death Company to take the Grey Hunters out in close combat, disembarking from the stormraven(no jump packs).

Just some thoughts here, what list do you use?




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Core of my army normally:




3x Fragioso's in pods

2x RAS with double melta


Have access to other models couple more RAS 2 Baals, vindicator stormraven, sang guard, assault termies and scouts. Also have some wolves but would rather not use them.


Also have DC with bolters and two more pods.

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Have you tried the AV13 Shield? Hide troops behind Vindicator, Baal Preds, etc. When he gets close...Dakka them down and charge with RAS. Also, have you tried sanguinary priests in your assault squads. Should help minimize casualties. Bolter DC in pod should take care of the long fangs. Lastly, if you can minimize the number of turns that vendetta can shoot, you should be in business. Let us know how it goes.

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Have you tried the AV13 Shield? 


He has, it says so in the very first post.


Get an icarus lascannon and aegis line. Or one of the new defences. You need to be able to take down that vendetta ASAP so you can have air superiority.


Potentially a bastion with icarus, 6-8 man dev squad with 4 missile launchers, have one man use the lascannon. The Quad gun would probably work just as well, if not better. Depends whether you can roll 5's to glance!


The defences also protect you from the firepower of your opponent.

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A Raven will be great.  A snippy dread even better (raven cargo).  Mephy as well as I said.  You need a little bit of shooty/mobile support to get the guys out of the vehicles, and then the hard hitters to make sure they go down quick.  


If you're using a frag dread, then make sure you have a few MM bikers to pop open the rhinos first, then you can flame them to oblivion.

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Mephiston will chomp through half this list alone.


A Raven will be great.  A snippy dread even better (raven cargo).  Mephy as well as I said.  You need a little bit of shooty/mobile support to get the guys out of the vehicles, and then the hard hitters to make sure they go down quick.  


If you're using a frag dread, then make sure you have a few MM bikers to pop open the rhinos first, then you can flame them to oblivion.


I would have thought the plasma spam would be the rock to meph's scissors? You need a lot of LOS blocking terrain to make it work, otherwise they dismount and fry you.


The Podding dread will also be down in T1, so you have to be lucky taking out the transports.


I still recommend your own long range firepower.

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Taking one Fragioso with the Raven is a good way to almost certainly kill one squad of marines, just use the Raven's special rule to drop it on the way while sniping a rhino with the twin-linked MM. It's a bit difficult to pull off, but very effective if it works. Also, with spirit of the machine-whatever, you can try to pop another rhino, especially when in a castled formation.



To your list, I'm quite sure 1 Fragioso in drop pod will be enough for a turn 1 strike, because the only worthy targets are the Longfangs. One in the Raven, used as above, can be a one-trick-pony to take out another squad. Also, having a Furioso up front is a good distraction for the remaining Longfangs.


I still advise Baals to take out the devastators with concentrated bolter and assault cannon fire. After the Furioso has taken care of the first squad(hopefully), the Baals should blow away the remaining longfangs.

Also, try to go second when you can. The vendetta will (probably) come before you, so you can react to its movement and take it down with a mm shot in the side armour. It's also quite nice to let him spread out his forces, so you can lay down some fire or go for a denied-flank movement if necessary. Also, the Furioso in pod will come down after his movement phase, so there's a chance of getting a lucky shot behind enemy lines while the rest of the army moves on.




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Cheers for the comments guys,


What about this:


Libby (prescience)



4 x RAS razorbacks with assault cannons

2x Dakka Baals

1 vindicator

Fragioso in pod

Snippy furioso

Stormraven with hurricane bolters


Libby with the Dev's handing out rerolls, Fragiso and Baals for the long fangs. Hope to pop things with razor's and vindicator.

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I would suggest this






Furiouso (talons) in SR

Fragiouso in SR (can be changed for DP instead of DC)



2x5 ASM (melta, Lazor-back)

7 DC (bolters, Axe+BP, PF) in DP



1x Flame Baal

2x AC Baal with HB







Hope it helps,


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