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9 csm squad + HQ = 1 or 2 special weapons?


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I haven't thought of it but my friend pointed it out when we was building csm lists that a csm squad can only take a second special weapon if the squad is 10 or more. But what happens when you take a 9 man squad with a lord in a rhino can they only take 1 special weapon?


I think I'm right on this one but trying to find a loophole and I want to be sure. The rule for 10 or more is in army building while the lord don't join the squad untill deployment, I have been playing with 2 special weapons but I guess that's wrong. You can of course just give a combi-melta to the lord and you have a better BS, same cost but of course only one use. 





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You are correct that the IC does not join a unit until Deployment or after.  If the CSM unit needs 10 bodies to receive the second special weapon then you can't count any ICs towards that total.  It works the same way as Space Wolves and their 10-man requirement for the second Special weapon.

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An option is to use chosen, havocs or plague marines as these don't have to be 10 to pack multiple special weapons in, and the plagues can be made scoring if a nurgle lord. Other option is combi weapons on the champion and the lord.

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Well, you could always take a ten man squad and leave a bolter guy out front all alone to take one for the team so the HQ can ride along.  That or ally in IG to steal their Chimeras. 

You can't do either of those things.

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Why can't you take a 10 man squad with a Rhino and bait your foe into killing one guy by hiding the rest of the squad and leaving one guy out of cover?  As for the IG I was mistaken, although there are the three Forgeworld lists, Renegades and Heretics, Servants of Slaughter, and Servants of Decay to steal Chimeras from. 

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Why can't you take a 10 man squad with a Rhino and bait your foe into killing one guy by hiding the rest of the squad and leaving one guy out of cover?  As for the IG I was mistaken, although there are the three Forgeworld lists, Renegades and Heretics, Servants of Slaughter, and Servants of Decay to steal Chimeras from. 

You mean to get the sacrificial model killed before embarking? That should be fine, but you'll lose one turn (minimum) of vehicle-speed movement .


Also, based on what I face locally, I would be lucky if I only lost the one model I wanted to.

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Why can't you take a 10 man squad with a Rhino and bait your foe into killing one guy by hiding the rest of the squad and leaving one guy out of cover?  As for the IG I was mistaken, although there are the three Forgeworld lists, Renegades and Heretics, Servants of Slaughter, and Servants of Decay to steal Chimeras from. 



Yes, of course you can do that.. but as Ammonius already pointed out, that would cost you at least one turn, and if the enemy doesn't shoot the poor lone guy, you'll probably be doing something else.. 



That wouldn't really make any difference, since your primary detachment's units couldn't embark on them, since unless specified otherwise, they're always allies of convenience and as such are treated as enemy models that can't be attacked (BYB, p.112)  rather than friendly models, which would be the requirement to transport them (see p. 78 under 'Dedicated Transports') - it's afaik not really specified for 'regular' vehicles that have been bought as a FoC-unit, but if you look at the wording, the intention seems clear.. 

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Why can't you take a 10 man squad with a Rhino and bait your foe into killing one guy by hiding the rest of the squad and leaving one guy out of cover?  As for the IG I was mistaken, although there are the three Forgeworld lists, Renegades and Heretics, Servants of Slaughter, and Servants of Decay to steal Chimeras from. 

As you wrote it was assumed they would actually want to use the transport and not be outside hoping for the opponent to shoot the unit instead of the vehicle before it could even be used.


The renegade lists aren't available for download anymore, and aren't really updated for 6th ed. Furthermore there is nothing saying that they are Battle Brothers, or even able to ally.

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They are treated as Chaos Marines on the matrix, except that they are also Battle Brothers to Chaos Marines per the Allies update.  The only real issue is the different Marine/Berserker/Plague Marine entry for each of the three lists, but they are otherwise no worse off than any other prior edition list.


Although I did notice now that even Battle Brothers cannot share a ride (shows how often I use allies), so you'd be limited to the native Marines in each of the traitor lists stealing Militia transports.  Oh well.

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