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Hey there. I'm new to this site and in the process of writing a fan codex, and just wanted to know if it's permissable to post the rough draft on the Rules Forum to get feedback on it.


Thank you for your time and hope to hear from people soon.


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I'm not the best to ask on the subject, but seeing as no one else is answering I say post it in the "Liber Astartes" part, you'd get more views than in "Homegrown Rules" and if anyone gets grumpy the mods can always move the topic around to its rightful place. 

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Writing a fan-based codex is acceptable, but there are limits on what you may post here. Anything that is lifted from an existing set of rules should simply reference the location (e.g., Rites of Battle, refer to Codex: Space Marines page 85) or if it is a unit that is largely identical to an existing unit but with some cosmetic changes (e.g., as Wolf Guard Pack, refer to Codex: Space Wolves page 86).


Rules should be posted in the Homegrown Rules forum and background should be posted in the Liber Astartes forum. You can cross-link the topics.

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