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Grotsmasha's Conversion Challenge 3: Captains


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well crap! I totally dropped the ball on the Libby challenge! I'll make it up.


I, furioso-prime undertake Grotsmasha's Captain Kit-Bash Challenge to kit-bash at least one Captain by September 2nd, 2013.


nuff said!

I was wondering where you'd wandered of too.....good news is if you'd like the Libby banner/pip, all you need to do is vow here, post in the Libby Completion thread by Sep 2nd. 




All previous challenges run simultaneously with the current challenge for anyone who wishes to catch up. Obviously they cannot win the prize but can claim the banner/pip. Just vow your intent to complete a Libby here in this thread, then post the completed libby in the correct thread, have at the banner/pip.




I, Lysimachus, vow to under-take Grotsmasha's Captain Conversion Challenge and finish on or before September 2nd, 2013.

Perfect opportunity to get a TDA Warleader sorted for my Marines Adamant!thumbsup.gif

Well, I think we can all agree that the 1st Challenge Update is weeeelll overdue.


Captains has been the most productive challenge so far with 44 Participants already (That number, I'm fairly sure is right, database crash'n'all). From the 44 participants we've already had 25 excellent completions from just 15 of you guys, cod_lover leads the charge with 5 Captains under his belt.


The Completions come from the following guys, and they've earned the right to display the Completion Banner/Pip with pride;


Malus Trux x 4

cod_lover x 5


ChaptermasterDemon7 x 3

ben rolls

reaper_man x 2



Spaced Hulk




Res Ispa Loquitur


War Angel


Cheers, and looking forward to the rest of the Challenge,


Time for our second update.


This weeks been a little slow with only a further 2 more participants added to our ranks, bringing the total to 46. We've also had a further  5 completions by;


Barrabas Solagon

Strike Captain Lysimachus





bringing our total completions to 30. Well done guys have at the Banner/Pip. The next update will be on the 3rd after the Challenge has closed, hopefully with a Top 10.




Well might as well jump in on this, seeing as my Lord is almost done.


I, Brother Heinrich, undertake Grotsmasha's Captain Kit-Bash Challenge to kit-bash one Chaos Lord of the VIII Legion by September 2nd, 2013.


I know the other kit-bashes run at the same time for the purposes of getting the old pips, unfortunately I don't think I'll have time to throw something together for a Sorcerer, do you plan on running another Kit-Bash Challenge after this one?


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