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IA:Apocalypse and Chaos 40k Players


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Well, it looks like this post was victim of the corrupt data base, so lets try it again!


So unless you're living under a rock, you might have noticed that Imperial Armour Apocalypse was just released today, and damn, it looks good!  It includes updated rules for damn near everything (that isn't in the 40k Apoc book or in IA:Aeronautica)!
Here's the Table of Contents:
For 40k that means:
  •     Chaos Storm Eagle
  •     Chaos Spartan Assault Tank
  •     Chaos Relic Predator
  •     Chaos Contemptor
  •     Chaos Decimator
  •     Blight Drone
  •     Blood Slaughterer
  •     Plague Hulk
I'm guessing the last 2-3 might be for Daemons only, but I'm really hoping they're allowed to be taken by Chaos Marines as well as Daemons (as the Blight Drones already can do).
FW has been nice enough to give us little sneak peeks at some of these units.  The Storm Eagle (and Thunderhawk) can be seen here:
The points are blurred out, but we can see that it's largely unchanged from IA:Aeronautica, but does have updated point costs for the vehicle upgrades.
Doing a little more digging you can see the Chaos Spartan and Chaos Relic Predator in the FW video on youtube:
That one is a little harder to read, but some important notes are that the Chaos Spartan can buy Armoured Ceramite and Frag Launchers, just like it's Loyalist counterpart as well as Dirge Casters... Gross!
The Relic Predator has the options for Magna-melta Cannons, Flamestorm Cannons, Heavy Conversion Beamers, Twin-linked Lascannons and Plasma Destroyers.  I can't tell what the costs for the upgrades are, but if they're reasonable, this can be quite fun for us Chaos Marine players!
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The Relic Predators sound brutal.  Now we have the option for Magna Meltas, Plasma Destroyers, Flamestorm Cannons and Heavy Conversion Beamers.  If the price is right, 3 Predators with Plasma Destroyers and Heavy Bolters would be downright dirty.  The Chaos Spartan also sounds like it can be potentially very useful, just hope it doesn't die to a meltagun.


Unfortunately no Dreadclaw, but that's in Imperial Armour Aeronautica, so I didn't expect it to get updated honestly.

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The Chaos Spartan also sounds like it can be potentially very useful, just hope it doesn't die to a meltagun.


That's what Armored Ceramite is for!


Edit: Both the Thunderhawk and Stormeagle both have Armored Ceramite too! Their wargear options look pretty interesting too, Vengeance Launcher on the Stormeagle, TL lascannon options, reaper AC option, MM option.

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The Thunderhawk can  buy for 50pts the Deamonic Transport rule. gets the deamon rule, and if a unit embarks on a 1 on a roll, 1D3 models gets eaten and restores has much HP's to the TH.


The Chaos Stormeagle gets acces to the CSM vehicles upgrades, Dirgecaster, Warpflame Gargoyles and contrary of others Flyers, who have seen this rule errated from them, Deep Strike.

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Alas, unless they have changed the rules, the plasma pred will probably blow itself up with overheats in a 6 turn game :( Its a shame because its so freaking cool!

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Alas, unless they have changed the rules, the plasma pred will probably blow itself up with overheats in a 6 turn game sad.png Its a shame because its so freaking cool!

Don't forget that there is only a 50% chance to take a glance when you overheat... so you'll only do 1.5 HP to yourself, haha.

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Alas, unless they have changed the rules, the plasma pred will probably blow itself up with overheats in a 6 turn game sad.png Its a shame because its so freaking cool!

Well, there's a reason to field the Warpsmith :)

Also, Chaos Spartan? Yes please.

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Question though, what the hell would we even put in a spartan with a capacity of 25? Cultists seem a waste for such an expensive transport. A huge blob of zerks with a bunch of characters? Or maxed out termie squad with characters? Hmm....

20 Possessed?

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If that seriously is the spartan transport capacity, I may have to order two. One for terminaters, and one for berzerkers and Khârn. At least forgeworld seems to have some common sense in what would sell to chaos players.

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Question though, what the hell would we even put in a spartan with a capacity of 25? Cultists seem a waste for such an expensive transport. A huge blob of zerks with a bunch of characters? Or maxed out termie squad with characters? Hmm....

First and Foremost, (assuming experimental rules make the final draft) it's a 5 hull point AV14 tank. With Quad Lasers (they will amaze ya). A fully chaosified and painted one will be a giant fist rolling up the battlefield, granting cover to stuff behind it, causing spontaneous target priority anxiety, etc.


And then you get a capacity of 25 (!) which could be:

A full squad of CSM plus an HQ (or two!)

A full squad of Terminators plus an HQ (or two!)

A full squad of Plague Marines plus an HQ (or two!)

A full squad of Noise Marines plus an HQ (or two!)

A full squad of Berzerkers plus an HQ (or two!)

A full squad of Thousand Sons plus an HQ (or two!)

5 Chaos Spawn plus and HQ (or two!) (SURPRISE!!)



Also, with 5 hull points, one of those two HQ's could be a warpsmith, that keeps the Spartan rolling.


Mostly though, since my guys are an Iron Warrior splinter group, I just want a big ole tank. :)

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Oh yeah I realize Ammonius, I was just trying to strategize, which would be the best ones to go on there. A warpsmith is a good idea though, it'd make them a really big pain to take down.


What's so crazy about Quad Lasers though? They're still lascannons aren't they? Which means can't move that fast and shoot.

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The quad lasers really just provide a threat if the Spartan is still functioning after it delivers its cargo.


However, the line "I got a quad-laser, it will amaze ya." is in a song from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and I think of that every time I see the Spartan.

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1- Buy a Stormtalon

2- Add some skulls, spikes and chains.

3- Remove misile launcher.

4- Remove twin linked assault cannon and fit a twin/tri-linked heavy flamer.

5- add Heldrake wings on the side engines.

6- Add a Battle OK Thundertusk skull in place of the cockpit

7- Profit


Congratz, you've got a cool loking Heldrake!



Fixed for you

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Does anybody know what the deal is with the spined beast and giant spawn these days?  Are the 40k legal, or just for apocalypse?  Are they any good, either way?


Ever since the Warriors of Chaos stuff came out, I've been kind of eying that slaughter brute / vortex beast kit, but haven't had anything to use them for.  Seems like they could make a respectable spined beast or giant spawn respectively, but I'm not sure whether they'd be any good as such.

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