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IA:Apocalypse and Chaos 40k Players


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A giant chaos spawn is an elites choice for a chaos space marines army.

A spined chaos beast is a heavy support choice for a chaos daemons army.

The chaos version of the spartan assault tank lacks the all-important power of the machine spirit USR and costs 10pts less. It's just a slightly bigger Chaos Land Raider.

There is no chaos version of the Mortis pattern contemptor dreadnought, which is the only Pattern that could be considered cost-effective.

The Typhon Siege Tank was invented by Perturabo himself and is now only available to loyalists (considered mysteriously "tainted", minotaurs don't care), pic painted in IF colors. 


nothing ever changes.

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What are the big spawn and spined beasts like?  are the monstrous creatures?  Do they move like beasts?  Do they have decent numbers of attacks and wounds for their points?  Do they seem worth fielding?

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Gods of Warp damn it! This thread already gave two fluffy ideas for my Black Legion warband....


1. Chaos Spawns unleashed from transport. Not sure whether it's a good idea to put a unit of 3 Chaos Spawns in a Land Raider.... The idea of them being chained inside, then unleashed on the enemy is extremely awesome.


2. Using Mutalith Vortex Beast. My warband was led by a particular Chaos Lord that was going to ascend into daemonhood but failed. My warband could keep him as a remainder. Is Giant Spawn any good? Similar in size?

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size should be good, my main remaining questions are speed, and cost. Are these infantry speed monstrous creatures, or do they move fast like beasts? How does their price compare to, say, maulerfiends? Are we talking about the same cost? Double?


If they move fast, and don't cost too much more than maulers, then I may have to pick up the IA:APO book sooner than I thought.

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both are MCs (6" move). spawn costs 45 less than a maulerfiend, spined beast 15 more.


compared to last ed. they just gave the spawn a new random table (S6 I10 autohits/-2 I aura/ 2+! FnP) and fear while removing FnP/S&P, and updated the beast to daemonic instability, DS and IWND, mark upgrades now to daemon of x.


nothing exiting to see.

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Got my dirty claws on a "Lost" version of the book...


Love the Contemptor rules and options, their is a sh$tload of them!!


Bloodslaugtherers got some love.


Deamon of Khorne, 3a+D3 on charge+ Rampage.


Impaler cannon works on vehicles and MC's, without stating any size restrictions "Hello Sm land raider!", for 130pts they got an good stat line, WS5, I4.


Oh and they DS also.


Dedicating a Titan to a god is rather fun..., 100pts for a reaver, 50pts for a warhound, they become Deamons of Khorne, +D3 A when charging, reroll the dice for Stomps attacks, oh and they come base with a Dirgecaster.


Greater Scorpion,...it charge on 3D6!!!, is updated with all the deamon engine rules from CSM dex, and make D3+2 Stomps.


Deamon prince Urakar  axe's is now a AP2, Two handed, fleshbane decapitation weapon, et got the Unholy fury gift and a 3+ save+ collar of khorne, 200pts, but its still subpar compared to a generic Dprince that can take wings...


Something worth mentioning.


Bloodslaugtheres are now Deamons of Khorne, so if you take 3 of them or even 2, and take Deamons with an herald on a Blood throne and the hate locust...


Now because Bloodslaugtheres can be taken as a squadron( if i'm not wrong), then the Herald can join them with his throne..., or is it too much?...

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A Deamon-titan of tzeentch gains the Deamon of Tzeentch rule (deamon and hate of Nurgle deamons), rerolls all 1's To Hit and Inferno weapons gets the Soulblaze rule.


Nurgle Titan gets the IWND rule and SLaanesh inflicts a LD test with a -2 to all models in combat with him, if failed they fight at Init 1.


reaver titan cost 1.460pts, the dedicat upgrade cost 100pts for Khorne and Slaanesh, 200pts for Tzeentch and 150pts for Nurgle.


4 Void shields, Dirgecaster, 18 HP's.

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I'd point out how retarded each of those titan-marks really is compared to the free turbo-laser destroyers


but in the end, it doesn't even matter


as they don't bother with points costs any more


so instead of balance, there is only randomness 


and instead of tactics, you spend money on miniatures


that could have saved lives if spent elsewhere.

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any changes to the big four daemon lords, especially an'grath? they are my personal favourites...



Can't really remember what he was like before.


10/ 4/ 10/ 8/ 8/ 5/ 7/ 10/ 2+/3+


gargantuan Flying Creature


Blood frenzy, must charge ennemy unis if in assault range.


The Destroyer, count has having assault grenades, gets +1D6 A on assault and DtW on 2+.


Bloodlash of Khorne, assault 2 S7 Ap2 12"


Deamon Lord, Invul save 3+.


Comes with an Axe of Khorne and count has an Icon of Chaos, has Deamonic instability added in the profile and Deamon of Khorne.

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Are decimator rules in the book? any good?

Yes. Not as good as experimental rules were, his price has risen 40 points. But now he has 13AV front.

What about the contemptor? can it still be decently marked?

Contemptor is extremely similar to previous one, still can be marked, still has fleet, but unfortunately lost 1 HP in comparison to the latest 6 edition vehicle FAQ.

Why does Forgeworld understand chaos better than GW?

Oh I have so much to say about it like you would not believe, but it will be horrible offtopic. In general, I think that FW nowadays understands the whole Warhammer, both FB and 40k, better than GW does. And I really recommend every Chaos player to try Horus Heresy, it's brilliant! The best thing that happened to Warhammer since CSM 3.5.
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I really don't know about that.  For the most part, FW's understanding of chaos in 40k boils down to: get's a quarter of what loyalist marines get, at full or nearly full cost, but without the special rules that make the loyalist stuff worthwhile (no machine spirit on chaos spartans and storm eagles, no sky fire on chaos contemptors, etc).


Except in Horus Heresy, of course, where FW's understanding of chaos is 'literally exactly the same as the loyalists in looks, rules, everything'.  If I wanted that version of chaos in 40k, well we could already have it.  It's called "playing regular space marines".  There are some exceptions, sure.  Some of chaos stuff for Vraks was pretty cool, but FW hasn't cared about that stuff enough to update alongside the new rules, so... yeah.


All in all, I would definitely say FW does not have any better an understanding of or love for chaos than GW proper.

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A Deamon-titan of tzeentch gains the Deamon of Tzeentch rule (deamon and hate of Nurgle deamons), rerolls all 1's To Hit and Inferno weapons gets the Soulblaze rule.


Nurgle Titan gets the IWND rule and SLaanesh inflicts a LD test with a -2 to all models in combat with him, if failed they fight at Init 1.


reaver titan cost 1.460pts, the dedicat upgrade cost 100pts for Khorne and Slaanesh, 200pts for Tzeentch and 150pts for Nurgle.


4 Void shields, Dirgecaster, 18 HP's.

Tzeentch player here so big thanks for that, um, since titans kinda only have blast weapons (what's that now? a vulkan mega-whats-its?) does that mean I get to re-roll one's on the destroyer table....? vis a vis twin linked blast weapons?  that'd be huge, and worth the 200 points

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