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IA:Apocalypse and Chaos 40k Players


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I really don't know about that.  For the most part, FW's understanding of chaos in 40k boils down to: get's a quarter of what loyalist marines get, at full or nearly full cost, but without the special rules that make the loyalist stuff worthwhile (no machine spirit on chaos spartans and storm eagles, no sky fire on chaos contemptors, etc).


Except in Horus Heresy, of course, where FW's understanding of chaos is 'literally exactly the same as the loyalists in looks, rules, everything'.  If I wanted that version of chaos in 40k, well we could already have it.  It's called "playing regular space marines".  There are some exceptions, sure.  Some of chaos stuff for Vraks was pretty cool, but FW hasn't cared about that stuff enough to update alongside the new rules, so... yeah.


All in all, I would definitely say FW does not have any better an understanding of or love for chaos than GW proper.



the getting less is not so much of an issue when they also give us other things, like the blight drone or blood slaughterer, yeah the POTMS thing is frakked I'll admit that, but its still usually more than GW general who ust smack us and tell us NO! we don't get the fancy toys.

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What's Arkos like now?

Price of 2 lords, T5, rerolls deployment zone selection and initiative seize as Warlord trait. Has +2S from blade, and gives Counter-Attack to the joined squad.



what about necrosius?

Similar to the last update PDF, price is the same, gained VotLW, Champion of Chaos, Plague Zombies. Which is cool, now you can take him instead of Typhus to open zombies, and save more than 60 points.

what zufors weapons do?

Weapons the same as last update, but he is slightly cheaper now, and has some small boosts here and there.


PS: the last update that I'm talking about can still be downloaded from ForgeWorld official website:


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