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Well, it has been a long time since I uploaded pictures here.

A lot of things has happened, a lot of pictures has been taken.

Lets start with my AL...

I dove headlong into the heresy with first my AL, then my TS.










But now, with 8th edition, I have started to look back on my beloved chaos army.

I went on a trip to Warhammer World at the beginning of summer and had a 500p list with me to play and learn 8th ed. It was really fun! Though I decided to update the paint scheme of my old CSM models to be more in line with each other and with 32mm bases as well.





I really had a blast at Warhammer World, it was so much fun!





I lost horribly most of the games... :P

Always liked your Alpha Legion colours and glad to see this thread back again. The chaos champion with the hood, reminds me of the picture of a alpha with a hand on his cloak as he charges forward and I think that is a great conversion you've done for him.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks man, yeah I tried to make him look sneaky and AL while being corrupted to the core. :)

One guy that is corrupted is Arkos...and I'm on my way of making one with BCKs character competition.

The DV lord's legs are missing a lot of stuff where the cloak covers them so greenstuff it is:


And lets see how this goes, I'll need to modify the cloak a bit for the new shoulderpads but oh well, I bought a lot of GS so I might as well use it... :P


Probably late to the party but on mobile so going through 15 pages of backlog would be rought! Loving the AL scheme, and the tempo with which you're putting work out there!

Would you mind sharing the recipe for your Alpha Legion colour scheme?

  On 9/15/2017 at 1:52 PM, Theradrussian said:

Probably late to the party but on mobile so going through 15 pages of backlog would be rought! Loving the AL scheme, and the tempo with which you're putting work out there!


Would you mind sharing the recipe for your Alpha Legion colour scheme?


Haha, my friend, you have been deceived! :D


Before this page my last post was from 2 years ago, but now I'm gonna start building/painting stuff again for my chaos AL. :)



The colours are Black basecoat with Sotek green drybrushed and a heavy wash of Army Painter Dark Tone. Metals are Ironbelcher or copper.

  On 9/15/2017 at 2:30 PM, Excessus said:


  On 9/15/2017 at 1:52 PM, Theradrussian said:

Probably late to the party but on mobile so going through 15 pages of backlog would be rought! Loving the AL scheme, and the tempo with which you're putting work out there!


Would you mind sharing the recipe for your Alpha Legion colour scheme?


Haha, my friend, you have been deceived! :biggrin.:


That sounds about right coming from an Alpha Legionnaire. 

  • 1 month later...

@Vairocanum, yeah I thought about it but I couldn't get it to look "natural" on him. I'm actually thinking of swapping out his hand before painting him because it's a third party hand and I'd like to play with him in stores as well... :P

So, there was a Heresy event in my city. Avarii VII! As I am in exile at the moment because they're renovating my bathroom at home I was a bit stressed about getting everything painted up for the event...and I barely made it! Though now I need to repair all the hastily painted stuff but it's gonna be fun to get things completed! :smile.: (and soon I can move back home too, yay!)

First model repaired!


Next up is my two Medusas and my Sicaran...

Edited by Excessus
  • 4 months later...
  On 10/22/2017 at 12:08 PM, hushrong said:

So there was a HH event? Meaning you went and got some pictures?

Heh, yeah about that. We entrusted the picturetaking to a professional and all the pictures of my army from the event was mostly out of focus and :censored:... :sad.:

But here are some other, random pictures of the army...

Shield wasen't finished here... :tongue.:


I can haz flag?


The whole command squad...some painting was left when this picture was taken!


Veteran squad holding the line.


Damn flying mechanicum monstrosities!!! I loved that Sicaran! :sad.:


...and some new guys! They're going to become a proper veteran squad instead of my earlier "stand-ins". :smile.:



Oh yeah, I forgot...I finished Arkos and some more terminators to accompany my old ones...



Well, "finished" is a strong word...they have paint on them! :P

Edited by Excessus

I just realised you also do Thousand Sons! I have a Thousand Sons Detachment on the backburner for my Alpha Legion as well. Great minds think alike!




How does a Thousand Son know a Space Wolf has used his dataslate?

There's tip-ex all over it!

Very cool stuff, Excessus. 


One of my earliest memories of my most recent comeback to the hobby is seeing your AL on here. Very inspiring kitbashes, and Arkos is no exception.


He is both elaborate and yet somehow still understated in all the right places, perfect for an AL lord.


Can't wait to see more.

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