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Doodle of a Space Marine

Monstra Sumus

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Not too bad, but it appears he's catastrophically dislocated his right hip.  That's the biggest and most obvious problem I see.  There are a bunch of other little ones- his right shoulder, position of the right arm, the left hand, blah blah blah, but seeing as it seems to just be a casual sketch, I won't go through the paces.


On a different note, it's rare to see people bother with even a little background, so kudos on that :)


Nicely done.

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Haha, cheers Firepower.


Yeah, I only really noticed the glaringly obvious hip displacement after I'd uploaded. I suppose I was yellow blind like I get on my models! I'm not kidding myself, it really was scratched out over a sandwich.


Can't let Greyall hog all the space now ;) 

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++ FOR THE GLORY OF HIM ON EARTH. Do you find yourself hemmed in by filthy Xenos crossing your borders illegally? Do you suspect that Bob Johnson at Hab 3#221 got his new automobile through illicit trading of his Emperor blessed soul? Have you witnessed Heresy in your local schools?

Well if you have, it may be time that Little Timmy tottered on down to the nearest Recruitment Fortress and gave his body up to the science of the Emperor!

Become a Marine Malevolent today! See the Galaxy, travel to exotic new locales and purge the hell out of them!

For the Emperor and for you, Imperial citizen! thumbsup.gif ++

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