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Deploying Sanguinary Priests


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In the codex it says you can take up to three sanguinary priests as an Elite. Do they have to be deployed together? Or can i deploy them in multiple locations?


Also, they have the independant character special rule. Does that make them a Special character? Can they get "Look out, Sir"?


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Hi Jostal!


I believe that a lot of this can be cleared up by a thorough read of the rulebook - I believe there are specific sections on:


'multiple models bought as the same force org slot'

and 'characters'


In short, you buy them together, but you deploy them separately from one another, whether that be on their own, with a unit. Alternatuvely you could deploy them together as a unit in their own right (as they have the independant character rule) but this would be of little tactical benefit.


The 'independant character' special rule is a form of the character rule.


All characters (normal and independant) benefit from the character rules in the rulebook (precision shots, look out sir, etc) Except independant characters have slightly different Look out sir rules, which I would encourage you to look up - it's also useful to know where in the rulebook various rules are. You can find them pretty easily using the index in the back.


There are no longer 'special characters' per se. You can use any named character in any game, without needing your opponent's permission.

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Thank you.


So i could buy two Sang Priests, outfit one with terminator armor, stick him with a termi squad for deep strike and have my other one with my HQ that gets deployed at the beginning of the game?

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Correct. And Characters have changed a lot. For instance, veteran sergeants are "characters". Librarians are "independent characters". The difference is huge and is extremely fortunate for us in term of Sanguinary Priests (including Corbulo). Due to GW rules and regulations in forums i'm not sure I can tell you rules outright, but if you go to your local GW or hobby store, I'm sure they have a book you can glance at.

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Yes, once they have been purchased, they count as independent units for the rest of the game: One can deep strike, one can go in a storm raven, one can start on the table, or all 3 start on table. etc,


Remember that as they are now individual units, they each award one kill point in the "purge the alien" mission.

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Alternatuvely you could deploy them together as a unit in their own right (as they have the independant character rule) but this would be of little tactical benefit.

Actually you can't. Independent characters cannot join units that consist of only one model. The sanguinary priest is such a unit. You could however add all two or three sanguinary priests to another unit like an assault squad. That would have even less tactical advantages though.
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Independent Characters can join other units. They cannot, however,

join vehicle squadrons (see page 77) or units that always consist of a

single model (such as most vehicles and Monstrous Creatures). They

can join other Independent Characters, though, to form a powerful

multicharacter unit!


p39, Rulebook.


A Sanguinary Priest is not a unit that always consists of a single model. Mephiston is. You can have a unit of Priests, but you can't attach a Priest to Mephiston.

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A Sanguinary Priest is not a unit that always consists of a single model. Mephiston is. You can have a unit of Priests, but you can't attach a Priest to Mephiston.

No, up to three units of sanguinary priests can occupy a single FOC slot. That does not change the fact that they each are a separate unit:

Unit Composition:

1 Sanguinary Priest

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A Sanguinary Priest is not a unit that always consists of a single model. Mephiston is. You can have a unit of Priests, but you can't attach a Priest to Mephiston.

No, up to three units of sanguinary priests can occupy a single FOC slot. That does not change the fact that they each are a separate unit:

>Unit Composition:

1 Sanguinary Priest



That's a different topic alltogether now :)


But bottom line, 3 priests are 3 ICs that occupy one FOC.

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And a Captain is a separate model, as is a Chaplain or a librarian. they are however, all allowed to join another unit (by way of being an IC). They are also allowed to join another unit that just so happens to be another IC (so a chaplain and a Captain could/would join together then function as a single 2-model unit until they separate). What you cannot do is join an IC (such as a Captain) to a single model unit that is unable to be anything other than a single model unit (for example - Mephiston, who is a Character, but not an Independant Character).

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Could you please quote the relevant rule, if you insist on that opinion.


Independent characters cannot join units that consist of only one model:

They cannot, however, join vehicle squadrons (see page 77) or units that always consist of a single model (such as most vehicles and Monstrous Creatures).

Chaplains, Captains, Librarians and sanguinary priests all consist of only one model. Being an IC does not change that. It only allows them, contrary to Mephiston who is not an IC, to join other units that do not always consist of a single model. So All four could join the same unit that is not a vehicle squadron or always consisting of only one model, but if that unit was wiped out they would automatically disband, because they cannot join a unit that always consists of a single model.


All four have the following unit composition: 1 Chaplain/Captain/Librarian/Sanguinary Priest (cf. C:BA p. 83 ff)

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Could you please quote the relevant rule, if you insist on that opinion

Res already did.

Independent Characters can join other units. They cannot, however,
join vehicle squadrons (see page 77) or units that always consist of a
single model (such as most vehicles and Monstrous Creatures). They
can join other Independent Characters, though, to form a powerful
multicharacter unit!
p39, Rulebook.
A Sanguinary Priest is not a unit that always consists of a single model. Mephiston is. You can have a unit of Priests, but you can't attach a Priest to Mephiston.
I'd go back and check your book smile.png
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