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Angels Sanguine vs Death Guard - 1750 point Battle Report

Chaplain Admetus

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As most people loitering on the BA forum know, I have my own batrep thread kicking around. However, I'm posting this one separately for now, due to the server crash taking out the last two battle reports, as I'm waiting to see if the data is recoverable before I re-write them; this will probably get copy-pasted across eventually.

This batrep is going to be a bit different, as my LGC wanted some help in testing the missions for a tournament they'll be running in a few months time, so a slight departure from the standard Eternal War missions (they use the same basis but with variations). We went for the last of 5 missions, which is a combination of Emperor's Will and The Relic. This is also my first time playing a game with primary, secondary, and tertiary objectives, and if the mission seems maybe a bit odd/imbalanced its probably due to being a work in progress. I'm also going to try and work some narrative into this one, so bear with me biggrin.png. Deployment for this scenario is Vanguard Strike.

Primary - 10 points: Emperor's Will/Relic. 3 objectives deployed in the same fashion as those two missions (1 each, and a movable one in the centre). First Blood, Linebreaker and Slay the Warlord also count towards Primary Objectives

Secondary - 6 points: Kill Points

Tertiary - 4 points: Table quarters. A quarter is won by the side with the most units in it (including vehicles). Zooming fliers/swooping FMCs do not count, scoring units count as 2.

++Reports have reached us of an incursion by Chaos Space Marines of the Death Guard legion on the hive world Agrax IV. Preliminary assessment suggests that this is a precursor to a full-scale invasion, as the Death Guard appear to be making preparations for the arrival of a much larger force. It also appears that they have annihilated the Imperial Guard force garrisoning the city. As the closest Imperial forces to the area, we respectfully request that a detachment from the Angels Sanguine chapter be sent to counter the incursion. Your primary mission is to secure the warp beacons beckoning the remainder of the Chaos forces before they become active, and to search the area for survivors as they may have valuable intelligence. Needless to say, as many of the foul heretics as possible must be slain, and the area secured, but capturing those beacons is vital.++

Strike Force Sanguine:

Aristarchus, Chief Librarian of the Angels Sanguine (Mephiston)

Sanguinary Priest, Jump Pack, Power Sword, Meltabomb

7 Sternguard, 3 combi-melta, meltagun, power fist, drop pod

10 Assault Marines, Thunder Hammer, 2x Meltagun

10 Assault Marines, Power Fist, 2x Flamer

10 Tactical Marines, Power Fist, Meltagun, Missile Launcher, Rhino

5 Devastator Marines, 4 Missile Launchers

2 Multi-Melta Attack Bikes

Baal Predator, Assault Cannon and Heavy Bolters

Stormraven Gunship, twin-linked Multi-Melta, twin-linked Assault Cannon

Death Guard (may be a bit off with some wargear):

Chaos Lord, Mark of Nurgle, power weapon, plasma pistol

7 Plague Marines, 2x Plasma Gun, plasma pistol

7 Plague Marines, 2x Plasma Gun

7 Plague Marines, 2x Melta Gun, Rhino

7 Plague Marines

Predator, Autocannon, Havoc Launcher, Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Predator, Lascannon Sponsons, Twin-liked Lascannon

Defiler, twin-linked Heavy Bolter, Havoc Launcher, Daemonic Possession

5 Terminators, Mark of Nurgle, many weapons (combi flamer, heavy flamer, and I think there was an autocannon too).

All had Veterans of the Long War (so Hatred).

The Death Guard won the roll for table sides and gave the Angels Sanguine the sparsest cover. None of the chaos boon rolls did anything useful (lots of spawn/prince rolls, and some hatred which they already had). Chaos Lord got the hatred trait, Aristarchus got Legendary Fighter (and kept codex powers). Death Guard also won the roll for first turn, and gave it to the Angels Sanguine. Nothing fell to the Red Thirst.

+The Angels Sanguine took up position in the wreckage of the once proud city. Strangely, the Death Guard seemed aware of their presence, but unwilling to break focus on their ritual. Supreme confidence, or supreme arrogance, Chief Librarian Aristarchus mused. They had already finished with one beacon and abandoned it, moving to set up another - it must take two beacons for their ships to triangulate and navigate. His contemplation was disturbed by a flicker of movement in the ruined cathedral occupying the battlefield's centre, no doubt a result of the foul heretics' perversions and taste for destruction. There it was again, and suddenly it came into focus - a lone guardsman, sole survivor of the Chaotic landing. "Marines, secure that guardsman!" he growled - barely louder than a whisper, but to the Angels Sanguine it was more terrifying than the battle cry of a hundred Orks. Without a backward glance, he led his meagre force into the fray....+


Deployment. Ruins are 4+ in the centre, and behind the walls at the back and near-right. The two towers are being played as buildings. Baal has scouted to behind mine, then (moving back) the devastators, attack bikes, 5 marines in the rhino (melta and fist), 10 ASM with flamers and the priest, Aristarchus behind them, and 5 marines with ML on my objective (green diamond). 5 ASM with nothing special are behind them as a counter-assault unit. 5 ASM with hammer and dual melta are in reserve, as is the Raven. For the death guard, the nearest unit is the one with nothing, two plasma squads are on either side of the rhino with melta in it. Termies are in reserve, and the green predator is the one with all the lascannons.

So, who will it be: The mobile and more numerous Angels Sanguine, ready to purge the denizens of Nurgle with blessed bolter fire and the pointy edge of a chainsword, or the slightly lesser in number but much more intractable Plague Marines - tougher, resilient, and with the ability to negate most of the Angels' combat edge due to their high toughness and defensive grenades?

+The Angels Sanguine moved forward almost as one, first amongst their targets the beleaguered guardsman. The whoosh of jump packs was accompanied by a titanic crash, as the Sternguard veterans arrived from the sky in their drop pod+

Turn 1 - AS: Aristarchus casts wings and moves into the building, running further in to get out of sight, and the assault squad leaps forward to secure the relic in the corner of the building, making sure to spread out in case of battle cannon. The attack bikes move up behind and get within 24" of the defiler, as the drop pod scatters away from where I want it, but lands in front of the rhino. The Baal pokes its nose out to shoot at the plague marines - it is now visible to the las-pred when it moves, but I'm banking that front armour 13 plus a 4+ cover from the building will keep it safe. The devastators move up and enter the building, as I'm willing to sacrifice a turn of firepower to get better fire lanes and a safer position. The rhino moves using the wrecked building as a shield. Sternguard open up with all their melta into the rhino for First Blood. Baal cuts down 2 plague marines from the nearest squad, and the attack bikes fire and stun the defiler.

+The spirit possessing the defiler, enraged at this insolence, seeks vengeance. Meanwhile, the plague marines prepare to spread the word of grandfather Nurgle to those veterans who foolishly interrupted their ritual...+

Turn 1 - DG: Both predators move. One squad of plague marines (with a plasma pistol) comes towards the central building, lining up some shots through the doorway. The defiler fires at the assault squad but scatters, catching 2 assault marines and both attack bikes. Unfortunately, neither bike is wounded, but it does put down both assault marines. It takes combined fire from almost all of the death guard to take down the sternguard, and one aspiring champion is killed when his plasma pistol overheats. The las-pred is reduced to snap-firing two guns due to moving 6" and those both miss, but its regular shot also misses - chose the building as its target instead of the Baal as the devastators are likely to cause problems.


End of turn 1

+Death from above, as the Angels Sanguine reserves reinforce their brethren - no brother amongst the chapter is willing to take the easy route. No guts, no glory. The assault marines prepare to protect the guardsman, with their lives if necessary+

Turn 2 - AS: Storm Raven zooms on, as the assault marines deep strike in between the two predators. Aristarchus casts wings again and leaps over the building, heading for the plague marine squad which retains its aspiring champion, but doesn't have the lord.The Baal predator moves out to draw a bead on the Nurgle forces, and the large assault squad moves 6" to keep the guardsman safe from harm. The attack bikes get themselves within melta range of the defiler. The assault squad manage to damage but not wreck the lascannon predator in its side armour, only glancing it. The devastators fire at it, again only managing a glance. The Storm Raven, however, is ready to pounce - it fires two missiles and its multi-melta into the defiler, scoring two penetrating hits, both of which are defended against by its daemonic nature. The assault cannons use PotMS to fire into the side of the predator, wrecking it. The attack bikes manage to get another penetrating hit on the defiler, and this time immobilise it. The Baal continues its vendetta against the plague marines. Aristarchus charges into the plague marines, taking a wound from plasma overwatch fire, and handily beats the champion to a pulp in a challenge.

+The sky flickers, and there's a brief glimpse of a corrupted terminator squad available to the Angels Sanguine before they fade back into the warp. The oncoming storm of corruption is closer than forethought....+

Turn 2 - DG: The chaos lord splits off and goes after the attack bikes. Central squad of plague marines advances to the edge of the building, getting their plasma lined up with the assault squad. The squad that the lord left moved up and opened fire into the assault squad, but rolled terribly for plasma, and all the shooting only cut down 4. The defiler fired again, but again was less than accurate - fewer assault marines than expected fell to its shots. The hero of the hour was none other than the Nurgle lord, who not only managed to wound himself with his plasma pistol, but also fluffed his charge into the attack bikes. Aristarchus cuts down 5 of the 6 remaining plague marines.


End of turn 2. Note the lone assault marine who (foreshadowing!) will cause no end of trouble for the Death Guard. Also, you can now see the guardsman being shepherded by the assault squad.

Turn 3 - AS: The lone assault marine hops behind the defiler, as the large assault squad lines up near the death guard. The rhino and Baal move up, as the storm raven banks to the right and comes down to the plague marines. Lots of shooting floods this squad, knocking down all but two. The lone assault marine melta's the defiler in the back, finally blasting the foul daemon engine back to the warp. A missile from the tactical squad manages to glance the predator. The assault squad shoots the plague marines, getting some damage with flamers, and thins them a little before charging in, cutting them down to two. The attack bikes shoot a wound off of the chaos lord and charge in - I lose one bike leaving me with one on a wound (he lost one somewhere, can't remember how), but they remain in combat. Aristarchus tries frantically not to kill the last plague marine so I decline to cast any powers, and go for the plasma pistol instead of the force sword. Unfortunately, he does manage to beat the plague marine to death, and is caught with his trousers down facing a full death guard squad with two plasma guns...

Turn 3 - DG: The terminators turn up in the back field, but can't shoot much with any efficiency. The plasma squad opens up into Aristarchus scoring 3 hits and 3 wounds with plasma, but fortunately he makes all his saves against bolter fire. The two remaining plague marines right at the back shoot him as well, but to no effect. The predator In combat, the lord and bike slap at each other to no effect, whilst the assault marines beat up on some more death guard, finishing them off.


End of turn 3.

Turn 4 - AS: Raven flips into hover mode, and banks round to help deal with some terminators. Aristarchus risks casting wings, as he needs to hide - fortunately there's no perils, and he flies off to see to the two remaining plague marines near the Chaos objective, one of whom is an aspiring champion. The assault marines back away from the terminators carefully. I take another hull point off the predator before the meltagunner finishes it off beautifully with a glancing hit to the side. Shooting guns down a few terminators from the Baal and the Storm Raven. The tactical marines in the rhino shoot the regular plague marine with a meltagun, and Aristarchus charges in and finishes the champion. Lord and bike continue their slap-fight.

Turn 4 - DG: The remaining plague marines and terminators, now an endangered species on Agrax IV, advance and fire home some shots into the assault marines, killing two, but the remainder pass morale. The chaos lord finally cuts down the biker, but is now exposed to the righteous fire of the Angels Sanguine.


End of turn 4 - most of the Death Guard have become Dead Guard.

+ The Angels Sanguine seemed to have control of the battle against the Death Guard. However, the slaughter seemed to be stirring memories in them of their Primarch, and battles past. The Black Rage was awakening, and their bloodlust could prove their undoing....+

Turn 5 - AS: The assault marine moves off to take a shot at the lord. Tactical squad in the rhino moves up and disembarks onto the objective, and Aristarchus also seeks safety behind it. The squad escorting the guardsmen moves as far back as possible, and passes the relic on to the farthest away marine. The Raven peels off and fires more shots into the terminators, along with the Baal, but to little effect. The chaos lord's iron halo saves him from a krak missile and a meltagun blast, and the assault marine charges in and gets cut down, cruelly...

Turn 5 - DG: The lord advances and puts a plasma pistol shot into the drop pod to no effect. The plague marines move forward and shoot everything they have into the assault squad, doing one fewer unsaved wounds than there are models in the squad - the assault marine with the relic being farthest away, I chose not to take any look out sirs, meaning I lose the priest but keep the guardsman. Fortunately, the last man holds. The terminators charge the storm raven, and one revs his chainfist and carves it out of its hovering path. We roll for turn 6, and the game continues....


End of turn 5

+Images sprung unbidden into Aristarchus' mind. The mission objectives had been met, the hive world was in all likelihood safe. And yet... he felt a deep seated sense of anger at what had been done, both to the hive world and to his battle brothers. An image of Sanguinius danced before him, with eyes flashing red, and Aristarchus knew that he must punish these renegades for their insolence. He bellowed a battle cry and leapt forward, his view of the battlefield momentarily replaced with one of Holy Terra, and the Eternity Gate... he saw his battle brothers fall before him, then felt an intense burst of heat, before his world went black+

Turn 6 - AS: The game is safe as-is, but that would be boring. I want to kill all the renegades! The rhino moves, and Aristarchus (wingless - don't want to risk it) and the tactical squad both advance towards the plague marines. The combat squad of assault marines at the back move up into the unoccupied table quarter, and the one escorting the guardsman takes shelter behind the Baal. The Baal and Devastators shoot the terminators, killing one, and causing the last one to flee. The lord's Iron Halo deflects another missile shot, and I attempt to charge the plague marines, with the tactical squad first to eat overwatch fire. They make it, but even with fleet Aristarchus fails his 7" charge. Even worse, the tactical squad gets cut down to two men, and break...

Turn 6 - DG: The lone terminator, stricken with visions of his own mortality, and bereft of the favour of the gods, continues to flee. The lord strides up but can't accomplish much, and the Death Guard gun down Aristarchus in the open for Slay the Warlord.


End of turn 6

+Seeing their beloved leader fall triggers a rush of blood in the remaining angels. Those that can launch a desperate strike against those responsible for laying low a beloved member of their chapter+

Turn 7 - AS: The tactical marines regroup and move up, whilst the assault marine again takes shelter behind the Baal. Shooting only picks off one plague marine, and the lord survives ANOTHER round of melta and missile fire, his invulnerable save working overtime.

Turn 7 - DG: The lord plods forward, lacking anything productive to do. The Death Guard move onto their objective, and cut down the last tactical marines as the game comes to a close.


The state of Agrax IV at the end of the game

So - tallying up:

One Emperor's will objective each, and First Blood vs Slay the Warlord. Holding the Relic, and the 2 Legendary Fighter VPs, means that the Angels Sanguine have the primary.

Secondary is a lot closer - I've lost 2 combat squads, my priest, Raven, sternguard, attack bikes and Aristarchus for 7 kill points, but I've killed 3 Death Guard squads, 2 predators, a defiler, the terminators, and the rhino for 8 kill points, gaining secondary.

And Tertiary - 3 quarters to 1, so its a clean sweep for the Angels Sanguine, taking Primary, Secondary and Tertiary objectives.

The mission style seems interesting, though I'm not sold on scoring units count double for the tertiary objective - that means whoever has primary is almost guaranteed to have tertiary as well, kind of defeating the purpose. For the game itself, the Death Guard player had some truly abysmal luck in the first two turns that he never really recovered from - the damage was done by overheating plasmas, things missing at crucial times, and the terminators not turning up immediately. Still a really tough army to face, as T5 3+ and FnP is difficult to shoot through, and even harder to face in combat, especially when not getting charge bonuses. Them having plague knives hurts as well, as they wound back on a 4+ with a re-roll. Mobility really is key to this, which is why I went for the rhino and the outlying plague marine squad as my first targets, despite them being the least threatening aspects; getting all of the Death Guard in one place would allow me to use my mobility advantage better.

That's all for now - sorry for the long read, and as usual any C&C is appreciated, whether it be for tactics, narrative (especially), or the mission in general!

+Aristarchus mused over the events of the day prior, ignoring the apothecary tending to the burn wounds covering a third of his body. All things considered, he'd been fortunate that the final plasma gun had only caught him a glancing blow - any further to the left, and the chapter would need a new chief Librarian. Shortly upon regaining consciousness, he'd been informed that the few remaining Death Guard had left the planet shortly after he was incapacitated, their work incomplete. With only one active beacon, the Chaos invasion had been unable to position their arrival correctly, instead appearing nearby the planet, where the Imperial Navy had managed to erect a blockade. The guardsman, it turned out, had little information of note, and was being closely monitored by the Inquisition for evidence of corruption. He knew only too well what that meant, and had to suppress a glimmer of pity for the comparatively innocent defender of the Emperor. What plagued him the most (and he allowed himself a rare smile at that turn of phrase) was the rage - he had felt it overcome himself and his battle brothers at the height of their triumph, and nearly turned a resounding victory into a hideous defeat. Aristarchus resolved, therefore, to return to the Librarium on Baal and seek the counsel of elders from the Blood Angels - the rage was getting harder to control, and more vivid every day+

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thumbsup.gif for the narrative, always adds to a battle imho.

Enjoyable report (pictures too!) though I would find it hard to remember all the different objectives, perhaps it is over complicated? Maybe it is just my small brain. Table quarters fair enough, but as you say scoring units counting double could be a bummer though could encourage you to combat squad everything even if you keep them together.

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Couldn't go into the tower as it was already occupied by the devastators (they're just on top to denote occupancy), same way as I have a tactical marine rhino-surfing. Should probably have made that clearer in the report though. I went right rather than back because I wanted to mitigate the terminators when they came down, and wanted the priest to provide support to the other elements of my army which were heading off to the right anyway.


@Midnight - good point about combat squads, especially given the number of armies with that rule. That being said, it does mean you have an awful lot more potential kill points to give away. It seems that the secondary objectives are mostly there to give you a chance to pull some battle points back for the overall standing (a 12-8 loss is much better than a 20-0 loss), but the primary really is the only one that matters as its impossible to win without it. I don't really know how much they'll be tinkering with things or doing the tournament scoring structure though.

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