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Will you be picking up C:SM(6ed)?

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Hello fellow Brothers of the Blood,


I was just wondering who here would be picking up the 6th edition Codex Space Marine as a band aid for an eventual Codex Blood Angels update?


As all the new toys and possible flavor resemblance(what with "other" chapters being playable from C:SM, oftentimes the special rules for said chapters can resemble the BA) could push some of us to do that as we wait for a Codex BA update.

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I won't be playing as Vanilla, but will no doubt pick it up due to the possibility of allies I'm thinking of (scoring bikes, captain in art armour). The only new toy I will consider is the AA tank as it looks damn cool and I need cheap AA, and you know it will look cool in red.

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I  will for sure read it ( I mean who won't ? ). If I really like it , I might play a couple of games to help out a friend starting his Black Templar army. Also, if the Raven Guard have nice rules I might try them out, but other than that I will stick with my Knights of Blood.

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One thing is certain: Those new centurions looks awesome! As well as that big cannon on the tank! I really hope that we will get some pleasure out of them new thingies as well!

As for picking it up myself.. If i had the cash for it, i would deffinatly buy it, just to have it!

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When the Stormraven came out, I wasn't one of those who'd call it names, yelled 'the ugliest GW model EVAHH!!!11' and who built their own, brick-like substitutes. I usually don't judge models until I have them in my hands.


The centurions, however, look plain silly to me. Those mitten-like hands, underslung lascannons(!!) and heavy bolters and the bulky 'we put your power-armoured marines in more powerarmour' look are not only terrible, but seem to result in the attempt to force a new unit on 40 mm bases into the new sm codex. No, if that is the new way of the space marines in 6th edition, I'm very, very glad we have our own, 5th edition codex, and I'll keep my fingers crossed that these abominations never make it in our own.


The Vanguard Vets look pretty cool, they'd make for some nice assault marine novitiates, judged by their 'bling'. ;) No, seriously, they do look good. Some BA bling and they'd be ace. I wonder what rules GW changed to make people buy the new kit?

AA look interesting. Not very BA like, with their extra armour plates and those poles in the ground, so not too interesting after all. I've been doing fine with my Stormraven as AA, really.


To answer the question of the OP: Nah.





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I am geting the new codex....  I am with Snorri those centurion thigs look like a combat variant of a telletubby.  Did those tubbinators escape from a jenny craig camp?


The Vanguard Vets .... one word sexy .... they just need a red lipstick paint job to complete the look.


I think the rhino AA chasis will reduce the dominance of flyers a lot we can drop a lot of the required static AA defence line stuff soon, my bet is those guns have interceptor or skyfire.


I will ally Codex SM VV  to my lists, grab a SM Captain with a jump pack put him with my BA VV and some scouts.  Sure they may turn up late and scatter 2 D6 but they are cheap enough to take now in a squad of ten.


I see that Legion of the Damned are supposed to have some decent cover ignoring weapons too so there is another unit I have always liked.  Too soon to say but I am optimistic enough and have decided to grab a land raider redeemer to replace one of my storm ravens now. 

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If you play in tournaments and such the Allies chart ripped up the Them&Us tradition a long time ago. So, with that in mind each new book is really just an expansion unless the matrix says otherwise. It boils down to playing FoC shenanigans and picking what's best for you.


Apart from those things, the tacticals, Vets, Sternguard, and perhaps the AA tank are must-buys for me. They're going to look super sexy in red!

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I suppose I'm one of the few people that likes the Centurions. They remind me of the Lucky 7th Armoured exo-suits from Incursion.


They look tough as minis, and fun to play.




Rules (if they turn out like this) do look interesting, and appealing to me.


And yes, I'll be getting the Codex. The Eldar one was great, I love the 6th Ed layout and such, so I'm sure the new SM dex will turn out nice too. It's also nice to have some new Marine rules to play with after all this time.

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