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Will you be picking up C:SM(6ed)?

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Dakkadakka has most of the photo's of the new mini's in their new and rumours thread. I have to say I might be picking up several squads of Sternguard and Vanguard veterans. Plus a few of the re-cut Tactical's.


EDIT: Seems B&C has been keeping tabs on it too.

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I think I'll pick it up after Christmas, maybe. I'm not in any real rush for it this time around. I started to buy the Marine dex from 3rd ed onwards, but now we have a decent stand alone model range and codex I'm not so sure I'll miss the marine dex if I didn't buy it this time around. I don't need my Angels to be competitive right now as I have my Tau army for that. With Apocalypse just being released I've got lots of inspiration for army editions. I'm currently up to arm pits in plasticard converting an old Baneblade into a Felblade. As well as getting the last few squads for my battle company put together (I hate striping old paint off models).

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I've broken out my Omega Marines again, Through becoming in a bit of a malaise with the BA. They just don't feel like my army any more.


I'll be picking the Codex up, probably, when I have a bit of cash.


On another note, the new Sternguard sergeant has a full set of Mk8 - Check out the ankles!



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No way. I'm just sticking to my BA because of cost, space, time etc. Save your money for when the next BA codex comes out probably next year. Invest in making some nice terrain or make your own gaming board instead or buy bits to make that Sanguinary priest in terminator armour or something.
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No way. I'm just sticking to my BA because of cost, space, time etc. Save your money for when the next BA codex comes out probably next year. Invest in making some nice terrain or make your own gaming board instead or buy bits to make that Sanguinary priest in terminator armour or something.

why? Its better to play for year and don't feel like a cheated on codex level.

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Rumour has it that Raven Guard chapter tactics involve being able to use Jump Packs in movement AND assault phase. Anyone with a jump list tempted?

If Raven Guard can take assault marines as troops, people will be tempted.  Otherwise, whats the point?

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Been away from here for pretty long time and even out of 40K for awhile but, I'm back...


Been playing 40K since 2nd edition and was one of those "buy every codex in order to know thy enemy" types.  GW has reached the pricing point of stupidity for me so I'm now only buying codices that I actually have armies for.  Given that I'm hoping that my WS clones (Storm Riders) will be in some way made more viable with the new codex, I will be picking it up even though I really think the pricing is assinine.

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Took a looksy and tbh I dont see any reason to change codex :D il still pick it up for allies matrix, to know the local meta/rules and to oread the pieces of fluff and such. I was thinking about having a small crimson fist detachment a while back that I might include (probably add some cheap AA while im at it :p) but they wont be replacing my blood angels anytime soon!

Assault marines cheaper by 1 point? Ours are troops, have acces to melta.

VGV's while cheaper cant charge on the turn they drop anymore, moved to elites as well.

Tacticals and scouts cheaper. Ok... Fair enough, most people only take 1 (at best) though so its hardly noticable.

Cheaper and new vehicle options. Ok. We still got Baals, SR's and Furiosos!

Shiney new relics and chapter traits. We will get ours in time and our "traits" are basilcy red thirst sweat.gif While I dont get it often its a pretty awesome one!

Tbh what I see is a solid codex coming out, it will have lots of cheaper options then our codex has but tbh... Nothing changes. We have to deal with that now already as well whistlingW.gif TH&SS termies will have to pay 5 pts for the shields like we do and aside from the black templars I dont see any (loyalist) marine chapter having acces to army wide FnP and FC like we do through priests and/or DC :) we will still be the go to assault army if you ask me cool.png

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Rumour has it that Raven Guard chapter tactics involve being able to use Jump Packs in movement AND assault phase. Anyone with a jump list tempted?

If Raven Guard can take assault marines as troops, people will be tempted. Otherwise, whats the point?

Becasue they also get stealth. All jump pack all the time is what BA should have, and it essentially adds a free extra attack to every assault marine.

I'd take that over scoring assault marines, pretty much all the time - my ASM are always off killing instead of holding ground anyway.

it looks like they will not, so... another one useless rule out of GW thanks.gif

*in your opinion*

Anyway, if you're saying the ability to use jump packs in both the movement and assault phases is useless, then you most likely havent played too many games of 6th with BA jump troops.

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