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In memory of the Ultramarines 1st Co.

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A little background to the project... So a while back I decided to get into the whole messy business of making custom decals as an excuse to practice my Illustrator and give my (mediocre at best) free hand a rest.


I decided the the first subject for a decal should be my terminator standard bearer since at the time he just had some FW etched brass on a banner stolen from a command squad box. After a long while, I also decided it'd be neat to do some writing on the back of the banner, but with a printer doing potentially 1200dip I figured instead of squiggly writing, why not find a good font and put some words on there... I decided it would be fitting to list the names of all the 1st company marines who lost their lives during the battle of Macragge. Being poor at coming up with names I trawled through Lexicarnum to find SM names. About 60 of the names on my list of ... 97? Are either Ultramarine or unlisted chapter, and the remainder are made up of some other names that are less obviously affiliated with other chapters. At the head of the list is Invictus, the company captain at the time, followed by Helveticus, the Ancient at the time of the BfM (although he did survive, he is now dead). (I was struggling to think of another fitting name for the head of the banner).


The front of the banner is also finished, utilising my own take on the imagery of the old terminator box's Sergeant's banner. I haven't uploaded a picture yet though, as I'm having trouble matting it down enough to photograph it properly (folds in material are way too good at catching shine). So after that rather long introduction...




If you get a magnifying glass, you can indeed read the names on he model... Zooming in on the picture also works. The decal paper I used was from "Experts-Choice" and I couldn't recommend it more. It adhered well, and was very receptive to the micro-sol solution to get it into the creases at the top.


I hope other UM players out there appreciate my tribute to the fallen heroes of Macragge.

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I used clear decal paper for the writing, as I know black ink from my printer has fairly good coverage and that the beige color it's on is fairly pale. The logo on the front is on white backed paper, because it's going ontop of blue, and there's no good way of getting colors to look nice over a colored background on transparent paper. It did mean a little bit more cutting and painting over some white edges but it's better that than looks washed out or discolored. In hindsight when printing onto white, I should have put a background on it so that it didn't need any cleaning up and just provided a fairly seamless transition to the color of the model.

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The list of names I came up with is on my other PC. If anyone is interested in seeing the names I've gone for then I could post it up as well. As I say though, while they are mainly real space marine names from fluff, only about 50% of them are genuine Ultramarine names, and only about 10 names are 1st Co in said fluff. Lexicanum was very helpful with that. I'm pleased to say that there is somewhere on that banner the name of a few terminators who were named in fluff as having died on Macragge.


Now that another coat of matt varnish has dried, I've got a picture of the front of the banner. Anyone remember the old terminator banner my art is based on? The remainder of the banner isn't much to look at, but it is 'finished' until I get OCD enough to clean it up. You can see quite clearly that the white of the decal isn't as strong as the white paint, but in terms of getting colors across it seems to do the job.



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That is so effin boss. May I humbly ask permission to shamelessly pillage that idea? I would love to have something like that. 

Seriously, so so so So cool!!!

Please do go ahead. I've pilfered enough great ideas from other forum members in my time...


Looks absolutely dynamite. The fact that the transfer sits so well would make me think you actually freehanded it.

Haha.. If only I could freehand that well. Honestly, I dont think anybody could do this free hand. As I said earler, I couldn't recommend that decal paper any more fervently. Excellent product and finish with minimal fuss compared to another brand I've used on larger items (putting logos on mugs and such).

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I'm glad you guys are enjoying my work. Hopefully in the near future I'll be able to update you with my my next decal project which will be much more grand. *cough* Calgar Landraider *cough*.


When I can afford the parts, expect to see the conversion in the WIP section at some point followed by the decal work. It's gonna take some serious drawing time in Illustrator...

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