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Chosen squad. Inspirations and ideas.


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Hey guys,

With the Black Legion supplement on its way, I found the motivation to build up a chosen squad.

The basic idea is to create the elite of my warband (forget all competitive aspect of the game, it's not what I'm looking for). Those guys are the trusted ones of their lord, sent to accomplish the most dangerous and important missions.

I want them to come from different Legions/chapters (purely for background). For example, the Aspirant Champion and two other guys are veterans from the Sons of Horus while another dude is from the Extinction Angels.

I think I'll throw the mark of Slaanesh in there, fits the "elite" style pretty well. The squad has as heavily mutated/possessed guy, who'll act as the icon.

So, what do you guys think, do you have any cool chapter / legion the few guys left could be coming from ?

Aspirant champion - Power Sword (of Claw) - Sons of Horus

Possessed guy - Icon of Excess - Blood Angel

Chosen - Plasma Rifle - Night Lords

Chosen - Plasma Rifle - TBD

Chosen - Power Sword - Extinction Angels

Chosen - Autocanon - Sons of Horus

Chosen- Regular stuff (converted as an apothicary) - Sons of Horus

Chosen- Regular stuff - Emperor's Children

Chosen- Regular stuff - Knights of Blood

Chosen - Regular stuff - TBD

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If you were going for a unit representing marines drawn from various legions, I'd avoid giving them a specific mark.  A world eaters, thousand sons, or death guard guy with counts-as mark of slaanesh would just be too much for me.  I don't see why the slaanesh mark and icon other than for gameplay effect, which you already said you didn't care about.  I mean, I could see making peace with it if you were converting an apothecary to represent the old BL fluff of Abby keeping the apothecary corp around to preserve numbers.  But that was from their early days, when the black legion was newly formed and still few in number, so if that's what you were going for, I'd keep to former sons of Horus fluff wise, as opposed to a single unit comprised of former members of various legions.

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Don't know about their helmets, but I'll sure go for a paint scheme more elaborate than the basic one. Maybe by painting a skull on the helmet à la NL, maybe some gold here and there, yeah.

Emperor's Children seems like a great idea. I like it a lot, thank you.


EDIT, just for Mali :

The mark of Slaanesh makes them feel elite in game (I don't care about optimisation, I'd like them to feel that way). The mark isn't a mark per se, it just represents the fact that they're good at their job. So it's not an issue if the squad includes followers of other gods than Slaanesh (even though I'm not tempted by WE or DG).

About the apothicary, it's more about the guy who's able to patch them up, far behind enemy lines, and to preserve the gene-seed of those who die.

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VoLW is obviously in. I use it on everything that can get it, that's also why I don't bother having to take it to play with the Black Legion supplement.

You got a point on the claw. That makes perfect sense, even though I think a sword would look better. I'll think about that.

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Very nice idea, like a corrupted Deathwatch squad. I feel the very same way about MoS -my NL have it along with VoTLW, because feels to me how VoTLW should have been. Maybe you can add a Iron Warrior toting heavy weapon? Edit: In my mind the converted apothekarion would be better to represent IoE.

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A member from the Bleak Brotherhood, I've always loved that scheme.


Or the Knights of Blood.

Knights of Blood will give me cool conversion possibilities and a devotee of Khorne. I buy it.



Very nice idea, like a corrupted Deathwatch squad. I feel the very same

way about MoS -my NL have it along with VoTLW, because feels to me how

VoTLW should have been. Maybe you can add a Iron Warrior toting heavy


You got the global idea. Corrupted Deathwatch. Well, it's more about a Black Legion death squad, led by hatred and such, but the different origins of the Chosen will be great for conversions and background writing. On the IW, what weapon would you favour ? (I contemplate using those guys in kill-team, maybe).




Edit: In my mind the converted apothekarion would be better to represent IoE.


I would have the Icon of Excess as a mad, very corrupted apothecary...one of Fabius' diciples...

Yeah that would also make sense. I don't know yet, I feel like the possessed guy fits that purpose pretty well, being a litteral incarnation of the will of the gods.

Don't know yet, but there's food for thought.

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On the IW I envision them with classic AC or HB (and with Relentless in Kill Team games, is a very good thing) I'm more for the autocannon because of the higher S shots, but that's just me.


Maybe the Possessed guy can be a dual lightning claw Word Bearer chosen?

My main issue about the apothecary is that I don't like ultra-chaosy CSM besides Word Bearers, but again, that's just me :)

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AC seems good to me.

I think I'll make the possessed guy come from a loyalist chapter (probably Blood Angels).

His basic background is that he's been slowly but surely corrupted by all he's been through, and finaly ended up being possessed. He then had to flee his chapter, killing his squadmates in the process. Something along those lines.

Alright guys, two doods left.

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I'm really not fond of the Crimson Slaughter. Their background feels so meh.


What about one of the fallen (dark angels)? The background certainly fits, and the timing would be right. This guy could be a pretty old vet with some serious experience under his robe.

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I've thought about it, and I will not make a fallen. The DA fluff feels ridiculous to me, as it seems like the Galaxy is full of fallen. They go to the restaurant, there's a fallen. They visit their grand parents, a fallen is around, etc.

So no, it feels boring, IMO. :(

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Love the idea, I'm doing something similar but basing it off of Abaddon's Chosen from page 10 of the 3.5 dex so I only really have to work on 4 (I'm am incredibly slow painter).


Have you thought about the other powers?  Maybe one of the Cleaved, or perhaps one of the Scourged for the other plasma gun?

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I've thought about it, and I will not make a fallen. The DA fluff feels ridiculous to me, as it seems like the Galaxy is full of fallen. They go to the restaurant, there's a fallen. They visit their grand parents, a fallen is around, etc.

So no, it feels boring, IMO. sad.png

Wow. Strongly disagree, but it's your thread. I'm outta ideas. Good luck on the rest of the squad! thumbsup.gif

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The thought of a DA marine trying to complete daily tasks but unable because the fallen are everywhere is amusing.


Sons of Malice. I know he wouldn't get along with everyone else but I always found these guys cool. Plus quartered black and white done well is legit.

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Oh, I second the Alpha Legionnaire.. a sneaky, enigmatic type of guy that prides himself with knowing all sorts of stuff but that always seem to have some kind of second (and third, forth and fifth) agenda.. Bolter, BP & CCW there, maybe painted in black (legion) colors as a show of allegiance, but with a hydra incorporated somewhere.. (maybe a single shoulder guard left in purple-ish blue) ^^


Also, I'd like to weigh in on the IW guy.. maybe consider a melta instead? the squad seems to be a 'in-your-face' type of unit, so there might be a case made that the IW trooper chooses something to blow stuff up..


Another idea might be to include a renegade ultramarine, or (from a BL standpoint even sweeter) an Imperial Fist/Crimson Fist/Black Templar-character.. I personally have nothing but loathing for Dorn's thick-headed offsprings, so that would be a really nice twist on that one.. in the case of the templars, one might consider keeping their color scheme, but exchange the crusader-symbols with the eight-pointed star..

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Also, I'd like to weigh in on the IW guy.. maybe consider a melta

instead? the squad seems to be a 'in-your-face' type of unit, so there

might be a case made that the IW trooper chooses something to blow stuff


Seems like a reasonable idea, yeah. I'll think about that.

Renegade SM, I already have a Blood Angel, I don't want to crowd the squad with those guys. Alpha Legion and IW are great ideas too.

On the other points, keep in mind that every guys will be in Black Legion colours, that's the point :).

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Well, I still thinking better the auto cannon than the melta, because sinergyzes (sp?) better with the plasma guys (same Str, same range, multiple shots). Melta is good but if you're in melta range, shot but not kill and can't assault (because of plasma), you're certainly dead. With better range, you can pound enemies from afar and move when things get's closer.


Don't get me wrong, I like melta, but only mixed with flamers (because assaults) or with more melta. I also vote for the AL dude, they are great, and makes other paranoid about them :lol:

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