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escalation league question


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Ok my club is starting an escalation league, 500 pts then goes up 50 - 150 pts every week after that (starts in 2 weeks). we go over rules next weekend (on saturday) then week after that it starts. What should i run for a 500 pt list, i got two lists, 1 list with 1 chaos lord, mark of nurgle with lightning claws + aura of dark glory, 1 lvl 2 sorcerer (nothing fancy, he just has mark of nurgle) 2 units of 5 plague marines (2 plasma guns 1 in each squad) thats 495 pts. the 2nd list i have is 1 lord, aura of dark glory, lightning claws, mark of nurgle, 2 units of 5 plague marines (2 plasma guns 1 in each squad) and 1 helbrute with multi melta and power fist. Is it better to run with 2 hq's or just run with the 1 hq and the 2 troop + the elite?

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I'd run the Helbrute. AV12 isn't the most difficult thing to crack, but it's disproportionally more difficult in smaller games. I love running a Helbrute at 400 or 500 points.

However, the Sorcerer list might be more flexible to escalate on. In playing escalation I find it really important to plan ahead ...

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yeah i plan to plan ahead, i can do both i guess, try each list out and see what works better i suppose, i could also swap in 3 bikers and drop the aura of dark glory on the lord too, i'm still learning my way around 6th edition yet

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