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Nurgle Warband (ETL2 Vow)


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Greeting servants of plagues.

I have always love every single aspect of nurgle and his followers. I restarted with the new codex, and surprisingly please with the overall feel and content. I know some are bitter about some aspect and desire more from the 6th ed book, but I feel for a true chaos player their will always be bitterness and unsatisfied thirst for more. At the ends of the day, I am happy with this dex and its changes over the 4th edition. I even got second in my first tournament with the book, to my amazement. Joining ETL2 is my attempt to focus on my largely unfinished nurgle force(CSM, renegades, Daemons) and prepare for the tournament this year. Here are some pics, so enjoy and C&C are highly welcome.

2nd place trophy(silver), my hobby pride and joy






Squad one: 7 PM with 2x plasma


squad two: 7 PM with 2x plasma


Havoc squad with 4x autocannons


So I have fives days to complete twenty models geek.gif This is going to be fun and insane. All fail grandfather nurgle and let chaos corrupt all.

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