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New Citadel Paint line Hexidecimal values


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First, hello. New here. Dunno how much I'll post, because I'm rather internet shy, but greetings nonetheless.


I used to use the Bolter and Chainsword space marine painter tool while bored at work while thinking up new schemes before I actually got into the hobby. Glad to see it's back up and running. However, it's still using the old GW paint scheme values. I didn't know if there was any demand to see it updated, but, I was kind of hoping it would seeing as anyone getting into the hobby nowadays no longer has access to, say, "Boltgun Metal" and instead has to use "Leadbelcher."


It's really not that big a deal, but I'm hyper OCD, so, to me, it is.


I figure rather than being someone crying "I demand this thing!", I'd just go extract the #hex values myself and share it with you all. Method used to extracting the color values is pretty simple: I simply grabbed screenshots off the GW paints page, then did a color select using GIMP photo editor, then copy-pasted the #hex value.


I don't know how strict y'all are with trademarked names (technically, the names of the paints are trademarked!) so I figure if it's against the rules, hopefully someone can just edit it out of this post. Otherwise, here goes. Final note, I only got the values for "Base" and "Layer" paints, while skipping metallics. The rest of their line is all to drybrush on or to add shading or technical effects so I don't see much of a point in nabbing those. And the metallics just end up being flat colors so I didn't see the point.


Ceramite White: #ffffff
Averland Sunset: #fcb825
Jokaero Orange: #ee3823
Mephiston Red: #991115
Khorne Red: #6a0002
Naggaroth Night: #3e3355
Daemonette Hide: #696685
Kantor Blue: #001f51
Macragge Blue: #0d407f
Caledor Sky: #386e9d
Stegadon Scale Green: #074764
Incubi Darkness: #0b4849
Caliban Green: #003f1d
Waaagh! Flesh: #20552b
Castellan Green: #304921
Death World Forest: #5c6631
Zandri Dust: #9e915c
Steel Legion Drab: #5f5034
Bugman's Glow: #845045
Ratskin Flesh: #ae6b4e
Mournfang Brown: #650a09
XV-88: #72481e
Rhinox Hide: #493335
Dryad Bark: #34312c
Mechanicus Standard Grey: #3c4a4d
Celestra Grey: #90a8a8
Abaddon Black: #231f20
Rakarth Flesh: #a29e92
The Fang: #436276
Screamer Pink: #7b1645
White Scar: #ffffff (note, same as Ceramite White. If this does get added into the editor, I'd say use this name)
Yriel Yellow: #feda00
Flash Gitz Yellow: #fef100
Troll Slayer Orange: #f46c2e
Fire Dragon Bright: #f48550
Evil Sunz Scarlet: #c2191f
Wild Rider Red: #eb2e28
Wazdakka Red: #8b0a0c
Squig Orange: #a94f44
Xereus Purple: #49225f
Genestealer Purple: #7761aa
Warpfiend Grey: #6c6a75
Slaanesh Grey: #8e8c97
Alaitoc Blue: #295788
Hoeth Blue: #4c7fb4
Altdorf Guard Blue: #1f56a8
Calgar Blue: #4272b8
Teclis Blue: #317fc1
Lothern Blue: #33a2cf
Sotek Green: #0c6a74
Temple Guard Blue: #329a8d
Kabalite Green: #028d66
Sybarite Green: #2fa56b
Warpstone Glow: #1e7332
Moot Green: #52b146
Warboss Green: #3e7f5d
Skarsnik Green: #5e926e
Loren Forest: #51702d
Straken Green: #627f26
Nurgling Green: #839a62
Elysian Green: #758e3a
Ogryn Camo: #9ea94b
Ushabti Bone: #bcbc80
Screaming Skull: #d4d3a2
Tallarn Sand: #a67610
Karak Stone: #bb9662
Cadian Fleshtone: #c87958
Kislev Flesh: #d5a775
Bestigor Flesh: #d18a56
Ungor Flesh: #d6a666
Skrag Brown: #8f490e
Deathclaw Brown: #b26752
Tau Light Ochre: #bf6d1c
Balor Brown: #8b5910
Zamesi Desert: #dca026
Doombull Brown: #5d000a
Tuskgor Fur: #883736
Gorthor Brown: #644540
Baneblade Brown: #927f6e
Dawnstone: #6f746d
Administratum Grey: #949b94
Eshin Grey: #4a4f53
Dark Reaper: #3b4f50
Thunderhawk Blue: #417175
Skavenblight Dinge: #48413b
Stormvermin Fur: #726b65
Ulthuan Grey: #c7e0da
Pallid Wych Flesh: #cdcebe
Russ Grey: #547588
Fenrisian Grey: #709cb7
Pink Horror: #91305d
Emperor's Children: #b84177

The Ceramite White and White Scar are TOTALLY not #FFFFFF. One of them is a reddish (warm) "zinc" white, the other blueish (cool) "titanium" type of white.

Also, I'm sorry to say, going off their "blotches" or photos is pointless, the first are totally inaccurate, to the point of being outright worng. The other are corrected and adjusted.

The only way to do it halfway properly is

a) get neutral day light lamps

cool.png paint every single paint on ideally white (not blueish, not reddish) sheet of paper

c) take photos without ANY filter or correction

d) extract hex values from the RAW files

Otherwise, it's all for naught and the discrepancies are staggering. Awfully sorry to shoot you down, mate, and thanks for the huge effort anyway. sad.png

For the purposes of what the Space Marine Painter does, I'd say it's accurate enough. It's a better feel of what the new paint line is than what is currently offered on it. That's all I was going for.


Also with regards to Ceramite vs. White Scar, I've used both and I'm convinced they are the same color with just a slight difference in consistency. I can seem to thin down White Scar a lot better to utilize it as just a catch-all white highlight. Maybe that's just me, though.

Ah, I see what he did now … a discussion developed (well, I say a discussion … I said to be careful using these as references), so he started a new thread and locked it to get the codes away from the perceived criticism. I mean, if it's really a "discussion thread" he should have linked both to the other.

All I can say is: it's good to be the king^wmoderator msn-wink.gif

I figure people are smart enough to assume the colors are always going to come out darker/lighter depending on how they base-coated the model, seeing as what's currently offered in the SMP is pretty much exactly what I did but with the older paint line.


But I digress.


Sorry for not having seen the other post, guess my search-fu to make me not look like an idiot on my first post in a new forums is sorely lacking.

Trust me, I in no way disagreed with your points about their inaccuracy, Gurth, the way I did it was totally inaccurate regards getting "true color". However, the SM Painter hasn't been updated with new codes for new paint colors yet (and I'm not sure exactly how those color codes may in fact be generated if/when it is updated), and I haven't had the time to go about getting them any more accurately. I created the pinned one and locked it because that is the actual resource, and it wasn't intended to fall off the board simply because discussion died down about it, not to stifle any discussion about the methods on how I obtained them. Simple bumps for the subject are silly and there's a reason we can pin threads.


I have added a link to the discussion thread, as suggested.


SRSFACE, welcome to the forums and I do find it interesting that some of your hex values are just slightly off the ones I came up with, even though we used a similar method. It was suggested to me at one point that making sure you extract the hex code from the same pixel within the splotch would result in a more consistent method, but I haven't actually been able to try that yet.

I figure people are smart enough to assume the colors are always going to come out darker/lighter depending on how they base-coated the model

You'd be surprised … Though I'd say you're probably right as regards to base-coating, very few people realise the problems with colour accuracy on computer screens, and that's without even trying to compare those to paint colours.

seeing as what's currently offered in the SMP is pretty much exactly what I did but with the older paint line.

The Space Marine painter is a nice tool, but by its very nature it suffers from the same problem smile.png You can certainly use it, or the colour numbers you posted, to get an impression of the colours and/or schemes you want, but I'd be highly surprised if anyone's painted models accurately resemble what they designed on-screen with either of them smile.png

Sorry for not having seen the other post, guess my search-fu to make me not look like an idiot on my first post in a new forums is sorely lacking.

Don't sweat it, it's not like there's only a dozen posts on this forum that you could easily have checked.

not to stifle any discussion about the methods on how I obtained them.

Maybe it was just my mildly paranoid nature shining through smile.png

It was suggested to me at one point that making sure you extract the hex code from the same pixel within the splotch would result in a more consistent method, but I haven't actually been able to try that yet.

I doubt it. If the colour samples are single-colour images with lossless compression (like PNG or GIF do), they should be the same colour all-over, so it wouldn't matter which pixel you sampled. OTOH if they use lossy compression (like JPEG) then you can pretty much forget about accuracy regardless of which method you use, especially if the compression has been turned up high.

Checking the originals just now, it looks like they're sort of OK — though the images are JPEGs, the central part of each is a plain area that appears to have the same RGB values for each pixel. Just don't sample anywhere near the edges, since there's compression artifacts all around there (zoom in on the edge and you'll see what I mean).


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