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Lord + Escort Loadout


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I recently bought the terminator lord and terminator box.


I was wondering what weapons people normally use on there lord.


I was going to use a power axes as the melee weapons, but unsure what range weapon to use on the lord.


I'm going to use him in a deep striking terminator squad about 4-5 man, I'm planing on using them for tank hunting or meq killing.


Thanks Warmammer

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Well tank hunting would benefit more from combi-meltas, and meq killing can be done with combi-meltas but combi-plasmas (which you'll have to make, buy or have already) are better because if you Deep Strike in Rapid Fire range you get 2 shots per weapon.


Combi-Flamers are good for putting a bunch of wounds on groups of scrubs.


If you wanted/had the points, you could go with the Burning Brand, which is a Torrent weapon that's ap3 on the Lord, but you'll have to convert that.



Give him a combi-plasma.  You can't assault after firing the plasma but then you can't assault after deepstriking either.  As a one use weapon you may as well get the most shots from it on the turn they arrive.


Terminators are relentless so they could assault after firing combi-plasmas-but you're right in that they could not assault after deep strike.

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You planning to deep strike them, walk them, or are you picking up a land raider or a FW transport like the storm eagle or spartan?  Assuming you don't care about alignment, here's how I would kit them:


If storm eagle/spartan: get another box of termies, run 7 to 8 markless with combi bolters and power axes, maybe a single chain fist, maybe a heavy flamer or a couple combi plas or melta, no mark.  Even converting the maces to axes, you'll need to look to ebay, forgeworld, or some 3rd party vendor for extra power axes and plain combi bolters.  Lord with MoN, Lightning Claw, and Power fist, or MoK & Axe of Blinding Fury.  You should have spare sorcerer bits and terminator bodies to make a termie sorcerer if you like.


If land raider: get a box of spawn, use the bits to convert a trio of terminator possessed, run them as counts as MoN mutilators.  Use the spare sorcerer bits from the lord box and a spare body from the termie box to convert a terminator sorcerer to hang with them - markless or MoN, lv3, force axe, spell familiar, telepathy or biomancy.  Lord should run MoN, Lightning Claw, Power Fist.


If deep striking: give the termies four axes (should have enough between the lord & termie boxes, if you convert a mace into an axe), a single chain fist, and a mix of combi plas and combi melt (2 melt, 3 plas, maybe?).  You'll need to convert your combi plas, I recommend flattening the top of the combi bolters and gluing the top half of some chopped up spare plasma pistols, maybe.  Give the lord the heavy flamer (run as burning brand), and a power fist or lightning claw.  MoN on the lord, markless on the terminators.


If walking: all combi-plasma on the terminators.  You'll have to resort to conversions or second hand vendors, it will be a pain.  Give them power axes & maybe a single fist.  Drop the terminator lord, and take Huron instead to infiltrate them.  If you still want to take the termie lord, then run him as a secondary HQ, hoofing it with a max squad of cultists, armed with MoN, burning brand (the termie heavy flamer), and a lightning claw or power fist, three flamers in the cultists.


Leastwise, that's how I'd do it.


EDIT: oh, wait, you said you're planning on deep striking, OK.  Well, I'll just boldify that section, and leave the rest.

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Magnetize them all and you can then adjust the gear from game to game, depending on how you will use the Lord.
I run mine either with fist/claw, AoK/whatever or Axe/Brand. Combiplasma sometimes too for sure.

As for the Termie squad I usually put 1 Chainfist and mix of axes and sometimes mauls (for fun) and combiplasmas. HF if i have the spare few points.

But then, if you magnetize them all you might just try out every single possible mix.

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