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Bug Stompers: Scythes of the Emperor (Marines based 2/28)


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Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in.

- Michael Corleone

The new codex and all the related excitement...a year ago I put down my bolter and took up a lasgun...yet here I find myself drawn back to power armour. Some cheap deals at my FLGS were the final straw.

Why the Scythes? Well, they're a popular but not so common Chapter. And I felt like doing something both Codex and 40k after my Pre-HH 1kSons. Something I wouldn't have to worry about using later marks of armour in. Plus the colour scheme of yellow and black is not an easy one. A new challenge.

Assembled forces currently comprise:

One rhino

One half tactical squad (these first two items got for 55% of GW prices. How could I resist?)

One scout sniper squad (originally planned for my 1kSons but never made)

I've got enough spare special weapons, sergeant bitz and a missile launcher so I can do the tacticals as the spicy half of a full squad, and pick up another 5-man pack sometime (hopefully again on the cheap) to complete the squad.

I'll wait for the new tactical squad box to provide the ubiquitous second squad.

Unlike my 1kSons, which suffered from Shiny Model Syndrome (and my IG are wavering in that direction, I must admit biggrin.png) I want to keep my SotE competitive...hence I won't be even thinking of lists until the codex has hit and better minds have had chance to sift through it.

I can foresee myself stripping and repainting my Thunderfire cannon...it's just too effective, too cheap (points-wise) and too expensive (yen-wise) for me to leave it in 1kSons colours. The rest of Magnus' sons I do hope to leave alone.

No photos to show yet but I would ask for some advice:


Three thoughts came to mind.

The first being to base them as if within a tyranid ship (think Advanced Space Crusade imagery). Though with vehicles (and a storm talon is tempting) it would have to be a pretty cavernous ship...

The second was to go more industrial/Space Hulk. Mesh flooring, pipes and panels. Could be inside a ship, could be a manufactorum on a planet.

The third idea is a world (probably temperate) undergoing tyranid bioforming: tentacle and bony growths in addition to Earth-like terrain.

Thoughts and suggestions are most welcome!

Nice to see another Scythes army in the making. They, like the Flesh Tearers are getting a fair bit of love lately happy.png

If I was to do a Scythes army, I'd go for the last option - Temperate world undergoing Tyranid terraforming. Quite apt for them smile.png

Thank you Aquilanus. I'm still thinking about how to do the bases. Probably the Tyranoformed world, as you suggested. If anyone know of any good images or links to Tyranid models on appropriate terrain...or terrain pieces, I'd appreciate being pointed in the right direction. I do have a few ideas myself too.

And thanks, JakeRaven. :)

At last took blade to plastic and got started.

A bit of repositioning with the left arm here at the wrist. The glue's now dry so I'll have another look, clean it up and use GS as necessary.




A pose inspired by Veteran Sergeant's excellent work (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/249349-leave-no-model-unconverted/?p=3044340).

I had originally intended to use a Mk.6 helmet here (hence the Mk.6 legs and body) but the beak would've been a little too close to the back of the pistol. No great shame: I don't mind my SotE looking ragtag with mismatched armour.

Cut out the magazine slot of his bolter a bit. Once it's blacked out it should be fine. I did wonder about changing the -not all that familiar with guns so I don't know what it's called- firing handle(?) to the rear as another little detail...?




And got started on a combi-flamer for the sergeant, made from a Rhino storm bolter with the right mag and barrel removed. Kept the removed mag so the sergeant can have it on his belt. The circle on the right side -where the right ejection port was- will be a fuel gauge. It's chunky but I like it. The pistol grip was added just for these photos: he'll be holding it so I'll be removing that soon. Needs the flamer's barrel drilling out too.





First up the flamer-marine, wielding a VS-pattern flamer.


And a second shot -which came out awfully- showing his reload at his belt.


And for my sergeant I've been thinking about how to position his right arm, holding the rather large combi-flamer...

either up


Or down


Which do you think looks better?

Love the amount of personality those conversions show. I wish I was that creative. The combi-flamer does seem like it would better suit a TDA model though.


You realise now you have to use those awesome scythes from the FW Deathshroud terminators as counts-as power axes? :D

Definately the first pic of the sarg... Although is there anyway you could a sort of strap? At the moment the gun looks a little too big for him to be carrying it one handed. Even as a Marine. I'd suggest a should strap just so it sort of justifies it a bit....


The scratched facec of his, was that you just taking a blade to it? Its looks brill and has already inspired me!


This one.

Hmm, one thing that bothers me about that combi-melta, isn't the drum mag for the bolter part going to be in the way when he tries to aim? The way it juts out to the side like that it would be pressed against his chest when firing, personally I'd recommend cutting it off and replacing it with a standard sickle mag.

Definately the first pic of the sarg... Although is there anyway you could a sort of strap? At the moment the gun looks a little too big for him to be carrying it one handed. Even as a Marine. I'd suggest a should strap just so it sort of justifies it a bit....

The scratched facec of his, was that you just taking a blade to it? Its looks brill and has already inspired me!

Thank you. Yes, the scars on his face are deliberate. A veteran of Sotha and Miral, perhaps.

I do agree that the combi-weapon looked far larger than expected once it was put on the mini. A sling is definitely in order!


This one.

Hmm, one thing that bothers me about that combi-melta, isn't the drum mag for the bolter part going to be in the way when he tries to aim? The way it juts out to the side like that it would be pressed against his chest when firing, personally I'd recommend cutting it off and replacing it with a standard sickle mag.

That's a very good point, Sanguinius Reborn! I wish I'd noticed that when first making it. Should've made the left side the flamer and kept the right side the bolter. Ah well. I do want to keep the box mag, so am going to leave it as-is.

Next time I make a combi:

I. I might not make it from a Rhino's storm bolter. So big!

II. I'll put the special weapon on the left side.

If I have time I'll do the sling today and hopefully get the missile launcher-wielder done.

Perhaps then next week some painting...

I've always had a soft spot for yellow and black marines (Scythes, Marines Malevolent, Imperial Fists (should always be done in black trim IMO teehee.gif ) so I'll be checking this often as I can. Cool conversions, ready to see some paint! Also, I'll actually throw my hat in for combi down. The combination ( tongue.png ) of it being the stormbolter with box mag makes him look top heavy. I think downwards and out will help balance him, especially when added backpack. Otheriwise, that's a lot of model going straight up and looks a bit off. Just my opinion though, he'll still look awesome, especially with those scars man! msn-wink.gif

"Wanna know how I got these scars?"

Loving the posing and conversions so far, man. I just wanted to pop my head in to say please go with either the Space Hulk or the Tyranid bioship as a base - I've seen Tyrannoforming bases before, but an actual Tyranid hive ship would be something entirely new, and you obviously have the talent to pull it off. You could even do a diorama for them inside the belly of the beast, heh.


I thought you might like the following two pics as inspiration - one for if you do go with the world being Tyrannoformed, the second being literally the only picture I can find of an amazing diorama that I think placed in a French(?) Golden Daemon one year.








Hope these are helpful!

Thank you, Kassill. I've tried a third pose for the sergeant (one with the right arm pointed lower and a bit more out to the right). I'll try to pose photos of it over the weekend. With his pose not yet decided I didn't work on the sling yet.

I did get the missile-marine's bitz cleaned of mould lines and a bit put together. Perhaps finish him tomorrow. As the missile launcher is from the current tactical squad set it has the horrible moulding where the weapon joins the shoulder pad. Part of the pad trim simply disappears...so I removed all the trim and turned it into a Mk.6 shoulder pad. I'll give him a studded Mk.6 on his left too.

And thank you very much Brother Captain Arkhan. I must admit I've been questioning how I was going to pull of the bases but those images (particularly the latter!!!) and some advice I got in the PCA forum have sealed it.
Tyranid bioformed planet it is!

Gonna need a whole lot more GS...

Another thing I'm pondering over:
I could simply do the black parts of their armour using black paint, and highlight it grey...or I could use a method I found on Pingo's fine blog (here: http://pingos-projects.blogspot.jp/2013/01/simple-boltgun-casings-tutorial.html?m=0) -which I've also used for my Mordian IG's boots (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/269424-shrineworld-garrison/?p=3290530)and the robes of a penal custodian/priest (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/269424-shrineworld-garrison/?p=3281493)- which is to use a very dark grey, dry brushed a lighter grey and then darkened with Nuln Oil washes.
I might try that to start with. Easy to go over with thinned black if necessary.

Here's the third potential sergeant pose. `Out to the side`.

A bit of GS would fill the shoulder gap, and the pad will cover it all anyway. Then a sling on the weapon, over the shoulder.

Three views of the same pose:



up, front, or out to the side?

I agree, the one to the side looks cool... Although it looks fairly bulky with the Helmet on that side too... I see you have another ammo box on his other hip. I'd suggest in that case maybe put some slashes down the helmet and put it on the ground... Just so it looks less bulky, but still awesome. Kinda like he's just had a close encounter of the genestealer kind, survived but lost his helmet (and maybe an eye?) in the process...

Just a wordy update this time.

I'm going with that third pose for the sergeant.

Started painting today. I'm going to work on the pistol-shooter first and get him done completely as a technique test rather than production-line them. If I'm happy with how he turns out then the other four will follow.

I'll post a photo once he's done.


I also picked up a cheap LED light from the 100-yen store today so I can tear the electronics out of it. My rhino will have some internal lighting!

Looks like I'm gonna pop in to help you with this project once more :P

Here's a big set of images of that diorama, showing the details of it. Hope it helps, liking the look of the force so far and that sergeant's scarred face looks damned cool. Keep it up, dude.

Thank you again, Dark Link. Some great images there. Will come in very handy when I get around to basing.


Did some more painting today and have give up on the 'painting black without using black' idea. It works on small stuff but not on plates of power armour. Just isn't black.

Hopefully I might have something to post this weekend, depending on how much I get done during tomorrow and Saturday's lunch.

Today's photoless update is brought to you by the colour: yellow and the number: how many layers do you need??pinch.gif

But, positively: got black, white and yellow sprays at the weekend and they have helped a lot. The yellow's not the same as Yriel but it makes it a whole lot easier to lay down some Yriel yellow afterwards.

Now things are moving. Both on the five marines and their rhino.

Honestly, I don't find yellow that difficult, if you paint your yellow by not painting yellow. pinch.gif

Here's what I mean. The yellow area for you is basically the breast plate if I'm not mistaken. Base your guys with painting them black in mine. Then start on the chest plate with.... browns. What you will want eventually, is a medium brown that is yellowish (sienna brown) then do a heavy drybrush with a cream color (bleached Bone?) maybe hit the highlights with white. Now... you get to paint the yellow and you should only need one coat and maybe a glaze. Basically, the idea is to paint all the depth and value changes underneath and put a yellow wash over it.

Not sure if it helps, but if you are interested in the technique, but need a better explanation... PM me/ let me know. I could throw a little tutorial together, its really easy and the results are sharp... I did some on my Raptors....http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/227080-raptors/


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