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Furioso or Baal Pred?


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Im in the market for a new model but only have enough for one, which should i pick up? A Furioso or Baal Pred?


I currently have neither in my BA army. (Im new to Blood angels)


Or should i drop both and pick up a Stormraven instead? (Which i currenlty have none of as well)


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All 3 are great.


The Furioso is arguably the best looking of the models, but gameplay-wise you need a drop pod or a stormraven to make good use of it.


If you're already running Mech, the Baal is fantastic. It's pretty easy to magnetize the different weapon options and you could just buy another turret to make it a predator or razorback when you need.


And the Stormraven is still the best flyer in the game (imo). It can dominate vehicles with lascannon/multimelta or infantry with AC and hurricane bolters. You do pay out the nose for it, though. I also like the flying land raider styling.


For gameplay, I would vote for the Stormraven. It's a great compliment to almost any 6th edition army, as even one can pretty much own the skies.

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Let us look at the rest of the army. A single piece of armour is generally a bad idea, and a furioso will generally need a drop pod to be most effective.


As a stand along purchase, the Baal will probably be the best (other than the stormraven). It also uses a fast slot instead of elites.

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My Current army consists of


HQ: Custom Gabriel Seth, Custom Mephiston, an Honor Guard, a regular Captain


Troops: 2 tactical squads, an assault squad, 2 scout squads


Heavy: a devastator squad, a Reg Dreadnought, a regular predator


Elites: a Sternguard, a terminator Assault Squad, the Black reach Terminator Squad with an Assault Cannon, Sang. Priest in Termi armor.


Transports: 1 Razorback/Rhino


Im still working out an army list and I really like the look of all three.

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I faced the same dilemma last year.  I went with the raven first and it sat on my shelf for a long time due to small point games.  When I finally bought the Baal, it was in nearly every game.  Cost fewer points which let me break out more of my other figs and with the weapon options available to it, I found it to be one of my more versatile armor pieces.    

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Both the Storm raven and Baal are VERY good units. The storm raven is abit pricey but can be one of the best gunboats or AA fliers in the game currently. Beeing immume to melta also is very good at allowing it to close to enemy AT and shrug of alot of their fire. Unless they have a dedicated AA unit of course *shrugs*

Baal is just about the most agile and lethal ground vehicle we have (probably tied with the vindi) and its been my MVP so many times ive lost count. Dishing out 6 S5 and 4 S6 shots a turn is not to underrestimated!

Ive personaly only used the stormraven in a gunboat config of hurricane bolters, TLAC, TLHB but dear lord does it make for a scary anti-infantry weapon. The 4 S8 AP1 missles still allow it a nice AT punch but I wouldnt rely on this config to hunt enemy fliers with. Where it shines in though is completly erradicating an enemy infantry unit in a single turn. The amount of DAKKA this thing dishes out is amazing woot.gif

As a transport its a little less usefull though considering...well...its a flier. Youd have to hover which greatly reduces its survivability and can only move 6 inches if you want them still to disembark (or disembark before moving...but still) they can assault that turn though which is nice thanks to the assault ramp devil.gif

Now the one whom I havent mentioned before. The furioso. This machine is a killer as soon as it reaches combat. Thats where the problem lies though, getting him there in 1 piece :( if your opponent knows what the Furioso can do to his units (or god forbid he sends something with a 2+ save against it) its either dead very quickly or just useless. Seeing as you cant buy him a pod (and tbh a single pod Furioso is asking to be killed quickly...) I would advice against it for now. Mind, it CAN work. But its alot harder to pull off it only starts becoming dangerous when it reaches assault range. Probably not the best choice out of the 3.

Id take either the Baal or the SR right now. Furioso is awesome, but hard to use...

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