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New SM and BA


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I can see why especially veteran players with a lot of years and painted models behind them might want to change up things without having to start a new army just for consistency, but at the same time i would receive better a player abiding to that consistency mentioned above.




Im with you- as said, id be curious about a gamer that put down UM themed, decalled and painted models with SW or DA  or even BA rules.  If they put down a successor/homebrew however - i rate awesome. 

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I love what Allies bring to the table (Battle-Brothers, that is).


I'm planning to do a 'Dreadnought command' list at some point. Main detachment will be led by the Chaplain (dreadnought!) Titus, will have an Ironclad painted up like a Techmarine dreadnought, and will ally in some Blood Angels to get a Furioso Librarian as well. The only thing I'm missing out is some kind of Apothecary dreadnought...


And for those who want to field an all-Veteran list without having only Terminators, they can take a primary detachment of Belial and two Terminator squads and then ally in Tycho (counting as a 'better' Sternguard member, perhaps a Company 'champion'?), a Sternguard squad, and a squad of Death Company. Bam, 1st Compan list without having to be all Terminators or compromising and taking non-Veterans.

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I like where this thread is going :) not getting angry because other people getting shiney things were not (yet) getting but instead seeing possibilities and beeing happy witht the awesome things we do got :D


I was actually planning to try some eldar as cheap allies for objective keeping so I could send the blangels in to keep teeth in but maybe some cheap marine allies can do the same and stick more to my own army at the same time!


Possibilities aplenty for awesome things!

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In all honesty, I'm probably not going to be using them as SM; I love my Angels Sanguine, and it would feel odd to field them as anything else. I'm loath to give up my fast vehicles, and hordes of angry marines strapped to rockets launching themselves at the enemy. At the end of the day, I just enjoy using them too much.

I remember way back in the day garnering some level of respect for being the only one in my area who used them (with that White Dwarf codex), and used them well. And when we got the new codex with the inevitable bandwagoners, followed by the inevitable group gripe about the influx of BA players, with another regular turning to me and saying "Not you - you're allowed, you've been playing them forever".

I may take the opportunity to add some allies into the mix, but those would be from the Novamarines I've been half-heartedly attempting to do for the last Emperor knows how many years (everything I just get fed up with and subsume into the BA :P). I'll keep playing the chapter that sucked me into this game, in the fashion I enjoy (screw the powergame, 'successful' builds or netlists, I'll use the units I like and enjoy the game), but that doesn't mean I'll think any less of those who choose to use theirs as Red Marines for the sake of variety, to change things up, of who feel that the SM codex offers a more representative way of playing their army than the BA codex does. Your models, your game, feel free to play it as you see fit yes.gif

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I feel you Chaplain Admetus and agree :) I also played through the PDF dex and had to dela with all the bandwagoners. They all left for other pastures though and I think im still the only blood angel player in the store :D


Play non optimal lists and non optimal units and still have a ton of fun. Its a hobby after all and we all want to have fun. If people want to do that with the marine dex then all the more power to them :)

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I feel new SM dex will be boost for the BA , as there we can play under SM rules while using our models. Moreover even GW supports this according to rules, while they suggest player created chapters to pick one of the new SM chapter rules.


Moreover I think that this codex might be a powerhouse bridge in-between our current codex and one we might be getting in 2014.


To be honest I love the BA codex, however using out-dated staff might get frustrating over the time. I have seen this while getting into the hobby picking BA over one year of deciding.


Personally I will use new SM rules, just to put some diversity into my army. I love to use different models, finally I might be able to use FW RG upgread kit and that special char.

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This is a big reason why the Allies system is so good this edition. It's a Bandaid fix to GW's publishing speed issues - and it lets you field armies with plenty of flavour. I plan on running both codices, sometimes 100% BA, 100% SM or a mix o both.

I always wanted to play a Sternguard pod play list. I'll be able to do it competitively with Pedro, and throw in Mephiston and a Fragioso if I want to as well for some BA flavour. There's nothing wrong with wanting more options.

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I feel new SM dex will be boost for the BA , as there we can play under SM rules while using our models. Moreover even GW supports this according to rules, while they suggest player created chapters to pick one of the new SM chapter rules.


I think it'll be a boost, but I don't think it's necessary to play BA as Vanilla Marines. The main problem with our Codex at the moment is the cost of our troops choices. We still excel in other areas. I'll probably run 8 DC in a Drop Pod and 10 Assault Marines in a Land Raider Redeemer to fill up the mandatory troops choices and ally in a cheap Librarian, Tactical Squad, Scout Squad with a Land Speeder Storm (since it's dedicated now) and maybe a Hunter for AA.


As an aside, I don't know why people are so down on allies. Right now, I'm almost as excited as if we were getting our own Codex released. I am super stoked for this and can't stop looking for rules and reading up on stuff.

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When we first got our new codex of course we all wanted to play a fluffy BA list, using everything we could that said we are Blood Angels. But fluffy would mean that the majority of our chapter is spread out without the full resources of the full chapter. In terms of fluff what would be at hand would depend on which company or even what part of which company happened to be on planet X. Our marines have of course read that UM book thier Primarch wrote. Any of our companies should be able to fight like vanilla marines. In game we play with our red guys and just say I'm using C:SM rules. I won't feel bad about it.


As far as our blood drops and winged cups go I believe most SM iconography is common among all the chapters. We use more blood drops, Black Templers use more Maltese crosses. One might have trouble explaining that large omega on the shoulder pad but that's not our problem.


Play, have fun and wait for OUR new codex.

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I'm not sure if we're ever going to get a codex again...GW might as well put us in a supplement, which probably isn't the worst idea. By doing so, we wouldn't have a discussion like this, get an update every edition through a new C:SM codex and yet enough space for our fluff, special rules and units...our 'uniqueness'. We're a codex chapter anyway, and unless they're giving us heaps of unique wargear items as in the 3rd edition 'codex', it might be a good idea.




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I'm not sure if we're ever going to get a codex again...GW might as well put us in a supplement, which probably isn't the worst idea. By doing so, we wouldn't have a discussion like this, get an update every edition through a new C:SM codex and yet enough space for our fluff, special rules and units...our 'uniqueness'. We're a codex chapter anyway, and unless they're giving us heaps of unique wargear items as in the 3rd edition 'codex', it might be a good idea.




If they were going to do that, I don't think they'd have released a Codex: Dark Angels. Otherwise, I'd be inclined to agree - I think a shift back to the old 3rd edition style where all marine variant chapters were supplements to the main C:SM is viable, and not altogether a bad possibility. However, to have one variant chapter with their own Codex would seem a little odd. I think that if everyone being reduced to a supplement was the way GW intended to progress, they would have skipped over Codex: Dark Angels and brought out a Marine one, and released DA as a supplement.


I would also note that thus far, to the best of my knowledge (feel free to chime in and slap me down if I'm wrong, I don't own any of the digital versions but have glanced through the Farsight and Iyanden supplements), that none of the supplements have introduced units that were not in the original codex. They've juggled FOC slots, added new rules, and the occasional character or two, but no model has been unusable pre-supplement. Introducing Death Company, Sanguinary Guard, Sanguinary Priests, Baal Predators, Furioso Dreadnoughts, at least 4 special characters, more likely 7 (Tycho, Dante, Corbs, Mephy as the old guard, and its unlikely that they'd retcon Asty, Sangy, and Seth's rules out of existence), along with new rules, warlord traits, and all the rest would be way too much for a supplement.


As a comparison, White Scars are rumoured to be first supplement for the SM; that's easily done - a few special characters, allowing more than one bike squad to be troops (as the current rumours suggest biker captain allows only one bike squad as troops), some unique rules, but all the models already exist in the main codex; supplements just allow you to field the same models in a different way.

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I'm not sure if we're ever going to get a codex again...


No way we don't get our own Codex. We have too many unique units and special characters to relegate us to that status. Not to mention, Blood Angels sell really well. I honestly wouldn't mind if we were folded in, but it isn't going to happen.

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I think dark angels would be supplement if that was the way GW was going.... Not saying that its not going to happen; but I think its unlikely....


That said, im looking forward to arty armor, unique relics, better priced units, new fluff and all the other awesome things codexi get these days :D

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You want more power for less points 


No, I want a Captain in Artificer Armour with a weapon that doesn't feel and play like something a lowly Sergeant might carry. 


With the greatest respect, you do not know me. You do not know my motivations. I am not a competitive gamer. I have played in exactly one tournament ever and did not care for it.


C:SM is simply adding tools to my toolbox. Hopefully I'll be able to field a Captain that does Captain Castigon justice.

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