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Chaos Space Marines: Making The Best of a Bad Unit


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The 5th was the Melta edition, the 6th is the Plasma edition. With the inclusion of the hull points a portable high strength weapon like a Plasma Guns which has both range and rate of fire is a great addition to our overall lackluster toolbox. I usually favor Plasma Guns in all CSM squads, sure sometimes I have a single squad with either Flamers or Melta Guns, but I do not leave for a game without at least two CSM squads with two Plasma Guns. In the end it can be expensive but the guns usually make their points back.


If you find yourself fighting swarms upon swarms of cheap infantry than a Black Mace in any form or delivery system is the only proper answer. Score some wounds and see it pop a platoon. If the DP wouldn't be so expensive I might field it more often for it is our prime unit to fight tons upon tons of infantry.


In the end call me jaded but I have resulted to field my squads cheap as chips, with the bare minimum of upgrades for I prefer to have more squads than more elite squads. I have noticed that the combo CSM and Cultists works quite well if you have the points. The Cultists can be some solid meatshields and when you are done with your bolters you can throw them at the enemy squad to die in melee. I have almost come full circle to consider them a better version of an Icon....


Overall I have found that more squads make for better results than upgraded squads. I have the habit to pen down the amount of points that my army takes and looses each turn and I advise you all to do that. You will come to see the CSM as a pure throw away shock troops, they march forward, shot all they have and than hope for better times. At my most extravagant I allow them to have VotLW...yet even so I sometimes find it hard to justify their points. 

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