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Mephiston's psychic powers


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I have looked at Mephiston as a very solid addition to a 1000 point list I will be making to compliment my other 1000 points of assault marines. I saw that is says that Mephiston has Wings of Sanguinous, Unleash Rage, and Sanguine sword. Are these his only choices for psychic abilities or could I swap out some of them for other psychic powers? I feel that he could be so much more useful with even some of the other Blood Angel powers to give him so utility besides just being the biggest beast stick on the field in close combat.

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Nah, still by the wording of the FAQ he gets 2 powers (even though some people will argue over it). He can't get any other BA powers at all, as he's forced to have the 3 on his profile. Compare to another librarian, where it says that they know any two powers from the BA list; Mephy says 'he knows these 3' and that's it. TBH, he's probably best with those 3 anyway - though IF we could swap I'd take Shield Of Sanguinius over Unleash Rage so that he doesn't fold quite so easily to plasma.

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What I mean is could I say give him Wings of Sanguinous, blood lance, and blood boil if I wanted instead of the set three he has in his section of the codex?

No. Meph may have either:

- Sword, Rage, and Wings


- two random powers from the Biomancy, Divination, Telepathy or Telekinesis disciplines

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