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Necrons give me nightmares


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Ok, I searched this forum on anything I could find on this topic, but I couldn’t find much tactics that were specifically for Blood Angels. I don’t know if I should post this in tactics, but as I saw nothing in the tactics section that was specifically for Blood angels I’m posting it here:


I have never won against Necrons with my Blood Angels (or any other army for that matter).

Now let me preface this by saying neither I nor my opponents are very competitive players. Our lists are mostly a mix of what we like and what works well on the table.

The Necron list usually has the following:


-2 Lords with 2+/3++, mindshackle scrarabs, res. Orb and Warscythe, sometimes one is on a Command Barge

-2 Crypteks with Solar Flare (Initiate nightfight in only my turn or remove it from only his turn)
-2 Crypteks with the Veil (Deepstrike all over the board)
-One unit of 10 immortals with Gauss
-Several units of Warriors, but always one large one of 20 strong and one of 10 in a Ghost Ark.
-One unit of 4 or two units of 3 Wraiths
-A unit of 10 scarabs
-Annihilation Barge(s)
-Doomsday Ark
-One Doom Scythe

In each game I get tabled by this army, in the sense that nothing of my army remains by turn 5 to 7.


Vehicles get blown up in one turn. I can never put them in cover since he can always teleport one of his warriors or immortals in rapid fire range. I have tried to counter this with Vindicators, as a freshly teleported squad is asking for a pie plate, but he just makes the Vindicators a priority target and they are gone before they get the chance to get a good shot. Remember the first 2/3 turns is all with nightfighting in effect.

Scarabs are also nasty. They move 12”(+assault) so they are in combat with one of my vehicles by turn 2 if I don’t allocate a large amount of my shooting to those 150 points of fodder.


His vecicles are tough to kill with those AV13. Last game I did a ton of glances but no pens, so no vehicle lost his shield until the Terminators got in. He usually kills my Devastators quickly with a teleporting Immortal squad too.


I thought my hope would lie in Deepstriking assault troops, but the fire they have to take before they can assault either decimates them or takes them to 4-5 models, which his units can handle fairly easily. If there is a Warscythe lord in the unit I think I would be hard pressed to win even with a full squad. And he can always teleport out of assault range if he feels too threatened.


Yesterday his 10 man warrior squad (+2 crypteks) took a charge from 7 Tacticals and walked away 3 turns later with only 3 models lost. They are just as resilient as marines with their resurrection protocols, but they are cheaper points wise and can get better with a resurrection orb.


That game he even went a bit softer than normal and left his Scythe and command barges at home, and still only one of my models remained on the table by turn 6.


I know I’m probably just a noob, but I want to improve and I am out of ideas. So if anyone could give me some pointers of which units to take and what tactics to use I would be very grateful.


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Firstly how many points are you both running for these games? It looks like a fairly large number. My suggestion is get yourself into his face quickly. Don't let him come to you. As Blood Angel's you have Jump marines as a basic troop choice. In 1000 points you can get 33 marines all with packs, one being a reclusiarch, and the others being Sanguinary priests. I would say get yourself a nice few 10 man squads of jump marines with two melta guns, and a sargeant with a power sword each. Put a sanguinary priest with them so you are getting to be more resilent like them. FnP isn't what is used to be from what I see though it is still nothing to laugh at especially in a squad with the reclusiarch who is giving you rerolls to hits on that first charge. 


     So you get probably at least 3-5 of those squads all with a sanguinary priest and you take the fight to him. Bikes are also another option for getting rid of his vehicles with quick mobile melta fire. In my opinion your best bet is to play to the Blood Angel's strength and go right for the kill full speed. High mobility added in with the fact that ytou have high inititive mean you should start shredding him to bits if you get in close quick.

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We are playing mainly 2000 points. Sometimes a bit bigger.


I did have two units of 10 assault marines with 2x melta, sargeant with power sword/axe and a Sanguinary priest. One unit also had a Chaplain in them.

both units came in turn 2, shot at his vehicles and couldn't get trough his armour. By the time they could assault the chaplain's unit got reduced to 2 assault marines, the priest and the chaplain, the other unit got reduced to 4 marines and the priest. This unit did take out a 10 man warrior unit, but only after two assaults (they got away the first time). The other unit melta'd one immortal (who got back up) before they teleported away. They did end up charging a Warrior unit with lord, but got decimated after two combats.


I don't own more assault marines at the moment, so I'll proxy a third unit next time. I do fear they too will get shot to half their size though. At the moment he only used about half his army to shoot at the two assault squads, so he can rely on more firepower if he wants to.

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If you have enough of them he will be force to split fire all over to try and weaken them to not get pinned in basically. I suggest -not- putting them in reserve. Just put them right on the field and just start turn out full out booking it toward his line.

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I face necron players regularly here and although my list fares badly against others it seems my Angels really like to table necrons

I run 

1 captain with jumpack and thunder hammer

3 stormravens multimelta,assault cannons,hurricane bolters

4 10man assault squads with 2 meltas and a power axe

3 sanguinary priests with jumpacks and power swords



Its a simple list with a fairly simple strategy, set up everything on the table advance on first turn as close as possible taking advantage of cover and on second turn shoot him with the ravens that came in and assault.

This tactic has won me several games against the necrons, usually I table them at turn 4 or 5

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Mind you, my advice is coming from a C:SW persepctive but I have found that lots of Infantry is the way to go against Necrons. As such, in a 2,000pts game, I would shoot for around 1,250pts of C:BA's bread and butter - Assault squads. By my reckoning you can field 4X 10-man Assault squads w/2@ Meltaguns (2 Jump Pack, 2 Drop Pod) and a 10-man Death Company (Drop Pod) with enough points to tool them up with some of your preferred special CCWs. Be sure to get some Sang.Priests in there also. Leaving you with 750pts for HQs and FA. I would avoid most anything from the HS section(except maybe a Stormraven) and anything FA with AV(not commonly used by BA, but you might consider a unit of Bikes) because it trends to be slower and AV is bad against Gauss.


After that, it's all a matter of putting pressure on your opponent turn one while simultaneously forcing him to make some tough targeting choices. Having two squads of ASM jumping at him while he's simultaneously dealing with two units disembarking within Rapid Fire range should yield some bad choices on his part.

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Threat density. Cover the field enough and he won't be able to deep-strike off of the veil without risking a mishap. Precision shot is your friend as you can try and KO the crypteks and stuff with it, as those seem to be what's causing the issue - sergeants in combat, snipers outside. High strength shots will instagib scarab swarms - I believe they're only toughness 3 so anything S7 or higher will do the trick. If cover is an issue for vehicles, try a librarian with Shield of Sanguinius - 5+ cover save bubble should keep you alive as he'll be trying to glance you to death with 6s, and he can't take it away.


Deep-strike melta will help against his quantum-shielding tanks, as they're weak at the rear. If he teleports near you, then send in the clowns assault marines ASAP and start punching things. If you sweeping advance them, they can't get back up, and they can't Veil away from you. For warscythe lords, hit the unit as far away from him as possible, and string your models out so that characters are at the BACK before you charge. If he challenges, you can't accept because only engaged models can accept challenges, so he won't be able to send anyone to the back because it has to be someone that could have accepted. Then you pile in and punch face. Again, use precision strikes if you can to drop the crypteks.


Target the warriors/immortals first - they're not nasty, but they're how he takes objectives. Take out the scoring units, and they can't win. Use your mobility to stay out of his range - if he veils towards you, send multiple units in to smash them apart. 

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Wow, thanks for all the quick replies!


About my list:

I try to keep a bit of a mixed list, because I usually don't know who I'll be up against. About 1/3 of the times it will be Necrons though.


Last time I took:


Librarian in terminator armour, storm shield

5 Assault terminators (3TH/SS, 2LC)

-Land Raider Crusader, MM

2 Sang Priests, JP

Chaplain, JP


10 Assault marines, 2x melta, power weapon

10 Assault marines, 2x melta, power weapon, storm shield

10 Tactical Marines, flamer, ML


Dreadnought, MM, HF, droppod


Devastator squad, 4ML


I'm still fairly new to the BA and I'm somewhat limited by the models I have at the moment. I'm planning on buying some new toys though.

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The list isn't too bad though honestly I would remove the raider, the dreadnought, the devastator squad, and the vindicator at very least and just start subbing in as many jump marines as you can possibly fit. Their two meltaguns each will really make up for the devastators being not there as you said they were getting targeted anyways. 




P.S- One small side note as far as I know assault marine sargeants cannot have stormshields. They can have combat shields though not stormshields. Would be nice if they could though.

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I have some experience facing off against crons. Some more positive then the other.

Heres some general things I took up along the way:

First off, how sure are you that these arent competitive players? The cooky cutter lord of doom alone is probably one of THE most impossible to kill hq models in the game... The gameplan you discribe also doesent strike me as a friendly game but more of a systematic slaughter of your forces... The large number of fliers of epic doom also strike me as odd as ive never seen anyone take that many... Then again I dont play at 2000 pts either...

*shrugs* at any case, small point of advice. If your not enjoying matches against these guys dont be afraid to ask for help or ask them to tone it down a little. Its a game after all and we all want fun right?

That said, onto the advice!

Necrons are very poor at combat. Scarab and Wraiths aside they want to avoid combat as much as possible. His lords might be pimped be hes only a single model. Avoid him (or take his hits), cripple his unit and overrun with sweeping advances. One unit ive seen completly MURDER necron squads on its own is a talon furioso. It got into combat and after it was done swiping left and right with its talons there wasent a single model left standing. Lords can harm him though so only point them at squads that dont have one. If you fear he will teleport a unit in your backfield take one with bloodfists, charge that one up to him and if he challenges (can he challenge a dreadnought? Im not sure) he will be immume to his scarabs, hits the lord on a 3, wounds on a 2 without armor save. Its not optimal and if he has a warscythe the lord CAN destroy the furioso, but hes still one mean machine cool.png Just eh.... avoid getting rapid fired to death sad.png

He seems to use his units to teleport around, cause mischief and split your army up into tiny chunks that he can then take apart at his leasure. Keep everything together so your army units can support one another. DONT huddle up though, but be close enough that you can support a different unit in the turn after they are charged if you need to. Also the turn after he teleports with a unit (and regardless if he did damage or not) they should be wiped off the board, dont let him hop across the board causing mayhem wherever he goes!

Wraiths and scarabs. You cant prevent these 2 from reaching your lines due to their mobility. Only thing you can do is prepare your lines for them to make their welcome as nasty as possible. Dealing with scarabs shouldnt be a huge task but will take time due to their high wound count. S6 or higher hits will instant kill a base though so keep that in mind thumbsup.gif

For the wraiths the only thing I can comment is to throw something at them that either is also resiliant like they are (termies or something like that) or to use a disposable unit under a FnP bubble (like scouts) to simply delay them FOREVER. Theyre also pretty pricey and the necron player will most likely want them to achieve something. Prevent him from causing to much damage and it will help you. I must say though that the unit is small.... Have you tried rapid firing them to death? Their save is only a 3+ and they cant use repair protocols which means every loss they take will stay dead!

Necron fliers. Since you lack dedicated AA fire, simply ignore them when you can. If you can fire at a flier but will hit on a 6+ and also have something else to fire at, fire at the other option. Without decent AA fire trying to disable them simply isent going to work, so dont try overly much. Otherwise these soak up 90% of the damage you could have done and you just left his entire army unscathed because of it eek.gif

Take out his troops first. If he uses small warrior units then so much the better. Wipe a squad out at a time. Might sound excessive but like you said repair protocols makes them highly resiliant. If theyre all dead they cant come back at all! If your spreading the damage out he will kill you in a war of attrition and probably have a fun units with 2-5 models left at the end. None of which are truelly killed and all of which can still cause damage.

About your own list:

I understand you are limited to models and tbh that is most likely the reason that you are struggling with them! 5 termies with a termi char arent a great hammer nor a great anvil unit. They are to small and cant take losses. If you arent supporting them with FnP either they can quickly go down to things that ignore their armour saves ph34r.png WITH FnP however they become a royal pain in the backside for your opponent to deal with.

More infantry. If anything id suggest you take more infantry in your list. In my 1500 pts list I have an army thats nearly the same size dry.png Like you said you are strapped for models but more boots on the ground (and less vehicles) will probably serve you well here. What I notice the most in your list however is your lack of movement. Assault marines and Vindi aside you have nothing that can move 12 inches and do damage. Therefor its easy for your opponent to hamstring you leaving you at the mercy of his guns.

Over saturation of characters. Ok, im going out of a limb here and say that your investing to much into making your assault marines work. First off, both have a dedicated priest and one has a chaplain. The liby can provide a unit with rerolls every turn while the chapy only does it on the charge. While these characters indeed makes the squads powerfull you dont need to have 2 priests to cover 2 units.

Keep them close together or take the JP off 1 of the priests and stick him with the tacticals/devies. The 6 inch bubble is a pretty big area, learn to use it and keep your units that close together. On the first initial charges (with most marines still alive) we might hit like a ton of bricks but marines lose punch somewhat fast if we lose some of our avarage joes. Thats why you use your units together and combi charge stuff or at the very least ensure that they are charging things closely together.

Expensive back field holder. No way about it, our troops arent the blangels most strong suit. If all what you want them to do is hang back and babysit an objective though consider taking scouts instead. Less durable, sure but also cheaper.

So what id suggest is the following:

Add mobility to your list. It has to be able to move and still do damage

Add AA to your list (seems to be mandatory nowadays)

Add more (or more cheaply) troops for objective babysitting

For example:

drop the termi liby

take JP liby with force axe/sword (depends on your own preference)

drop termies and raider completly

take baal/storm raven/AA gunline

take another 10 man assault squad

add another unit of troops (or 2 small cheap ones)

Alternatively if you want to keep the list I suggest a change of tactics that I hinted at above. You can win with that list but it will be somewhat hard... Hope this long reply is some help to you!

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How many detachments is your friend wielding? Those solar pulses are unique items and can only have one per army. Is he getting two royal courts, one for each overlord? That's the only way he can put more than one cryptic or lord with his troops squads is one character from each royal court.

Likewise the veil of darkness (the thing he uses to teleport around) are also unique items and can only have one per army

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P.S- One small side note as far as I know assault marine sargeants cannot have stormshields. They can have combat shields though not stormshields. Would be nice if they could though.


I was just following Army Builder at the time, so I didn't check, but on page 89 of my book it says the can swap their pistol/chainsword with a Storm Shield. Was this FAQ'ed or something?


@ Demoulius:


Thanks for the info! That's quite a read :)


He has only one flyer though, and he didn't even take it with him last game. I thought his list wasn't that competitive since he doesn't really spam anything. The only thing he doubles on are his Veil and Solar pulse Crypteks. Last game he took two Anhilliation Barges, but otherwise he would have taken the flyer or the Command Barge.


I don't know, I keep hearing how Necrons suck in combat, but the only unit I've ever managed to kill is a unit of 10 (unsupported) Warriors. Most of the time I have lost half my Assault squad before I can assault, and I always lose at least one in overwatch.

Last game I lost 5 Assault marines to a teleporting unit of 20 Rapid Firing Warriors. I blamed it on bad dice at the time, but in fact the average number of wounds when 30 Warriors (20 Teleporting + the 10 I wanted to charge) are rapid firing at FnP Assault marines is in fact 4.4, unless my math is wrong here.

With resurection protocols, Necron Warriors are as resilient as normal marines, Immortals even more so, so in my experience defensively they are just as good or even better than marines in some cases.


The Land Raider was there to get the Terminators into the assault quickly. Terminators are the only thing that can hold up his Wraiths, so I kind of want them to stay. Without a Raider I don't know how to ensure they will see an assault. 

I could mount them in a Storm Raven, but then they can arrive quite late in the game and if the Raven goes down they'll be crippled.


About the characters:

I did make sure one of the Sanguinary priests was always in range of the Terminator squad, so they were boosted too. I added the Chaplain hoping the rerolls would compensate for the loss of Assault marines. They did 4 wounds on the Assault, 2 got back up. I will drop him in favor of more Assault Marines.

I want to put a Jump pack on my Librarian, but last game I really needed that 2+/3++, so I'm afraid to leave my warlord with only 3+, especially if he will join the assaults where he can be precision swiped with a Warscythe. How would you use him with a jumppack?


I will change my list according to your suggestions though.



@ Office Temp:


He has two identical courts (with one Veil of Darkness Cryptek and one Solar Pulse Cryptek each) and he has two overlords, so as far as I know this is legal.

Are there restrictions on how many Crypteks can be joined to a troop unit? He had two Crypteks in both a Warrior and an Immortal unit. His Overlords walked from one unit to the next, wherever they were necessary.

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The necron lost definitely isn't the best 'crons can bring. That would be something more along the lines of:


1-2 D lords

6-18 wraiths

minimum sized warrior squads in scythes

3 annihilation barges


allied helldrake


At 2k with double FOC, the main thing is that he can take more anni. barges if he wants. The lost you are facing looks mroe like a 5th edition list, that has been half transferred into 6th. Solid (because it's still necrons), but not what I would call 'competitive', as in trying to get the best out of your army. 


As for combating it, i'd echo what is said above - more jump troops. Most necron armies at 2k would have 6-12 tesla destructors which can fairly easily torrent down MEQ, but this one has no-where near that, and doesn't appear to have accounted for it in other areas. The overlords will still be a problem, as you have little that can kill them in CC, and even mephiston will probably get punked by them, as he is likely to fail MSS, and even if he doesn't, you'll have to get though a 2+ armour and reanimation ( on a 4+ ). Myonly real suggestion for those is to sweep the unit, and use your consolidate move to cover the area around the token, meaning that he can;t get up. You'll probably lose your sarge to the challenge, but if you can kill enough normal guys to win and sweep ( relatively easy with their low I. ), you can kill the lord. 

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@ Office Temp:


He has two identical courts (with one Veil of Darkness Cryptek and one Solar Pulse Cryptek each) and he has two overlords, so as far as I know this is legal.

Are there restrictions on how many Crypteks can be joined to a troop unit? He had two Crypteks in both a Warrior and an Immortal unit. His Overlords walked from one unit to the next, wherever they were necessary.


Beyond their staffs, the special gear given to cryptecs is unique, and unless he has multiple detachments can have only one veil, one harp, one solar pulse etc per army.

A note on the solar pulse, it only lasts til the end of the turn. If your kept night fighting longer than that due to it, it's not being applied correctly


The cryptecs can only be parsed out one at a time to other squads unless using two separate royal courts. In this regards he seems to be on the level

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Part of the problem I'm seeing may be sinking your points into expensive stuff like landraiders and IC's. with Necrons only bringing a couple a vehicles is that it allows him to focus rapid fire glancing them to death. Maybe replace the termies and landraider with a couple of tac squads with rhinos for more target saturation. One of the strengths of the Blood Angels is that our transports are fast. You can move em 24 inches in a turn. Rush those bad boys forward and escort them with ASM squads, if he pulls his teleport trick he'll have a bunch of agitated marines in rapid fire range with some choppy chainsword fellows close by. He's gonna lose that squad on your turn.


Do you have any plasma cannons? Those scarabs swarms are on chubby bases making it easier to hit them and the s7 is instant death for them. Necrons are also not a fan of dakka units like the Baal. If its escorting the transports he's gonna have to make the decision of shooting that away or the transport before it gets in rapid fire range

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Beyond their staffs, the special gear given to cryptecs is unique, and unless he has multiple detachments can have only one veil, one harp, one solar pulse etc per army.

A note on the solar pulse, it only lasts til the end of the turn. If your kept night fighting longer than that due to it, it's not being applied correctly


The cryptecs can only be parsed out one at a time to other squads unless using two separate royal courts. In this regards he seems to be on the level


Just had a glance at a Necron book today. Each unique wargear option can be taken only once... in each Royal Court.

Since he has 2 Royal Courts (they don't count against HQ choices, so he can take two Overlords and 2 Courts in one detachment), it seems legal.

This means if we use a second detachment he can take 4 Veil Crypteks in one army for some serious teleporting action.

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My bad on the fliers, I tend to call skimmers (like eldar vehicles for example) fliers while I mean something else.... Sorry for beeing unclear. Point still stands though, S8 missles vs AV13 are very bad odds for your AT. Try to spread your AT abit so at least 1 can get side shots on something, that should make his gameplan abit harder.


To explain what I said about them beeing competitive or not: Its also not hard to be succesfull with a "non optimal list" like this one. Lack of cheese does not mean that a list isent hard to play against. I tend to look more into what game people try to find, their personalities then what theyre brining to the table. If a player is more interested in having a fun game (that includes a fun game for his opponent!) BUT brings a strong list. No problem. So long as the game is enjoyable and fun for both parties then they can bring the most nasty list that they want for all I care. If their sole purpose its to crush your army, hopes and dreams in the least fun yet effective way possible though... Yea I tend to avoid those kind of players. If people arent having fun against a certain opponent that mostly comes from a clash of personalities I find and a difference in what each player perceives as fun. But enough about that......


I would really advice against putting the terminators against his wraiths. They will always get their 3+ save, wound you on 2's and have rending hits. The way I see it they are the only unit in his army (lords aside) that can easily take care of your termies. You want to avoid his wraiths, not charge at them headlong.... If you charge a unit of warriors with the terminators on the other hand they cant touch the terminators while you thining their numbers by the bucket load. If they flee you cant overrun but their losses cant come back either!


Like I said the army itself isent bad given the lists your often facing, but you have to adjust how you play them on the field. Either that or seriously adjust the number of boots you have on the ground. To be a parrot and copy some of the advice given by the others here. Focus on taking out his troops first.


Reason for this is you only got 3 yourself, 2 of which are assault troops which are already very likely to see alot of wounds coming in already. You only got 1 "objective holder" unit and I think I can safely say your opponent will gun them down as well meaning you have little to no chance in the objective based games because it means you cant capture anything. Youd have to either go for a complete wipe out yourself or focus on simply denying objectives. Assault marines are better in the face of your enemy and at the last 2 turns or so focus on being near an objective to either deny it or to capture it for yourself.


The reason why we say that necrons are weak in combat isent because they have bad stats but because they cant recoup from beeing overrun. Their stats are nearly marine like (but with a worse save and initiative) but they only got 1 attack each and are S4 while allowing armor saves. A charge from an assault squad with FC and rerolls from 1 source or another will decimate warrior squads, cause them to fail LD and with their low initiative will likely result in them beeing overrun, wiping the squad out completly in 1 go in what would otherwise take ALOT of focus fire. Shooting them down results in the majority simly getting just back again though. And with resorbs they simply outlast marines!


About him sniping character with precision shots. Unless im mistaken you can still take look out sir rolls against those hits? 2+ for character should mean that the PA hq models arent in such great danger...

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Beyond their staffs, the special gear given to cryptecs is unique, and unless he has multiple detachments can have only one veil, one harp, one solar pulse etc per army.

A note on the solar pulse, it only lasts til the end of the turn. If your kept night fighting longer than that due to it, it's not being applied correctly

The cryptecs can only be parsed out one at a time to other squads unless using two separate royal courts. In this regards he seems to be on the level


Just had a glance at a Necron book today. Each unique wargear option can be taken only once... in each Royal Court.

Since he has 2 Royal Courts (they don't count against HQ choices, so he can take two Overlords and 2 Courts in one detachment), it seems legal.

This means if we use a second detachment he can take 4 Veil Crypteks in one army for some serious teleporting action.


It appears your right. Either that was FAQ'd or my minds gone a little rustier than usual

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Need more melta! 


I'm not actually joking either.  Meltaguns really do a number on the worst of the tough units Necrons bring (Scarabs, barges, Wraiths) by either penning AV13 easily or Instant Death-ing the models.  I've used an Attack Bike squad to kite around a group of 3 Wraiths for 2 turns, and killed them on the third.  I had a Prescience Librarian in range for a couple of those, so I had re-rolls for the Multi-meltas, but since you can use them just fine at 24", you get more time to shoot.  Especially since the bikes move just as fast as the Wraiths, and he has to roll 12" charge distance after moving 12" to catch up.


I'd go with everyone else and recommend more ASM, at least 3 squads with dual meltaguns.  You can bring a Stormraven, and combat squad one of the ASM to put 5 melee guys in the raven and DS the dual meltas behind any Barges to take them out quick.  The Stormraven can pop at least one Scythe when it comes in too, and then run around causing havoc.


I've recently become a fan of Attack Bikes in general.  Take 2 squads of 3 and focus fire the units you don't like with those multi-meltas.  it will really help give him something to worry about, and they're good against a lot of other targets too, especially if you play anyone who spams vehicles.  No one running mech likes to see fast melta.

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Check your opponent's points.


I make the list of stuff he regularly takes to be over 2000pts.


The lords are over 200pts each (~210?), going to around 500pts for both, one riding a barge.

20 warriors+ ghost ark is 370pts

10 immortals are 170 (1040pts total so far)

The crypteks are in excess of 50pts each, so about 200 total for 4 of them (1240)

Scythe (1400)

Anni barge x1 (1490)

Dooms ark (1665))

The other set of 10 warriors he always takes (1795)

Leavinh him 205pts for 2-6 wraiths and multiple squads of warrrors.


Nothing is his army, barring the lords, can deal with Mephiston.

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Check your opponent's points.


I make the list of stuff he regularly takes to be over 2000pts.



Nothing is his army, barring the lords, can deal with Mephiston.


It's also possible I remembered some numbers wrong. maybe his units were one or two models less to round off with a Cryptek.

His lords also might not both have had the same layout, I only fought one and assumed they were identical.


He didn't have an army list written out since he claimed he knew his army by heart. Yeah, a bit dodgey I know, but it's not something he regulary does, so I'm not going to berate him for it. Like I said, we're normally not that competitive.


Mephiston, hmmm... I have the model because I like it, but I don't know if I want to play him. He seems so expensive for a model without an invulnerable save. I'll keep him in mind for the future.

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Yea, I'm not saying he deliberately went over points, but there seems a lot for what your opponent is getting. Of course, as I showed, most can still be fit unto 2000pts.



Make sure your tables have the minimum 25% coverage of area, mixed and fully LOD blocking terrain. If you do not to this, and play on a 6x4 board, the normally useless doosday ark will waste vast swathes of your troops.


Deepstriking RAS to take out the Doom Ark, 10 man, 4 lascannon, or tri las predator to knock quantum shielding off things.


Work on killing whoe units. you have the mobility to refuse a flank and attack one of his only.


He has no spyders, so a single baal will wipe out pretty much that entire unit of scarabs in a single shooting phase, barring cover saves.



Yesterday his 10 man warrior squad (+2 crypteks) took a charge from 7 Tacticals and walked away 3 turns later with only 3 models lost. They are just as resilient as marines with their resurrection protocols, but they are cheaper points wise and can get better with a resurrection orb.


Unsurprising. You are overestimating your tactical marines. You sent 106 pts of troops after over 200pts worth.


Remember the resurrection orb only works for the unit that the lord is in, it no longer has the 6" radius.

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7 tacticals against a bigger unit of warriors tends to go....wrong. Ive done it before but those were desperate times and they were supported by a SP carrying a PW with one hell of a temper!

If they were assault marines you might have gotten away with it whistlingW.gif

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