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Necrons give me nightmares


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As far as im aware Blood Angel Assault Sergeants are able to take Storm shields. Its in the Codex and there is no mention of it in the F.A.Q and Errata about them having that option removed.  

If anyone knows otherwise i would be keen to know as i have currently taken to taking naked sergeants with an SS positioned at the front of my assault units as to soak up as much incoming fire as possible.

Yes he will more than likely die. But i've found that with a priest nearby as well he survives a lot more than you might think, and even if he does die he's done his job by allowing me to get more of the unit into the assault which tends to make up for the loss of his attacks. Plus if you're worried about having no PW there is always the priest.


I've found that Sergeant meatshield works pretty well. Just wish that we had the vet sergeant as an ugrade to save a few points. 

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Necrons also have trouble reliably dealing with 2+ saves. All they really have are lychguard with scythes, which are slow, and Lords, which can be challenged out.


Remember Mindshackle scarabs only work on a model that is in B2B at the beginning of combat, after moving chargers, so you need to take care when positioning your guys. 


Hits from a mindshackled sergeant in a challenge also cannot carry over to the unit, because they are assumed to be in b2b with only eachother (not sure if this is 100%true...)

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Hits from a mindshackled sergeant in a challenge also cannot carry over to the unit, because they are assumed to be in b2b with only eachother (not sure if this is 100%true...)

Pretty sure this is not true. The attacks made by the model are resolved against that models unit, there is no requirement that they be resolved against models in base contact.
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Thing about the mindshackle pimplord of doom though. He generally murders anything in the first turn so winning combat in that first turn is pretty important as otherwise hell turn your squad into swiss cheese ph34r.png

Yea, even if you sacrifice a sergeant, hopefully the rest of your unit can kill of his, so you win on combat resolution.

I've had Mephy beat down a 600+ pt unit of 10 lychguard with shields + lord of doom with scythe and mindshackles before: I charged in with meph, issued a challenge, lord accepted, I beat down the lord (luckily by passing my mindshackle test), then swept the unit. The necron player should have really refused the challenge then let the Lychguard cut me down.

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I have some issues against Necrons also. I usually play against the same player and he likes to bring Destroyers with a destroyer lord, deathmarks, and triarch preatorians. The destroyers give him jump infantry with good shooting, the deathmarks get to mark a unit and wound on 2s, and the preatorians are jump infantry with standard ap 2 weapons.


I have had limited success in the last game we played. The units i added that seemed to work well were 2 heavy bolter land speeders, a unit of 6 bikes with attack bike and death company.


The game was a mission from IA 12 that was not pure Necrons but I did have him hiding in cover away from the objectives.

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In my experience, Necrons have a hard time dealing with concentrated pressure. They tend to rely on picking their opponents part - drop pod play tends to counter this pretty hard.


When dropping in sternguard think of using combat squads. 4 combi flamers and a heavy flamer and 5 combi meltas/plasmas can give you a very strong alpha strike. You can just rapidfire the wraiths with poison rounds and use your combi flamers in overwatch when he charges. You should cripple that unit very effectively.


Multi-melta attack bikers will take care of their armour very effectively due to most of their weapons being medium range.


A fragioso can also wreck havoc with his 3 templates. His troops are very soft when focused right. Go after one unit at a time and finish them off. Denying repair protocols is paramount.

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 preatorians are jump infantry with standard ap 2 weapons.



The praetorians still only get 1A each base, so their damage output is limited. If they shoot their weapons in the shooting phase, they run the risk of leaving themselves out of charge range.#


Deathmarks are tough, when supported by a Veiltek with abyssal staff. An AP2 template that wounds on a 2+ and can deepstrike around is no fun.

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I haven't had to face the Veil unit in a Necron army yet, but I've been running a pair of drop pod Fragiosos to great success.  Usually one is kitted with Melta and Magna-grapple, and the other HF and Frag (to save points from second magna).  Only thing that stops me from completely removing a unit is when the drop pod scatters wide, or there are no actual infantry on the board to template on turn 1.


Also, Necrons have a horrible time with AV13 vehicles up close unless they brought one of 3 things--mass gauss, Triach Stalker, or Warscythes.  Since mass gauss is on infantry blocks, templates > infantry.  And unless the warscythe is a on an HQ with the 45pt invul save (making him roughly dreadnought points), then the Blood Fist will insta-gib his T5 before he gets to swing.


I see it a bit like artillery or anything else--You have to survive somewhat, take hits from the nastiness in the other guy's list.  But as long as you can find a weak spot, you can throw your good stuff at it and return the favor.

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In my experience, Necrons have a hard time dealing with concentrated pressure. They tend to rely on picking their opponents part - drop pod play tends to counter this pretty hard.


I have used drop pods and it usually gets me first blood but then they face concentrated Necron fire. Does anyone have any luck with a specific unit to drop pod in that will stay and not get blown off the board?

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In my experience, Necrons have a hard time dealing with concentrated pressure. They tend to rely on picking their opponents part - drop pod play tends to counter this pretty hard.


I have used drop pods and it usually gets me first blood but then they face concentrated Necron fire. Does anyone have any luck with a specific unit to drop pod in that will stay and not get blown off the board?

Any unit can be focused down.  Even 2+ fails 1/6th of the time.  Four units of thirty eight models, on the other hand makes your opponent sweat - just a wee bit.

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