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Potentially interesting rumors...


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Doing some quick browsing and came across this.



Mixed Marine & Daemon forces in one army, has some real potential to make fluffy and hopefully competitive builds.

I see Tzeentch and Nurgle getting a lot of benefit out of this, Slaanesh also to a less degree.

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Sounds like wishlisting to me, but it would certainly be cool, especially if they brought us cult terminators, and coincided with the release of new plastic cult unit and greater daemon models, as have been rumored to be in the works for ages.

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Unfortunately I do not think things like this would be too popular nor do I think it is going to happen. The CSM book for the last two editions has forced the "mixed armies" theme down our throats and then to release not one but four supplements that would go against that and force people to mono god it up is a bit. . . Odd. Not saying it wont happen, but I would bet against this one.


I do not think the popularity would be all to high as well, most people have armies set up where we mix and match stuff. If you ran the Khorne book for example you would have to cut out the models that do not gain any benefit from the Mark/Daemon of Khorne (Obliterators, Havocs, plus the three Cult units in the CSM book), you add that to the units that people already do not field on the regular (Mutilators, Warp Talons, Forgefiend, Defiler) , you literally cut the codex in half. For this reason I do not think a mono god themed book would be very popular.


I do however think any of the pure legions done would probably be far more popular in comparison, both rules wise and fluff reasons. Unfortunately for the same reasons I think that the god neutral legions would make better supplements as they are not as restrictive as the ones who worship a particular god (to be clear I would LOVE to see one for each). 

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It does depend how they go about it to a great extent.

If they add in stuff like elite cult units (Chosen, Terminators) that'd be cool.
If they add in extra rules to enhance the co-ordination between the armies:
- ie Daemons deep striking onto a CSM icon (return of teleport homer status) may assault the turn they arrive.
(note - just an example, I'm sure more balanced ideas could be thought up)
And so on...

I'm all for mono-god lists, provided they're done right.

One might assume that Nurgle would come first as it already has arguably the best units in both codices and would therefore be most likely to be popular.

It is an interesting rumour, but that's all it is. The fact that Faeit has refused to disclose the handle of the person leaking doesn't do the rumour any favours from a credibility standpoint.

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I actually think Slaanesh stands a good fighting chance in this edition as well as Nurgle. As for Khorn and Tzeentch, the books would have to have AMAZING rules for anyone (other than the collector) to do more than glance at it. I should note, this is far more reasonable to imagine with Khorn.. Tzeentch is so bad right now that it's hard to imagine a way to make a list worthwhile without some major changes.

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Depands how it would work . If  it would be something like all mark X units in a cult army can be taken as if the csm and demon dex were one , it would be awesome . Lots of people would want to play that . Tzeech would actualy be viable 0_o . But I doubt GW will make anything like that soon.

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